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Research and Innovation

Human research ethics

Ethics and integrity

Charles Darwin University’s human research ethics approval procedures are designed to ensure that all students and staff, as well as the institution, are meeting all obligations under the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) and any other relevant legislation, codes and guideline documents. Research projects and studies that involve human participants require ethics approval. Other activities involving people as participants and in some circumstances secondary data may require CDU-HREC approval. Please consult the NHMRC’s: Ethical Considerations in Quality Assurance and Evaluation Activities or contact the ethics team for advice.

NB: The 2023 National Statement is effective from 1 January 2024. From that date, the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (updated 2018) will be revoked and researchers submitting human research proposals for ethics review, ethics review bodies and those involved in research governance will be expected to apply the guidance in the 2023 National Statement.

Human Ethics Applications
Ethics and integrity

Human ethics applications

The Human Research Ethics Committee (CDU-HREC) within the Office of Research Innovation (ORI), Charles Darwin University, delivers and administers the framework for reviewing ethics applications and monitors on-going research projects involving human participants.

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Human ethics policies and legislation
Ethics and integrity

Human ethics policies and legislation

All research conducted with human participants must comply with ethical the relevant guidelines, policy and legislation.

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How to apply
Ethics and integrity

Forms and resources

To submit a proposal for ethical review by the CDU-HREC, download the electronic form within. There are also CDU-HREC checklists,  Guide to the Information Sheet & Informed Consent Form for Research Participants, as well as post approval requirements such as variation requests and reporting requirements for existing projects.

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