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Research and Innovation

Dr Ania Lian

Higher Degree by Research
Ania Lian

Dr Ania Lian is one of the senior staff in the International Graduate Centre of Education, College of Education.

Dr Lian coordinates the Master’s in Education (International) course and the development of Higher Degree Research supervision culture, which builds Higher Degree Research students’ capacity. Dr Lian also develops international links with South-East Asian countries, especially Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Dr Lian has a high international profile in the areas of Computer Assisted-Language Learning (CALL), student-centred second and foreign language pedagogies, and English literacy and academic writing.

Increasingly, her research includes projects investigating quality assurance in higher education curricula. In 2017 Ania was awarded a prestigious Australia Awards grant, linking Charles Darwin University with universities in Cambodia. The grant focuses on the skills, processes, and systems necessary for developing new academic courses with curricula based on international standards.

Dr Lian works with many PhD students. Her most recent CALL research includes a “reading for emotion” method that she developed to support students’ language and literacy skills. Her other innovation links neuroscience and CALL for providing a student-centred approach to academic writing.

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