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Environmental science at CDU

Research institutes and centres

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is a research-intensive university with outstanding performance and recognised excellence in Indigenous and tropical health, environmental science and public policy. Our research portfolio has a real-world impact, within and beyond our unique location in Northern Australia.

The majority of CDU's research is interdisciplinary and conducted across the below research centres. The CDU Institute of Advanced Studies coordinates units with researchers from CDU's faculties.

Research news

  • Savanna gliders were one of the most frequent users of the nestboxes monitored during the study.

    Tree hidey-holes key to helping slow declines of small mammals

    A decline of natural tree hollows is forcing arboreal mammal numbers to fall, according to a new study exploring why these species are disappearing in Northern Australia. 

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  • Charles Darwin University’s Dr Dylan Irvine has contributed to the development of the first ever global-scale groundwater temperature model.

    Global research warns climate change is increasing groundwater temperatures

    A world first global groundwater temperature model projects that shallow groundwater will warm on average by between 2.1 and 3.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. 

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  • The Charles Darwin University-led project will allow Australian and Chinese researchers to share research and industry knowledge.

    New project to enhance Australia-China agriculture and aquaculture

    Enhancing the quality of Australian seafood and initiatives to introducing new dragon fruit cropping technologies will be among the activities and knowledge exchanged between Australian and Chinese researchers in a new project led by Charles Darwin University.

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