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Emergency wardens beside felled tree

Safety and emergency

Health, Safety & Environment

In an emergency, call 000, then alert University Security on 1800 646 501 or on the SafeZone app.

Safezone app on a smartphone


A free app to help you stay safe at CDU.

Request help in real-time and receive important notifications during an emergency.

Learn more

Want to report an incident or raise a health and safety concern?

T: 08 8946 6494
Safety information for contractors and visitors
The University is a diverse environment of classrooms, offices, laboratories, and animal care facilities where many staff, students, contractors and visitors interact.


Contractors working at the University are to comply with the requirements of the Work Health & Safety Act, Regulations, relevant Codes of Practice and University policies unless otherwise agreed in writing. 


Visitors are welcome to the University; however, appropriate precautions and limitations on visitations are necessary to protect health, safety and environment to maintain productivity and regulatory compliance.

Please contact your host department for providing you with the specific safety instructions for local conditions, procedures and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

Health, Safety and Environment

Charles Darwin University has an obligation to provide safe environments and emergency response capability in the event of a critical incident, disaster, crisis or threat, in accordance with Work Health and Safety legislation. This extends to its staff, students and other persons working at, studying or visiting the University.

The University’s emergency management procedures aim to minimise disruption to those affected by an emergency at the University.

In addition to providing a safe environment, CDU is committed to being a good steward of our natural environment. We aim to become a recognised innovator in sustainability education, research and community engagement.

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