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Giving to CDU

Support Research

Scientist tests water -test

Research is CDU’s engine room.

Through our institutes and centres, in collaboration with national and international institutions, our researchers work to solve problems, advance knowledge and pursue innovation that improves people’s lives.

During the past 30 years, we have built world-renowned expertise in remote and rural health, tropical and desert knowledge, ecology and environmental science. As our region develops, our leadership in these areas will be increasingly important.

Donations can be made directly to research centres or a program of your choice.

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Rebecca Rodgers newsroom

Research institutes and centres

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is a research intensive university with outstanding performance and recognised excellence in Indigenous and tropical health, environmental science and public policy. Our research portfolio has a real world impact, within and beyond our unique location in Northern Australia.

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Contact us

The Alumni & Giving team are available to answer your questions around giving to CDU
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