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Current HDR students

PhD Milestones

Two Charles Darwin University (CDU) projects have received Australian Government funding as part of the Australian Government’s National Industry PhD program.


PhD milestone due dates (time after start date)

 Full time Part time 
Confirmation of Candidature (CoC)  
  • Part 1: The HDR Supervisor Charter & Epigeum - Research Integrity, Second Edition
3 months6 months
  • Part 2: Research Proposal and Oral Presentation* 
12 months24 months
Ethics Clearance Following CoC but prior to data collection - see our ethics pages for more informationFollowing CoC but prior to data collection - see our ethics pages for more information
Mid-Candidature Review*24 months 48 months
Final Year Review*36 months72 months 
Interim ReportIn any year where another milestone is not scheduled or completed. Or as requested. 1 months' notice provided.
*Please note that for Part 2 of the CoC, and for the Mid-Candidature and Final Year Review, forms and presentationsshould be completed at least a month prior to the due date to ensure an outcome by the due date. 
Note - if you are required to resubmit following a milestone, you will be given a new timeframe for that.

1st Year Milestone - Confirmation of Candidature

2nd Year Milestone - Mid Candidature Review

3rd Year Milestone - Final Year Review

Interim progress report

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