Research and Innovation events
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Applying for research grants & writing impact statements to secure funding
Did you know most research grant applications now require clear, concise non-jargon information about the social or economic value -- or potential value -- of the research you are proposing as part of their selection criteria? Find out the newest impact requirements for the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) and learn tips and tricks when communicating about research impact to strengthen grant applications of all kinds to secure funding.
Planning your PhD
A PhD can be overwhelming. There's so much to do and organise. How do you know if you're doing enough? Where do you start? This workshop helps students take control of their PhDs and finish on time.
Turbocharge your writing
Would you like to know the secret to high output, low-stress scholarly writing? In academia, it is often assumed that writing comes naturally. However, an overwhelming body of research shows that there are very clear and practical strategies that can greatly increase your writing productivity.
NVIVO basics
In this workshop participants will be introduced to the NVivo software program and learn the essential skills of setting up and starting a project.
The seven secrets of highly successful research students
This workshop describes the key habits that our research and experience with thousands of students shows will make a difference to how quickly and easily you complete your RHD.
NVIVO advanced
NVivo is designed to help you manage and analyse qualitative data. It allows you to keep your data files organised and to easily code text, sound and video files. NVivo can also help you create models to illustrate your findings.
Completion Masterclass
This workshop is designed to assist research students who are close to completion to focus their efforts, deal with specific obstacles, increase writing productivity and maintain momentum. It will also assist students in prioritising and planning their final months.