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Research and Innovation

Research Ethics and Integrity

Charles Darwin University places great value on the knowledge, expertise and integrity of its research students and staff and on their commitment to conduct research with high standards of integrity and ethics.

The University works to build a responsible research culture underpinned by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and based on respect for human research participants, animals and the environment.

Research Ethics

Human research ethics

The Charles Darwin University Human Research Ethics Committee (CDU-HREC) oversees all human research conducted under the auspices of Charles Darwin University.


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animal ethics

Animal ethics

CDU has a strong commitment to research excellence and integrity. Through our world-class teaching and research profile, we deliver a significant contribution to furthering animal welfare and conservation in Australia and internationally.

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research integrity

Research integrity

CDU operates in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

Explore research integrity, ethics and compliance at CDU.

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Defence trade controls

Defence Trade Controls concerns Researchers and Research Students who collaborate with people outside Australia on “dual-use” technologies - technologies designed for commercial or research use but with potential application for military use.

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