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Office of Research and Innovation

2022 CDU 3MT Competition

Higher Degree by Research
 Kat Tuite, winner of the 2019 CDU 3MT Competition
Kat Tuite, winner of the 2019 CDU 3MT Competition

The Three Minute Thesis  final will showcase CDU innovative PhD candidates who have 180 seconds to explain their research and why it is important.

With just three minutes to give a compelling presentation on their thesis topic and its significance, CDU's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) finalists have the difficult task of presenting their research in a language appropriate for a non-specialist audience.
See the finalists’ videos below.


2022 CDU Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Submissions


1. Angel Alberto Aguilar Morones (Faculty of Science and Technology)

Title: Development of proper recycling for e-waste plastics

2. Bronwyn Dann (Faculty of Arts and Society)

Title: Harvesting Moonlight: Visual Narratives of the Pearling Industry in the north of Australia and Beyond


3. Cedric Tan (Faculty of Science and Technology)

Title: Infected metals: exposing high chromium samples to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

4.Ery Setiawan (Menzies School of Health Research)

Title: Methods for valuing productivity losses due to illness in low-and-middle-income countries


5. Emily Bowden (Menzies School of Health Research)

Title: Respectful Maternity Care and the Association with Child Health

6. Caleb Ojo (Faculty of Science and Technology)

Title: Recovering Bromine from waste electronic plastic


7. Gehan Abdelghany (Faculty of Science and Technology)

Title: Agronomic Investigations of Australian Native Rice to Support Indigenous Enterprise Development

8. Kate Louise Puusepp(Faculty of Health)

Title:Implementing health behaviour changes interventions: mechanisms of fidelity


9. Naisan Yazdani (Faculty of Arts and Society)

Title: Private Tutoring in the Developing World

10. Kobi Schutz (Menzies School of Health Research)

Title: Improving the Management of Bronchiectasis


11. Lillyana Toushek (Faculty of Arts and Society)

Title: Stories of Winds and Seas: Seeing Mythology through Photography

12. Rachel Tumminello (Faculty of Health)

Title: Thinking about changing our cities

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