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Research and Innovation


CDU researcher and supervisor outdoors

Besides your thesis, you will also need to fulfil some other milestones.  These milestones are designed to help you complete your thesis and enhance your career.  

The HDR milestones are:

Confirmation of Candidature, including:
  • HDR Supervisory Charter
  • Research Integrity Training
Mid-Candidature Review    -    For PhD students only
Final Year Review 
Interim Progress report    -    For part-time students or as requested

Ethics Clearance:  If your research involves human research participants, animals, defence trade controls, or issues surrounding First Nations people, you will need to seek ethics clearance, after you have completed your confirmation of candidature.

For more information please visit: Human research ethics | Charles Darwin University ( or Animal ethics | Charles Darwin University ( 

You cannot earn your degree until you have fulfilled these milestones.  This webpage presents more information about each milestone.

Please read all the information below relevant to your candidature milestones at Charles Darwin University. For any enquiries regarding your milestones, please contact

Two Charles Darwin University (CDU) projects have received Australian Government funding as part of the Australian Government’s National Industry PhD program.

PhD Milestones

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Masters by Research Milestones

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Research tools

Outrider 23 - Backward mapping - YouTube by past DGS Tara Brabazon

How do we finish what we start? How do we complete a PhD in the minimum time? Today, we introduce a topic that delivers a powerful PhD to examiners in a predictable, rational and coherent fashion. And yes, we have a guest.

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