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Forms Accessed by Navigation Buttons in the Record Enrolments Form (ENRF3000)
Buttons in ENRF3000 invoke other screens or forms for the entry of additional student enrolment information. The table below lists all possible buttons and describes their purpose. Buttons appearing on ENRF3000 with bold text labels indicate that the entry of data in the forms they invoke is mandatory. Not all buttons are displayed on the ENRF3000 screens for a particular student. Dynamic Configuration of the Record Enrolments Form explains this feature. More information on the Enrolments subsystem is available in Understanding Enrolments.
More information about the Record Enrolments form can be found in Record Enrolments (ENRF3000). Information regarding the special features of ENRF3000, including features associated with these buttons is available in Record Enrolments.
Enrolment Step | Navigation Button label | Appears on Screen | Navigates to | Purpose |
ADDRESS | Addresses | Person Details |
Maintain Person Address Details form (ENRF3030) | To record and maintain the addresses of a student. |
ADVSTAND | Adv Standing | Student Course Attempt |
Create Advanced Standing Details form (ADVF4200) | To record and maintain details of Advanced Standing applications and outcomes. |
ALIASES | Aliases | Person Details |
Maintain Person Aliases form (ENRF3020) | To record and maintain other names by which a student is known. |
ALTERNATE | Alternate IDs | Person Details |
Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form (ENRF3010) | To record and maintain the Identification codes by which a student is known in other systems or by other institutions. |
AWARD-DTL | Award D'tls | SCA Graduation and Completion Details (INQF1220) | To enable the user to access details of a student’s Alternative Exit and Graduation details. | |
BANKDETAIL | Bank Details | Maintain Student Bank Account Details ENRF3400 | To record and maintain details for a student's bank account | |
BASIC-PERS | Person | Student Course Attempt Student Unit Attempt |
Person Details screen of ENRF3000 | To record and maintain personal details relating to a student. |
BASIC-UNIT | Units | Student Course Attempt | Student Unit Attempt screen of ENRF3000 | To enable individual enrolment in units to be modified. The Units button appears in the lower block of Student Course Attempts Summary screen. |
CHCK-RULES | Check Rules | Student Unit Attempt |
Initiates Rule checking on demand. | |
CHESSN | CHESSN | Person Details | Maintain Person CHESSN (ADMF32w0) | To record a CHESSN (Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number). |
CHGOPTION | Chg Option | Student Course Attempt |
Change Students Course Offering Option form (ENRF4110) | To process changes to the Course Offering options of individual students. |
CONCESSION | Concessions | Person Details | Maintain Person Concession Details | To record and maintain Concession details related to a student. |
CRS-ATTMPT | Course Attempts Course Attempt Course | Person Details Student Unit Attempt |
Student Course Attempt screen of ENRF3000 | To record and maintain details of a student's Course Attempts. To confirm enrolment in a course or courses. The Course button in the lower block of Student Course Attempts Summary enables individual courses to be modified. |
CRSENCUMB | Encumbrances | Student Course Attempt | Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form (ENRF6320) | To record and maintain encumbrances applied to a student. |
CRSNOTES | Notes | Student Course Attempt |
Maintain Student Course Attempt Notes (ENRF3080) | To record and maintain supplementary information in the form of notes, attached to the student's Course Attempts. |
DISABILITY | Disabilities | Person Details |
Maintain Person Disability Details form (ENRF3040) | To record and maintain the disabilities of a student. |
E-COE | E-COE. | Student Course Attempt |
Maintain Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment Number (ADMF32T0) | To record E-COE numbers for overseas students. |
HEALTHCARE | HealthProvider | Person Details |
Maintain Health Care Cover Details (ADMF32U0) | To record Healthcare Cover details for overseas students. |
INTERMIT | Intermission | Student Course Attempt |
Maintain Student Course Intermission form (ENRF4160) | To record and maintain details of the temporary suspension of students' courses. |
JOINT-DEGR | Joint Degree | Student Course Attempt | Maintain Joint Degree form (ENRF4310) | To record the course percentage owned by non-local institutions in a joint degree arrangment for a student. |
LOAD-VAR | Load Var | Student Course Attempt | Maintain SCA Load Variation Details form (ENRF3200) | To maintain details of a student's load variation for the current course attempt. |
P-ACTI | Activities | Person Details |
Student Activity Timetable Inquiry form (INQF1500) | To view activities for this person or Student Course Attempt. |
PARTICTN | Participation | Maintain Stdnt Unit Atmpt Participation (ENRF30B0) | To enable the creation and maintenance of Proof of Participation (POP) records against a Student Unit Attempt (SUA). | |
PERENCUMB | Encumbrances | Person Details |
Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form (ENRF6320) | To record and maintain encumbrances applied to a student. |
PERNOTES | Notes | Person Details |
Maintain Person Notes form (ENRF3070) | To record and maintain supplementary information in the form of notes attached to the student and/or their Unit Attempts. |
PE-SERVICE | Services | Person Details | Maintain Person Services (ENRF30C0) | To enquire on the Service choice details recorded by students via Connect. |
PRE-ENROL | Admin Dtl | Maintain Student Course Attempt Administration Details (ENRF5F00) | To display details of enrolment periods and dates related to enrolment and re-enrolment of a Course Attempt and to permit alteration of the Enrolment Category associated with a Course Attempt. | |
PRIOR-ED | Prior Ed'n | Maintain Person Prior Education (ENRF30A0) | This function enables the recording of a person's Prior Educational Achievements according to institution-defined Prior Education Types. | |
PRG-RULE | Progress Rules | Student Course Attempt |
Maintain Student Progression Rule Check (PRGF6600) | To allow a progression check to be performed for the Course Attempt |
RESEARCH | Candidature | Student Course Attempt |
Research Candidature Details form (RESF3211) | To record and maintain Candidature details relating to a student. |
SA-HELP | SA-HELP | Student Course Attempt | SA HELP Application (ENRF3240) | To record a SA HELP application for this student |
SCA-ACTI | Activities | Student Course Attempt | Student Activity Timetable Inquiry form (INQF1500) | To view activities for this person or Student Course Attempt. |
SCHSHP | Scholarships | Person Details | Person Scholarship (SCHF1200) | To view or maintain scholarships help by a student. |
SPCL-REQ | Spcl Rqrmnts | Student Course Attempt |
Record Special Requirements (ENRF4300) | To record and maintain details of a student's Special Requirements undertaken outside of the Course Attempt. |
STATISTICS | HE Statistics | Maintain Person Statistical Details (ENRF3060) | To record and maintain a student's details to cater for Government data elements. | |
STUDSTATUS | Stdnt Status | Student Course Attempt |
Record or Confirm Course Attempt Student Status (ENRF3110) | To record and maintain the Student Status of students. This button is enabled for both HE and VET sectors. |
SUA-ACTI | Activities | Student Course Attempt | Student Activity Timetable Inquiry form (INQF1500) | To view activities for this person or Student Course Attempt. |
PE-TRPLN | Training Plan | Person Details |
Person Training Plan List (ENRW6450) | To view the Person Training Plans for the student or Student Course Attempt. (VET) |
TRANSFER | Transfer | Student Course Attempt | Process Course Transfer (ENRF4150) | To effect a transfer between Student Course Attempts. |
UNT-ATTMPT | Unit Attempt | Person Details |
Student Unit Attempt screen of ENRF3000 | To record and maintain details of a student's Unit Attempts. To confirm Enrolment in units. |
UNITNOTES | Notes | Student Unit Attempt | Maintain Student Unit Attempt Notes (ENRF3081) | To record and maintain supplementary information in the form of notes attached to the student and their Unit Attempts. |
UNIT-SETS | Unit Sets | Student Course Attempt |
Maintain Student Unit Set Attempt form (ENRF3252) | To record and maintain details of a student's Unit Set Attempts. |
USI | USI | Maintain Student Unit Set Attempt form (ADMW3350) | To request or verify a student's USI | |
VETSTAT | VET Statistics | Maintain VET Person Statistics (ENRF3090) | The purpose of this process is to record and maintain VET personal details for Government statistics (TAFE). | |
VISA | Visa | Person Details | Maintain Person International Details form (ENRF3050) | To record and maintain details specific to overseas students, for example, Visa details. |
WV_UNIT_RULE | Wve Unit Rule | Student Unit Attempt | Waive Unit Enrolment Rule (ENRF4180) | To waive individual Unit Enrolment Rules. |
WV_CRS_RULE | Wve Crs Rule | Student Unit Attempt | Waive Course Enrolment Rule (ENRF4170) | To waive individual Course Enrolment Rules. Note that ENRF4170 is only accessible from ENRF3000 if a Student Unit Attempt already exists in that form. To access ENRF4170 when no unit attempt is present, it is necessary to go to that form via the menu and query for the context Student Course Attempt. |
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | & | 2312 - Deakin Student Bank Account | Added the Bank Details Step. | & | 2062 - USI | Added the USI Enrolment Step. |,,, 15.1 | 1845 - Compliance - 2013 Reporting | Added the JOINT-DGRE Enrolment Step |,14.0.2,15.0 | 1834 - Service and Amenity Fee | Added the SA-HELP Enrolment Step | | 1408 - PC63 | No change. Separated some items to appear separately in list. | | 1400 - Calipso 28759 | Updated link to Callista logo in Header, deleted the additional Statistics row, & several spelling fixes | | 1617 - VU-SV Fee-Help | Updated STUDSTATUS description and relocated it in table. |
12.0 | 1540 - VU Fees | Added Concessions button and sorted order of items. |
11.1 | 1448 - ESOS | Added Load Var button to table | | 1450 - Attend Enhancements | Added P-ACTI, SCA-ACTI and SUA-ACTI | | 1355 - Rules | Added WV_UNIT_RLE, WV_CRS_RULE and CHECK RULES | | 1437 - Scholarship Management Part 2 | Added SCHOLARSHIP | | 1416 - Apprentice Management | Added TRAINING PLAN . |