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ENRF4150 - Process Course Transfer
Purpose | To transfer a student between courses. | |
Subsystem | Enrolments | |
Normally Run By | Enrolment Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Student Course Attempt - FROM |
Student Course Attempt - TO | ||
Buttons | Transfer E-COE (overlay) | |
Transfer Candidature (overlay) | ||
Transfer Adv Standing (overlay) | ||
Unit Details (overlay) | ||
Unit Set Details (overlay) | ||
Transfer Course (overlay) |
Note: An overview of the Transfer process is given in the documentation discussing the management of existing enrolments. This form is used where a student with a current or previous enrolment at the institution has requested or is required to transfer between courses. Initial entry to the new course may entail an application through the Admissions subsystem, or may be administered as an enrolment directly through the current form. For any particular Destination Course in a transfer, the method of entry is determined by the institution. In either case, this form is used to automate the Transfer process itself, and to query existing transfers. It is entered in context from the Student Course Attempt screen of ENRF3000. A Destination Course Attempt will already exist if the course has been offered via the Direct Admissions form, ADMF3240 (ADMF3000), and the student has been pre-enrolled in it. See documentation on Course Transfer through Admissions for more details. A Destination Course will also exist if the current transfer is a reversal of a previous transfer or if the student has had a prior enrolment that was discontinued.
Course Groups for TransferTransfers can only take place where both the original (FROM) and destination (TO) Courses are members of the same Course Group and the group is of a type designated for transfers. Transfer Course Groups are set up in form CRSF11D0, and must have Types (set up in CRSF1180) that distinguish between 'Admissions' and 'Enrolments' transfers. Some conditions apply to transfer:
Special Note: There may be a requirement to transfer from Course A to Course B and then back to Course A. If this happens to units in the same year, the normal procedure can be followed. However, if Course B was in a previous year, and transferring back to Course A is in the present year, the following procedure must be followed. The transfer back to Course A will only work successfully when units or unit sets are inserted AFTER the transfer has been completed. Stages in a TransferTransfer in this form is a three stage process, requiring:
Once the transfer is made the system automatically discontinues the Course Attempt from which the student has been transferred.
AccessAccess to the form is governed by whether transfer is a valid Enrolment Procedure Step for the Enrolment session in effect and whether the user has the security privileges to perform that step. For more information, refer to Enrolment Sessions, and Controlling Access to Enrolment Functions. Where access is permitted, a Transfer button is provided for appropriate Course Attempts in the Student Course Attempt screen of ENRF3000. For example, Course A500 Graduate Diploma in Administration is offered in 2003. A student has the following recorded against their Course Attempt in the course:
In 2004 the university introduces a new Master’s Degree, A600 Master of Administration. The student applies to transfer to A600, carrying all units with Pass grades into the new course. These units are selected as part of the transfer process. After the process is complete, Course A500 will have a status of discontinued and the student will have the following recorded against Course A600:
Advanced Standing This form can optionally transfer existing Advanced Standing details including:
Enrolment Steps When a course transfer occurs via ENRF4150, enrolment steps are transferred as per their status with the old course, i.e. the completed steps will be transferred as completed. If the steps have already been created via admission to the new course, then the steps won’t be transferred by this function. |
The Student Course Attempt - FROM block contains:
The Student Course Attempt - TO block contains:
Rules/Notes: |
The documentation below is divided into the following sections: |
The context course appearing in the block has been selected in ENRF3000, and is the Course Attempt from which the student is to be transferred. No queries can be made in the block. |
Rules/Notes: Transfer is potentially available if the FROM Course Attempt has a status of ENROLLED, DISCONTIN, INACTIVE, INTERMIT, COMPLETED or LAPSED. |
Steps In A Transfer (TO block)
Rules/Notes: Admissions Course Transfers can only be made between members of a Course Group with a type equivalent to the System Course Group Type ADMTRANSFR. A lamp displays if the TO Course has come from Admissions. Enrolments Course Transfers can only be made between members of a group with a type equivalent to the System Course Group Type TRANSFER. If a student has an Encumbrance revoking or suspending all services or excluding them from the intended Destination Course, a transfer cannot be made. A warning is given if a debt exists at student level, or for the specific FROM Course. Transfer is not prevented. (A 'To Do entry' is created for Fee Re-Assessment in the Student Finance Subsystem.) If the Originating Course has the Generic Course check box set in form CRSF1210, the Commencement Date for the Destination Course is inherited from the Originating Course. The default value of the Commencement Date is derived from:
Commencement Date validations are that:
WARNING. Enrolled units not transferred at the time of Course Transfer are automatically discontinued. A lamp indicates the result of a transfer in the main block of this form and in ENRF3000. A message asks for confirmation before the save is performed. Possible statuses to which the Destination Course Attempt can be set are ENROLLED, INTERMIT, INACTIVE. A unit cannot be transferred if it is part of a sub-unit relationship which is not available to the new course attempt. VET-sector institutions:
If, when the From Course attempt is discontinued, the discontinuation date is prior to the Commencement Date for that course attempt, then a warning will display to indicate this. If the Funding Source of the transferred FROM course is mapped to a 'State level Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority' code of LSG, PSG or SSG, and it is the same Government Industry code as that for the transferred TO course, then this code is included in the transfer. The Replacement Course Indicator field will be set to ‘N’ on the transfer ‘to’ course, regardless of the value in the ‘from’ course. |
The Transfer E-COE button is only active if:
When an E-COE Code is transferred from the old course to the new course the old course E-COE record will be deleted as part of the transfer. |
The Transfer Adv Standings button allows elements of Granted, Approved and Assessing Advanced Standing Unit and Unit Levels to be transferred to a new course attempt. The Transfer Adv Standings navigation button will navigate the operator to the Create Advanced Standing form (ADVF4200). When navigating to ADVF4200 an Advanced Standing record for the To course will be posted and the details of the From Courses Granted, Approved and Assessing Advanced Standing will be assigned to the To Course Advanced Standing record. The record is not committed at this stage. If the system-wide Not Transferable indictor is set, the Navigation button will not be active. At this point validations will be triggered to ensure that the Transferred Advanced Standing Units are not Enrolled or Completed against the To course Attempt.
The form will navigate in context of the To Course Attempt. Details of the Unit and Unit Levels Advanced Standing to be transferred between the From and To courses may be amended. Once the details of the Advanced Standing are edited in the appropriate manner, the operator will be able to exit ADVF4200. On Exiting ADVF4200 the Operator will be returned to ENRF4150 to perform the Course Transfer. Transferred details include:
Rules/Notes: Transferring Advanced Standings: To activate the Transfer Adv Standings button, the Advanced Standing details need to be entered and saved in ADVF4200. The transfer of Advanced Standing details will occur under two circumstances:
If a VET Course is selected, the following message is displayed when you click on Transfer Adv Standing button:
Use the Unit Details button to access the Student Unit Attempt block. All units in the Originating Course are displayed. (Those units which also exist in the transfer TO Course are marked with a red asterisk.) Units can be transferred if they have a status of ENROLLED or COMPLETED, or have a DISCONTIN status with a result of FAIL. If a SUA is not selected for transfer it is automatically discontinued during the transfer process. However, if such a SUA has an unfinalised Outcome assigned, a warning message is displayed giving the user the option of either continuing with the discontinuation of the SUA and proceeding with the SCA transfer, or not proceeding with the discontinuation of the SUA and thereby cancelling the transfer of the SCA and all selected SUAs. Transfer
check boxes Separate
Transfer? If transferring course and units in one operation, saving in this block is disallowed. |
Rules/Notes: Transfer effects on Unit status's:
It may not be possible to Transfer Units if:
HINT! Regarding Class Allocations:
Rule Waivers: Rule waivers that existed for enrolled Unit Attempts in the original course will be recreated for the Unit Attempts when they are transferred to the destination course - Note: The transfer of waivers does not occur with waived Course Unit Enrolment Credit Point Restrictions rules and Course Unit Enrolment Restrictions rules. After the course transfer has been completed, a message detailing all course and unit rule waivers not transferred is displayed. This message includes the Person ID, Person Name and Course Code, and for each rule waiver not transferred the Unit Code (where applicable), Rule Description and the Rule Text are also included. |
Use the Unit Set Details button to access the Student Unit Set Attempt block. All Unit Sets in the Originating Course are displayed. Transfer
check boxes All other data in this block, including that in the Unit Set Hierarchy overlay box, is for information only. Separate
Transfer? If Transferring Course and Unit Sets in one operation, saving in this block is disallowed. |
Rules/Notes: Unit Sets in the originatingcCourse remain ACTIVE upon transfer. They could be voluntarily ended, however it is recommended that they be left as ACTIVE, particularly where the Unit Set formed part of an Admission Offer, this will not affect other functionality. If, in ENRF01G0, the System Default Discontinuation Reason Code for Reason Type TRANSFER has the Auto End Date Unit Sets check box selected, then a student's Unit Set Attempts for a course will be end dated when they transfer out of that course. |
It is possible to 'Transfer On' so that a TO Course Attempt becomes a FROM Attempt for the next transfer, or to transfer from the same course more than once. Several options are available. For example:
Rules/Notes: A transfer cannot be effected a second time from the same course while the previous Destination Course has a status of ENROLLED, INACTIVE, INTERMIT or LAPSED. Units with a status of DUPLICATE from a previous transfer remain as DUPLICATE on further transfer. Other statuses follow the pattern given in Transferring Units. |
Last modified on: 20-Feb-2018 5:07 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2225 - VU HESG | Added note for Replacement Course Indicator. | | 1871 - Precedents - Part 2 | Added note in the Advanced Standing section re: Precedent data also being included in the transfer. | - 13.1 | 1408 - PC96 (Calipso 22808) | Added note in the Transferring Units section about SUAs not selected for transfer with unfinalised assigned Outcomes. | | 1400 - Calipso 28759 | Updated link to Callista logo in Header |
12.1 | 1636 - Callista Wiki | Merged VET help file content into this page | | 1647 - AVETMISS | Added note about transferring the Govt Industry Code of the transferred (FROM) course re: VET sector SCAs. |
12.0 | 1454 - Unit Set Enhancements | Added note in Transferring Unit Sets section. |
12.0 | 1459 - Updates Prior to Course Commencement | Added note about the warning that is displayed when the Discontinued date for the From Course attempt is prior to the Course Commencement date fro the course attempt. | | 1408 - PC 87 | Added paragraph re Transfer of enroment steps | | 1355 - Rules | Added note about Rule Waivers in the Transferring Units section | | 1460 - ESOS Compliance 2008 -Part 1 | Added new note in Transferring E-COE Details section | | 1344 - Advanced Standing Option 2 | Added Advanced Standing information in Introduction | | 1351 -Course Transfer and Class Allocations | Added details about the transfer of class allocations with units. | | 0950 - DIISRTE Extracts | VET info added |
C14310 | the following added here and in ADMINTR3, - Special Note: There may be a requirement to transfer from Course A to Course B and then back to Course A. If this happens to units in the same year, the normal procedure can be followed. However, if Course B was in a previous year, and transferring back to Course A is in the present year, the following procedure must be followed. The transfer back to Course A will only work successfully when units or unit sets are inserted AFTER the transfer is completed |