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This page is used to evaluate and approve Potential Graduands' eligibility to graduate by evaluating course details and course requirements for each, and assigning an Evaluation Outcome Status to their enrolled Course and Unit Sets.
Evaluation is performed manually for selected individuals (as described in this page), or alternatively can be completed automatically in bulk for multiple records (see the 'Evaluate Batch of Potential Graduands' page).
Eligibility to graduate can be determined by assessing minimum Credit Points and/or Course Completion Rules; which can also be specified in the parameters of the GRDJ5700 job (a prerequisite for GRDW5300).
The Find Potential Graduands page is populated with 'Potential Graduands' identified by the GRDJ5700 job according to the specified parameters, for example, the job can be run with or without Rules or with Predictive mode set.
If the job is run in Predictive mode, it picks up all enrolled SUAs with a final result recorded, plus those with an INCOMPLETE status based on the assumption that they will be successfully completed. 'Incomplete' SUAs are listed on the Find Potential Graduands page with a Assessment Outcome Status of PRED-PASS. (For more information, see step 4 of To Evaluate a Potential Graduand, below).
To evaluate Potential Graduands online, staff ('Evaluators') must have the appropriate Security Role that allows them to access the GRDW5300 page. They must also be a member of a Business Activity Process (BAP) (see GENF4920) defined by the institution for the purpose of evaluating and approving graduation eligibility in GRW5300. For example, a BAP with a System Type of GRAD-EVAL. (See the Reference Data Set-Up section, below.)
Institutions can indicate via GRDJ5700 which Evaluators will evaluate which Potential Graduands (for example, by selecting the Organisational Units to which the Evaluators belong). This results in a BAP Type being recorded. The BAP Type can be a Org. Unit, Course Offering Option or Course version. Evaluators will only see Potential Graduand records on the Find Potential Graduands page that belong to the Org. Unit(s) to which they have BAP access.
The process described on this page to evaluate Potential Graduands is referred to as the 'Online Eligibility to Graduate' process. It is equivalent and alternative to running the GRDJ6200 job in SMS Forms that automatically approves Potential Graduands (but excludes Graduation Evaluation Types (GETs)).
This page is accessed from the main menu.
Page navigation from the Find Potential Graduands page to the 'Evaluate Potential Graduand' and 'Evaluate Batch of Potential Graduands' pages and related pages, is shown below.
Figure 1: Page navigation
The Find Potential Graduands page displays a list of all Potential Graduands who have been identified by the GRDJ5700 job as potentially eligible to graduate. These are Potential Graduand records with a Rule and/or Credit Point Outcome Status of PASS, NOT-ASSESS or PRED-PASS; depending on the parameters specified when running the GRDJ5700 job.
Note: Records identified by the GRDJ5700 job will also have an 'Evaluation Outcome Status' of NOT-EVAL (see GRDF5200) - displayed in the Status field on the Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome pop-up page. (For more information, see the Evaluate Potential Graduand Page section, below.)
Details displayed on the Find Potential Graduands page are not updated by actions subsequently performed by Evaluators in GRDW5300. This page only displays data retrieved by the GRDJ5700 job. The GRDJ5700 job may be re-run at any time to pick up new data. If the job is re-run the details displayed on the Find Potential Graduands page are overwritten.
From this page you can:
Note: Evaluators will only see Potential Graduand records that belong to the Org Unit(s) to which they have BAP access. (For more information, see GENF4920 and GRDW4890, and the Related Pages and Reference Data Set-Up sections, below.)
The following table describes each field on the Find Potential Graduands page, including applicable Table values.
Note: For instructions on how to search for records on this page, see the Working with Callista Lists Help page.
Field: | Description: | |
Person ID | Person ID of the Potential
Person Name | Name of the Potential Graduand. PERSON_DISPLAY_V.CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Course Code | Code of the course being undertaken by the Potential Graduand. PTNL_GRADUAND.COURSE_CD |
Course Title | Short title of the course being undertaken by the Potential Graduand (recorded in CRSF1210). COURSE_VERSION.SHORT_TITLE |
Org Unit | Description of the Owning Org. Unit
of the course being undertaken by the Potential Graduand (recorded in CRSF1210). ORG_UNIT.DESCRIPTION |
Graduation Period | Description of the Graduation Period. CAL_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Rule Outcome | Rules Assessment Outcome Status, as determined by the Rules parameters specified when running the GRDJ5700 job. Indicates whether Course Completion Rules were passed. Can be:
Records with an Outcome status of PRED-PASS can be only given an Evaluation Outcome Status of APPR-COND. PTNL_GRADUAND.RULES_PASSED_STS |
Credit Point Outcome | Credit Point Range Assessment Outcome Status, as determined by the Credit Points parameters specified when running the GRDJ5700 job. Indicates whether the Potential Graduand passed the required number of Credit Points to complete their course. Can be:
Records with an Outcome status of PRED-PASS can be only given an Evaluation Outcome Status of APPR-COND. PTNL_GRADUAND.CP_PASSED_STS |
Course Outcome Status | The Potential Graduand Evaluation Status for the the Student Course Attempt. These are defined in GRDF5200 and map to system values of APPR-COND, APPROVED, NOT-EVAL, PENDING or REJECTED. PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_INSTANCE.PTNL_GRADUAND_OUTCOME_STATUS |
GETs Outcome | Indicates the assessment status of the potential graduand's GETs and can have a value of NOT-ASSESSED or ASSESSED. Derived by the GRDP_GETGRD_GET_OUTCOME function. |
This page is used to evaluate one or more Potential Graduands and, if possible, approve their eligibility by setting the Evaluation Outcome Status to ACCEPTED or APPR-COND (in the Status field located on the Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome page).
Note: Potential Graduands are eligible for graduation if they have satisfied all requirements of their enrolled course.
The Evaluate Potential Graduand page is accessed via the Evaluate Individually icon on the Find Potential Graduands page for one or more selected Potential Graduands.
The page is divided into three sections:
For information about each field, see Field Descriptions, below.
Note: The interface on this page can be configured by the institution.
The evaluation of individual Potential Graduands involves the following steps. These steps are a guide only as the process of approving Potential Graduands (including BAPs and Workflow) is determined by the institution according to its specific requirements.
Figure 2: Evaluate Potential Graduand Steps
Note: The process used in GRDW5300 to evaluate a Potential Graduate does not automatically flag the Student Course (or Unit Set) Attempt as complete - this is done by subsequently running the GRDJ5600 job. For more information, see Related Pages, below.
a). From the Find Potential Graduands page find and select the Graduands that you want to evaluate, then click the Evaluate Individually icon.
Note: Alternatively, click the Evaluate Batch icon to evaluate a batch of Potential Graduands and assign Evaluation Outcome Statuses to records as a bulk update. See Evaluate Batch of Potential Graduands.
b). If you have selected more than one Potential Graduand to evaluate, use the First, Prev, Next and Last buttons located at the bottom of the page to move successively through the Evaluate Potential Graduand pages for each Potential Graduand.
Evaluate the Potential Graduand's eligibility to graduate by viewing their Course, Unit Set(s) and other details in the Other Details section of the page.
3. Run Course Completion Rules Check
a). To determine if the Potential Graduand has satisfied all course requirements, the SCA can be tested against existing Course Completion Rules by running the Completion Rules check to determine if the associated Completion Rules are satisfied. For example, 'must pass 8 credit points', or 'must pass all units in {Unit Set Code}'. The Course Completion Rule check can be run for the Potential Graduand's Course Version(s), Unit Set(s), Course Stage(s) and Alternative Exit(s).
Note: An 'Alternative Exit' is an additional course version created in PRGF4170 from which the Potential Graduand may be able to exit their enrolled course.
b). To run the Run Completion Rules function (that is used to run the Completion Rule check), firstly open the 'Course Completion' pop-up page (PRGW9030) via the Course Completion icon located on:
c). On the Course Completion pop-up page, you can run the Completion Rules check either:
Note: If the Completion Rule fails you cannot approve the Potential Graduand's eligibility and would set the Evaluation Outcome Status to Rejected (step 4, below).
An Evaluation Outcome Status is recorded for the enrolled Course(s) and all Unit Sets, and a Response added to GETs.
a). Select the required record under the respective Course Outcomes or Unit Set Outcomes tab, then click the Evaluate icon. The Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome pop-up page is displayed.
b). Enter an Evaluation Outcome Status in the Status field to indicate whether or not the Potential Graduand is eligible for graduation. For example, to approve the Graduand's eligibility, select a status that is mapped to the System Status of APPROVED (see GRDF5200).
The Evaluation Outcome Status is based on the Evaluator's assessment of the Potential Graduand's details (see step 2, above) and whether or not they have satisfied all course requirements, including passing Completion Rule checks (see step 3, above).
Note: Evaluation Outcome Statuses are set up on the Maintain Potential Graduand Outcome Status (GRDF5200) form.
Note: If the GRDJ5700 job was run in Predictive mode for Credit Points and/or Rules, and the Potential Graduand has incomplete Unit Attempts; the Rule and/or Credit Point Outcome Statuses displayed on the Find Potential Graduands page for the Potential Graduand's record is PRED-PASS. |
c). If the selected Evaluation Outcome Status is mapped to the System Status of APPR-COND, then add a Condition to the Potential Graduand's enrolled Units (see step 5, below). The Evaluation Outcome Status will remain unchanged as APPR-COND. These Potential Graduand records will be picked up by the 'Potential Graduand Automated Approval (GRDJ6200) job which sets the Course Completion Indicator for each Unit Attempt to 'Y' if the student has successfully passed the Unit.
d). If required, add a Reason to the selected Evaluation Outcome Status. Click on the Reason radio button to view the Reason associated with the Evaluation Outcome Status, or enter a free text Reason.
A Reason is displayed only if a Reason Code and text exists for the Evaluation Outcome Status in GRDF5200.
e). If required, enter a comment in the Comments area.
f). For GETs, open the Graduation Evaluation Types tab to view GETs for the Potential Graduand.
If the Potential Graduand is eligible for a higher award, click on the Evaluate icon to add a Response.
Note: GETs are defined in GRDF5100 and Response values and Input fields are customised there to display in GRDW5300 as a pop-list, checkbox, indicator or text field, as required. They can also be defined to appear for either Courses or Org. Units.
a). If you selected an Outcome Evaluation Status that is mapped to the System Status of APPR-COND (see step 4c). above), then you must add a Condition to each enrolled unit that the Potential Graduand has not yet completed but is required to pass to complete their course (or unit set). The units are subsequently flagged and considered by the 'Potential Graduand Automatic Approval' job (GRDJ6200).
A Condition can be added by clicking the Apply to All Units or Apply/Clear by Unit button located on the Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome pop-up page. These buttons are only displayed if the status in the Status field is mapped to a System Status of APPR-COND.
To apply a Condition:
b). A PTNL_GRDND_CONDITION record is created for each selected Unit Attempt(s) to which the Condition was added. The records are saved in the Potential Graduand Condition entity so that they are picked up by the 'Potential Graduand Automatic Approval' job (GRDJ6200) (i.e. if the Approved with Conditions check box is selected in GRDJ6200 then the conditions are assessed and if satisfied, the graduand is set to ‘Approved’).
The following tables describe each field in the different sections of the Evaluate Potential Graduand page for an individual Potential Graduand, including applicable table values. There are three main sections on the Evaluate Potential Graduand page (as described below):
This section is located at the top of the page and displays the context Potential Graduand's personal details, and graduation and course details.
Field Name: | Description: | |
Person ID | The Person ID of the Potential
Name | The name of the Potential Graduand. PERSON_DISPLAY_V.GIVEN_NAMES |
Date of Birth | The Potential Graduand's date of birth. PERSON_DISPLAY_V.BIRTH_DT |
Gender | Gender of Potential Graduand. PERSON_DISPLAY_V.SEX |
Graduation Period | Description of the Graduation Round for the Potential Graduand. Graduation Ceremony Rounds are set up in the Maintain Graduation Ceremony form (GRDF2100). PTNL_GRADUAND.CAL_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Graduation Start and End Dates | The Graduation period (start and end dates). See GRDF2100. PTNL_GRADUAND.CAL_TYPE |
Course Version | Course code, version number and short title of the course being attempted by the Potential Graduand. STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.COURSE_CD || ‘.’ || STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.VERSION_NUMBER|| -||COURSE_VERSION.SHORT TITLE |
Academic Standing | Current Progression status for the Course Attempt. STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.PROGRESSION_STATUS |
This is the middle section of the Evaluate Potential Graduand page. It is used to approve Course(s) and Unit Set(s), add a Condition to selected Units, and add Responses to GETs (if the Potential Graduand is eligible for a higher award).
This section contains the following tabs:
From this tab you can set the Evaluation Outcome Status for a Potential Graduand, run the Course Completion Rules check, and if required, add Conditions to incomplete Units. See To Evaluate a Potential Graduand, above.
The following icons are available on this tab:
Field: | Description: | |
Context | The Organisation Unit if the Business Activity Type is OU, otherwise the Business Activity Description. ORG_UNIT.DESCRIPTION or S_BUSINESS_ACTIVITY_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Outcome Status | A description of the Evaluation Outcome Status (created in GRDF5200). This is the Evaluation Outcome Status that is entered in the Status field located on the 'Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome' pop-up page (see Status, below). PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS .DESCRIPTION |
Approver Name | Name of the Evaluator/Approver who entered the Evaluation Outcome status for the Course. PERSON_DISPLAY_V .CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Approval Date | Date when the Potential Graduand's eligibility was approved by the Evaluator ('Approver'). This is the date a Status that is mapped to the System Status of APPROVED, was entered in the Status field located on the 'Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome' pop-up page. PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_INST.OUTCOME_DT |
This pop-up page allows the user to approve a Potential Graduand's eligibility for graduation by selecting an Evaluation Outcome Status.
This pop-up page is accessed via the Evaluate icon on the:
The context Potential Graduand details are shown at the top of the page.
If the record has already been approved, an Approver Details section is included on the page.
Field: | Description: |
Context Potential Graduand Details section | Displays details of the context Potential Graduand record. |
Approver Details section | Approval History section. Only displayed if the Potential Graduand record has already been approved. |
Approver ID | The Person ID number of the Approver. PTNL_GRDND.PERSON_ID |
Approver Name | The Approver's name. PERSON_DISPLAY_V.CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Approval Date | The date the record was approved by the Approver. PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.OUTCOME_DT or PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_STS.OUTCOME_DT |
Approval Reason | The Approval Reason that was selected by the Approver. Only displayed for an Evaluation Outcome Status with Free Reason Text check box selected in GRDF5200. PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.FREE_REASON_TEXT (if specified in GRDF5200), or or PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS_REASON.REASON_TEXT |
Unit Set Code | The Unit Set Code that was approved. PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.UNIT_SET_CD |
Status | The Evaluation Outcome Status for the Potential Graduand. This is the status that is entered in the Status field located on the 'Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome' pop-up page. PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_STS.PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS or PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS |
Reason | Hard coded single option radio button. This button is only displayed for an Evaluation Outcome Status (selected in the Status field, above) that has the Free Reason Text check box selected in GRDF5200. Optional. The Reason associated with a selected Evaluation Outcome Status can be selected from a list of associated pre-defined codes, or if allowed, the Evaluator can enter free text instead (see below). |
Free text field with Reason Text value if recorded for the status in GRDF5200. Optional. PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_STS.FREE_REASON_TEXT or PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.FREE_REASON_TEXT |
Comments | Text field available for recording comments regarding the evaluation of the Potential Graduand. For Unit Sets, this field is displayed for each Unit Set listed on the pop-up page (these are Unit Sets that had been selected under the Unit Set Outcomes tab). PTNL_GRDND_CRS_OUTCOME_STS.PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS.COMMENTS or PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_STS.PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS.COMMENTS |
General Comments | A Text field that is only displayed when multiple Unit Set records were selected (under the Unit Set Outcomes tab). This field is displayed at the bottom of the pop-up page and is used to record a comment that applies to all Unit Sets that are displayed on the pop-up page. |
This pop-up page is used to apply a Condition to selected enrolled Units.
It is accessed via the Apply/Clear by Unit button located on the Evaluate Potential Graduands Outcome page. This button and the Apply to All Units button are only available when the Status in the status field on this page is set to APPR-COND. (For more information and instructions, see Step 5 in the 'To Evaluate a Potential Graduand' section, above.)
Field: | Description: |
Unit Title | The Short Title of the Unit. UNIT_VERSION.SHORT_TITLE |
Period | Teaching Period instance in which this unit is taught SUA_INQ_V.ALT_ACAD_PERD |
Location | Location of the Student Unit Attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.LOCATION_CD |
Status | Student Unit Attempt Status. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS |
Mark | Mark for unit SUA_INQ_V.MARK |
Grade | Result grade for unit SUA_INQ_V.GRADE |
Achvbl CP | Achievable Credit Points Value derived by INQP_GET_SUA_ACHVD |
From this tab you can set the Evaluation Outcome Status for a Potential Graduand, run the Course Completion Rules check, and if required, add Conditions to incomplete Units. See To Evaluate a Potential Graduand, above.
The following icons are available on this tab:
Field | Description: | |
Unit Set Title | Name of the Unit Set. UNIT_SET.TITLE |
Rule Outcome | Displays the Unit Set Rules Assessment Outcome status as determined by the Unit Set Completion Rule parameter when running the GRDJ5700 job. Indicates whether Unit Set Completion Rules were passed. Can be:
Outcome Status | Description of the Evaluation Outcome Status, as defined in GRDF5200. This is the description of the Status entered by an Evaluator (i.e. 'Approver'). Note: An Evaluation Outcome Status is entered in the Status field located on the 'Evaluate Potential Graduand Outcome' pop-up page for the Potential Graduand. PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS.DESCRIPTION |
Approver Name | Name of the Evaluator ('Approver'). PERSON_DISPLAY_V.CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Approval Date | Date when the Unit Set was approved by the Evaluator ('Approver'). PTNL_GRDND_US_OUTCOME_INST.OUTCOME_DT |
This tab displays GETs for the Potential Graduand. From this tab (via the Evaluate icon) you can approve a selected GET if the Potential Graduand is eligible for a higher award, by adding a Response to the GET. (For more information, see To Evaluate a Potential Graduand, above.)
GETs are defined in GRDF5100 and are used to qualify Potential Graduands eligibility for higher awards.
This tab is only displayed if there are existing associated GETs.
Field: | Description: | |
GET Type | Type of Graduation Evaluation Type. (Defined in GRDF5100.) PTNL_GRDND_GET_INSTANCE.PTNL_GRDND_EVAL_TYPE |
Description | Description of the Graduation Evaluation Type, as recorded in GRDF5100. PTNL_GRDN_EVAL_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Response | Response Code, as recorded in GRDF5100. PTNL_GRDND_GET_INSTANCE.PGETR_RESPONSE_CD Tool Tip text is the Response Text recorded in GRDF5100. |
Decision By | Name of the Evaluator ('Approver'). PERSON_DISPLAY_V.CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Decision Date | Date when a Response was added to the GET. PTNL_GRDND_GET_INSTANCE.DECISION_DT |
Comments: | Text box. Used to record any important information about the Potential Graduand's eligibility. PTNL_GRADUAND.COMMENT |
This section is located at the bottom of the Evaluate Potential Graduand page and is used to view detailed information about the Potential Graduand in order to assist the Evaluator make a decision regarding the Potential Graduand's eligibility.
The 'Other Details' section displays the following tabs:
This tab is used to view Course details for the purpose of assessing the Potential Graduand's eligibility to graduate.
This tab contains the following buttons:
Field: | Description: | |
Course Version | The Course Code and version for the Course Attempt. PTNL_GRADUAND.COURSE_CD || ‘.’ || STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.VERSION |
Course Title | Short title of the course. COURSE_VERSION.SHORT_TITLE |
Location | Location of the Course Attempt. LOCATION.DESCRIPTION |
Attendance Mode | Attendance mode of Course Attempt. ATTENDANCE_MODE.DESCRIPTION |
WAM | Weighted Average Mark for the Course Attempt. From the PL/SQL function: PRGP_GET_STD_WAM |
GPA | Grade Point Average score for the Course Attempt. From the PL/SQL function: PRGP_GET_STD_GPA |
Attendance Type: Nominated |
Nominated Attendance Type for the Course Attempt. STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.ATTENDANCE_TYPE |
Attendance Type: Derived | Derived Attendance Type for the Course Attempt. STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.DERIVED_ATT_TYPE |
Completion Period: Nominated |
Nominated Completion Year for the Course Attempt. STUDENT_COURSE_ATTEMPT.NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD |
Completion Period: Derived |
This tab displays a list of Unit Sets and related details.
A 'Notes' link may be displayed for a Unit Set which accesses the SUSA Attempt Notes (ENRW3084) page.
Field: | Description: |
Unit Set Code | Code for Unit Set being attempted. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.UNIT_SET_CD |
Unit Set Title | Title defined for this Unit Set in CRSF4200 or overridden in ENRF3252. UNIT_SET.TITLE |
Category | Category defined for this Unit Set in CRSF4200. UNIT_SET.UNIT_SET_CAT |
Primary | Checkbox selected if Primary Set check box is selected for Student Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.PRIMARY_SET_IND |
Completed | Checkbox selected if Completed check box is selected for the Student Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_IND |
Notes | Link to ENRW3084. ‘Notes ’ + number of Note records for this Student Unit Set Attempt |
Details for Unit Set Code section: | |
Confirmed | Checkbox selected if Student Unit Set Attempt is confirmed in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND |
Rank | Rank defined for this Unit Set Category in CRSF4120. UNIT_SET_CAT .RANK |
Selection Date | Selection Date recorded for this Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.SELECTION_DT |
Completion Date | Completion Date recorded for this Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT |
Voluntary Ending | Checkbox selected if Voluntary Ending check box is selected for the Student Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.VOLUNTARY_END_IND |
End Date | End Date recorded for this Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.END_DT |
Completion Source | Completion Source recorded for this Unit Set Attempt in ENRF3252. STUDENT_UNIT_SET_ATTEMPT.S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE |
Displays a list of Units and related details, including Status, Mark, and Enrolled and Achieved Credit Points for each Unit.
Field: | Description: |
Unit Version | Code and version number of the Unit for the selected Student Unit attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.UNIT_CD |
Unit Title | Title of the Unit for the selected Student Unit Attempt. UNIT_VERSION.TITLE |
Level | Level of the the Unit for the selected Student Unit Attempt. UNIT_VERSION.UNIT_LEVEL |
Status | Status of the selected Student Unit Attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS |
Mark | The mark the student has received for the Unit. Marks are recorded in the ASSF5330 form or amended in the Amend Student Unit Attempt Outcomes (ASSF53B0) form. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT_OUTCOME.MARK |
Grade | The Grade that the student has attained for the Unit. Grades are recorded in the Mark/Grade (ASSF5330) form or amended in the Amend Student Unit Attempt Outcomes (ASSF53B0) form. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT_OUTCOME.GRADE |
Enrolled Credit Points | Enrolled Credit Points of the selected Student Unit Attempt. UNIT_VERSION.ENROLLED_CREDIT_POINTS or STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.OVERRIDE_ENROLLED_CP |
Achieved Credit Points | Achievable Credit Points of the selected Student Unit Attempt. UNIT_VERSION.ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS or STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.OVERRIDE_ACHIEVABLE_CP |
Details for Unit Version: | |
Class | Class of the selected Student Unit Attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.UNIT_CLASS |
Exam Location | Exam Location of the selected Student Unit Attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.EXAM_LOCATION_CD |
Teaching Period | Teaching Period of the selected Student Unit Attempt. CALENDAR_INSTANCE.ALTERNATE_CODE |
Location | Location of the selected Student Unit Attempt. STUDENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT.LOCATION_CD |
Displays Credit Point values calculated for the SCA, including Minimum Credit Points Required for Course Completion and Total Achieved Credit Points and Credit Points by Level details.
Field: | Description: |
Minimum Credit Points Required for Course Completion | Credit Point Requirements defined for the course. As recorded in CRSF1210 for the course. |
Granted Advanced Standing | Number of Credit Points granted for the Student Course Attempt. |
Passed Credit Points | Number of (Enrolled) Credit Points passed for the Student Course Attempt. |
Total Achieved Credit Points | Number of Achieved Credit Points passed the Student Course Attempt. |
Minimum Additional Credit Points Required | (Minimum Credit Points Required for Course Completion) - (Passed Credit Points). |
Currently Enrolled Achievable Credit Points | Total number of achievable Credit Points for Units with a Status of Enrolled. |
Future Enrolled Achievable Credit Points | The number of achievable Credit Points for future Units for the Student Course Attempt. |
Total Enrolled Achievable Credit Points | Enrolled_cp + future_cp for the Student Course Attempt. |
Credit Points by Level
Level | Unit level of enrolled units or advanced standing Derived by INQP_GET_PRG_ULCY |
Achieved CP | Achieved Credit Points including Advanced Standing Derived by INQP_GET_PRG_ULCY |
Currently Enrolled CP | The CURRENT credit points value is from Student Unit Attempts with an ENROLLED status and teaching period start date on or before the system date. Derived by INQP_GET_PRG_ULCY |
Future Enrolled Achievable CP | The FUTURE credit points value is from Student Unit Attempts with an ENROLLED status and teaching period start date after the system date. Derived by INQP_GET_PRG_ULCY |
Displays Contact Hours values calculated for the SCA. This tab only displays for VET sector courses.
Field: | Description: |
Minimum Contact Hours Required for Course Completion | Contact Hours Requirements defined for the course. |
Granted Advanced Standing | Number of Contact Hours granted for the Student Course Attempt. |
Completed Contact Hours | Number of (Enrolled) Contact Hours passed in the Student Course Attempt. |
Total Achieved Contact Hours | Number of Achieved Contact Hours passed in the Student Course Attempt. |
Minimum Additional Contact Hours Required | (Minimum Contact Hours Required for Course Completion) - (Passed Contact Hours) |
Currently Enrolled Achievable Contact Hours: | Total number of achievable Contact Hours for Units with a status of Enrolled. |
Future Enrolled Achievable Contact Hours | The number of achievable Contact Hours for future units for the Student Course Attempt. |
Total Enrolled Achievable Contact Hours | (Enrolled_ch) + (future_ch for the Student Course Attempt) |
This tab displays Organisational Unit details. It includes the following sections:
Field: | Description: |
Responsible Org Unit: | |
Org Unit Code | Code for the Responsible Org. Unit of the Course Attempt -recorded for Course Version in CRSF1210. COURSE_VERSION.RESPONSIBLE_ORG_UNIT_CD |
Start Date | Start Date for the Responsible Org. Unit of the Course Attempt (recorded in ORGF0141). COURSE_VERSION.RESPONSIBLE_OU_START_DT |
Description | Description for the Responsible Org. Unit of the Course Attempt (recorded in ORGF0141). ORG_UNIT.DESCRIPTION |
Org Unit Type | Org Unit Type for the Responsible Org. Unit of the Course Attempt (recorded in ORGF0141). ORG_UNIT.ORG_TYPE |
Owning Org Unit: | |
Org Unit Code | Code for the principle Owning Org. Unit of the Course Attempt (recorded for Course Version in CRSF1220). COURSE_OWNERSHIP.ORG_UNIT_CD |
Start Date | Start Date of the Owning Org Unit of the Course Version. COURSE_OWNERSHIP.OU_START_DT |
Description | Description for the Owning Org. Unit of the Course Version. COURSE_OWNERSHIP.DSP_DESCRIPTION |
Org Unit Type | Code for the Owning Org. Unit of the Course Attempt (recorded in ORGF0141). ORG_UNIT.ORG_TYPE |
Percentage | The percentage of ownership for the Owning Org. Unit for the context Course Version. COURSE_OWNERSHIP.PERCENTAGE |
This tab displays details similar to those found on PRGF6610.
Separate Progression Rule check results are displayed in the table, and the Show Cause and Appeal details for the selected row are displayed below.
Field: | Description: |
Course Code | The Course Code of the context course. The Course Code of the context course for the Potential Graduand. The Course Code of the context Course for the Potential Graduand.|
Progression Period | Progression Period. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_PERIOD_V.PRG_PERIOD |
Rule Category | Category of the Progression Rule. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.PROGRESSION_RULE_CAT |
Rule/Reference | Rule/Reference of the Progression Rule. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.PROGRESSION_RULE_CD |
Outcome Type | Outcome Type for Progression Rule breach. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.PROGRESSION_OUTCOME_TYPE |
Decision Status | Decision Status for Outcome Type of Progression Rule breach. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.DECISION_STATUS |
Rule Check Date | Date when the Rule was checked. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.RULE_CHECK_DT |
Outcome Duration | Duration of the Progression Breach outcome. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.DURATION |
Details section: | |
Show Cause Date | Date when Show Cause was submitted. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.SHOW_CAUSE_DT |
Show Course Outcome | Outcome of Show Cause - may be upheld or dismissed. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.SHOW_CAUSE_OUTCOME_TYPE |
Appeal Date | Date when Appeal was submitted. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.APPEAL_DT |
Appeal Outcome | Outcome of Appeal - may be upheld or dismissed. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.APPEAL_OUTCOME_TYPE |
Appeal Outcome Date | The date on which the decision was made in respect of the student's appeal application. STUDENT_PROGRESSION_OUTCOME.APPEAL_OUTCOME_DT |
Displays Expired, Academic and/or Administrative encumbrances.
The Include Records drop-down includes:
The Effects link (in the Effects column) opens the Encumbrance Effects pop-up page.
Field: | Description: |
Encumbrance | The Encumbrance recorded for the Potential Graduand. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE.ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE |
Description | Description of the Encumbrance recorded for the Potential Graduand. ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Category | Category of the Encumbrance recorded for the Potential Graduand. ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE.S_ENCUMBRANCE_CAT |
Start Date | Start Date of the Encumbrance recorded for the Potential Graduand. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE.START_DT |
Expiry Date | Expiry Date of the Encumbrance recorded for the Potential Graduand. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE.EXPIRY_DT |
Course | Course in which the Academic Encumbrance was applied. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE.SPO_COURSE_CD |
Effects | Displays a link ('Effects') and the number of Effects, for the Encumbrance. Clicking on the link opens the Encumbrance Effects pop-up page. (See details, below.) |
Displays details of Encumbrance Effects associated with a selected Encumbrance.
This tab is accessed by clicking the 'Effects' link for a selected Encumbrance.
Field: | Description: |
Context Encumbrance Details: | |
Encumbrance | The context Encumbrance. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE.ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE |
Description | Description of the Encumbrance. ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Effects Details: | |
Effect Type | Encumbrance Effect Type, defined for the context Encumbrance. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE_EFFECT.ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE |
Description | Description of the Encumbrance Effect Type. S_ENCMB_EFFECT_TYPE.DESCRIPTION |
Start Date | Start Date of the Encumbrance Effect applied to the Potential Graduand. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE_EFFECT.START_DT |
Expiry Date | Expiry Date of the Encumbrance Effect applied to the Potential Graduand. PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE_EFFECT.EXPIRY_DT |
Course | Course Code for the Encumbrance Effect (Academic Encumbrance). PERSON_ENCUMBRANCE_EFFECT.COURSE_CD |
Displays Advanced Standing related details for Units and Unit Levels. Advanced Standing Details are recorded for a student in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200.
Field: | Description: |
Advanced Standing Credit Points/ Contact Hours |
Duplicate Units Credit Points/ Contact Hours |
Total Advanced Standing Credit Points/Contact Hours linked to student unit transfers ADVK_VAL_SUT.ADVP_AS_TOTAL_DUPUAS or ADMK_VAL_SUT.ADVP_AS_TOTAL_DUPUAS_VET |
Advanced Standing Unit List | |
Unit Version | Unit version granted as Advanced Standing. Unit code and version number. e.g. M300.1 ADV_STND_UNIT.UNIT_CD||’.’||ADV_STND_UNIT.VERSION_NUMBER |
Unit Title | Title of the Unit Version granted as Advanced Standing. UNIT_VERSION.TITLE |
Adv Stnd Cat | Institution-defined Advanced Standing Recognition Types that are mapped to System values (displayed in System Adv Stnd Recog Type column - see below). ADV_STND_UNIT.ADV_STND_CAT |
System Adv Stnd Recog Type | System values for which Adv Stnd Cat values are mapped in ADVF1130. CREDIT and PRECLUSION values should be available here. ADV_STND_UNIT.S_ADV_STND_RECOGNITION_TYPE |
Percentage | Percentage of Unit's value (credit points or contact hours) awarded as advanced standing. ADV_STND_UNIT.CREDIT_PERCENTAGE |
Credit Points | Number of Credit Points awarded UNIT_VERSION.ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS |
Contact Hours | Number of Contact Hours awarded. UNIT_VERSION.SUPERVISED_CONTACT_HOURS |
Institution | Code of the Institution in which Advanced Standing study was attempted. These are defined in ORGF0120. ADV_STND_UNIT.EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD |
Institution Name | Name of the Institution in which Advanced Standing study was attempted. This is recorded in ORGF0120 INSTITUTION.NAME |
Granting Status | Advanced Standing Status. Should be GRANTED. ADV_STND_UNIT.S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS |
Advanced Standing Unit Level List | |
Unit Level | Unit Level at which Advanced Standing has been granted ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.UNIT_LEVEL |
Adv Stnd Cat | Institution-defined Advanced Standing Recognition Types that are mapped to System values (displayed in System Adv Stnd Recog Type column - see below). ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.ADV_STND_CAT |
System Adv Stnd Recog Type | System values for which Adv Stnd Cat values are mapped in ADVF1130. The CREDIT value should be available here. ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.ADV_STND_RECOGNITION_TYPE |
Credit Points | Number of Credit Points granted at this level ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.CREDIT_POINTS |
Contact Hours | Number of Contact Hours granted at this level ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.CONTACT_HOURS |
Discipline Group | Discipline Group recorded for the Advance Standing Unit Level ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD |
Discipline Description | Description of the Discipline Group recorded for the Advance Standing Unit Level DISCIPLINE.DESCRIPTION |
Institution | Code of the Institution in which the Advanced Standing study was attempted. These are defined in ORGF0120. ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD |
Institution Name | Name of the Institution in which the Advanced Standing study was attempted. This is recorded in ORGF0120 INSTITUTION.NAME |
Granting Status | Status of Advanced Standing. Must be GRANTED. ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL.S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS |
Before working in GRDW5300 the appropriate Security Roles must be assigned to Evaluators; Workflows and Business Activity Processes (BAPs) created; and Reference Data set up. This is done using the following Forms and pages:
Note: GENF4910 and GENF4920 allow an institution to define Person or Person ID groups to a BAP in order to specify the administrators involved in each Workflow step. To access GENF4920, go to the context page. For example, if you want to assign an Evaluator to an Organisational Unit BAP, then go to the ORGF0141 – Maintain Organisational Unit form and click on the Business Activity button. If you are defining Evaluators to processes for a Course Version, access CRSF1210 - Maintain Course Version and click Other Course Details and then the Business Activity link.
The high-level process involving GRDW5300 that is used to identify and manually evaluate a Potential Graduand, through to setting Course completions and allocating graduands to ceremonies, is shown in the diagram below.
This 'online' process differs to the alternative process used in SMS Forms which institutions may use instead (for example, GRDJ3100, GRDJ3140, PRGF4170, GRDJ6200, GRDJ5600, GRDJ5800, etc). For more information, see the Understanding Graduation Help page.
Figure 3: The high-level process. Note that GRDJ5800 should be run at the conclusion of each Potential Graduand records creation process.
Last modified on 16 September, 2015 3:47 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2087 - Entry Credit | Added Advanced Standing Category and System Advanced Standing Recognition Type columns in Advanced Standing tab |
17.1 | 1995 - calipso 39678 | Updated status details for Course Rule Outcome, Course Credit Point Outcome and Unit Set Rule Outcome fields. | | 1896 - Eligibility to Graduate | Described new fields in Evaluation Conditions pop up window Added details for Credit Points by Level table Added details for Advanced Standing tab Added details for new Academic History button in Course tab Added Course Outcome Status field description for Find Potential Graduands list Added GET Outcome field description for Find Potential Graduands list Added new Evaluation Outcome Statuses restrictions for Potential Graduand records with a PRED-PASS Outcome Status |
16.0 | 1783 - PC158 | Added new 'Rule Outcome' and 'General Comments' fields, and changed label of the 'Add Conditions' button to 'Apply/Clear by Unit'. |
16.0 | 1400 - Calipso 37504 | Changed refs from GRDW5310 to GRDW5300, & updated diagrams |
15.0 | 1722 - 11g Upgrade | Updated Help page for 11g. |
12.1.1 | 1580 - Communication | New Page |