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ADVF2000 - Create ACAI Advanced Standing Details
Purpose | To record Advanced Standing data in an Admission Course Application Instance (ACAI) context. | |
Subsystem | Advanced Standing | |
Normally Run By | Administration Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Person |
Admission Course Application Instance Advanced Standing | ||
Buttons | SCA Advanced Standing (ADVF4200) | |
Unit Details | ||
Unit Level Details |
It is here that Admission Course Application Instance (ACAI) Advanced Standing records can be created, updated, deleted, and when pre-enrolled, transferred to a SCA context - Create Advanced Standing Details (ADVF4200). This function mirrors the Create Advanced Standing Details form (ADVF4200). The user can, if data exists, switch between the two forms via a navigation button. Lamps indicate if data exists in both forms. In addition, Advanced Standing Precedent records created in the Precedent web page (PRDW0400) can be inserted into this form via the Find Precedent (PRDF1100) form (accessed from this page), or via the 'advStndPrd' Web Service. When defining an Advanced Standing record, the user can select from Granting Statuses (Granting Status) of: APPROVED, ASSESSING, CANCELLED, DECLINED, EXPIRED, GRANTED, NOT-APPRVD and REVOKED. The user can not select EXPIRED when creating or updating an Advanced Standing. Other than a Granting Status of EXPIRED, Unit and Unit Level Advanced Standing records can be created with any Granting Status. For further insights on the different Granting Status and Dates, see below. For insights on Advanced Standing see Understanding Advanced Standing. For a glossary of terms, see the Advanced Standing Glossary. This form can be accessed from Direct Admissions Course (ADMF3240), Create Advanced Standing Details (ADVF4200) or the main menu. |
The Person block contains:
The Admission Course Application Instance Advanced Standing block contains:
Notes/Rules: The three buttons at the base of the main screen: SCA Advanced Standing, Unit Details and Unit Level Details have a (+) or (-) sign next to them. If a record exists a (+) sign is displayed. If no record exists a (-) is displayed. In the case of the SCA Advanced Standing button, a (+) is displayed if Advanced Standing exists for any of the context Person's Student Course Attempts. The following fields are required for reporting VET FEE_HELP courses to the government:
The Major Exemption Institution is a read-only field, it is derived as follows: No value will be shown in the 'Major Exemption Institution' field if no institution code was entered (for the Advanced Standing), the course is a VET course, or no credits were granted. The 'Adv Stnd Cat' field is used to select an institution-defined Advanced Standing Category (ADVF1130) for the advanced standing record being created. Advanced Standing Categories (ADVF1130) are mapped to a System Advanced Standing Recognition Type (ADVF1120). The System Advanced Standing Recognition Type that applies to the selected Advanced Standing Category value, is displayed in the 'System Adv Stnd Recog Type' field in the Basis Details tab. Note: The Adv Stnd Cat column was introduced in Release 18.0 to further define Advanced Standing Details. At this time the Advanced Standing Type column was removed and replaced by the System Adv Stnd Recog Type field in the Basis Details tab. LAMPS Lamps can appear, depending on the record, to the right of the Admission Course Application Instance Advanced Standing block title. They are:
Note: For Release, institutions were required to create four new institution-defined Advanced Standing Sources via the Maintain Advanced Standing Source (ADVF1140) form, map each to the System Advanced Standing Source, RPL, and assign the relevant Provider Outcome Identifier to each.
The relevant Provider Outcome Identifier must be assigned to each of the Advanced Standing Sources, i.e: 51 (Recognition of prior learning granted), 52 (Recognition of prior learning not granted), 53 (Recognition of current competency granted) and 54 (Recognition of current competency not granted). The Advanced Standing Source field, located in the Basis Details tab, is used to add the institution-defined source (ADVF1140) which defines the basis or type of advanced standing for a VET or cross-sector ACAI unit (and/or unit level). If you attach a Precedent (PRDW0400) (via the Find Precedent icon) of type 'Advanced Standing' to a student's ACAI in this form, and the Precedent has an Advanced Standing Source, then
this Advanced Standing Source is automatically added to the Advanced Standing Source field (in the Basis Details tab in this form) for all units (and/or unit levels) associated with the Precedent (PRDW0400). Validations include:
Granting Status Depending on what Granting Status is selected, the area after the 'Created' field in the Admin Details Tab dynamically changes. For example, if ASSESSING was selected as a Granting Status, then the area after the 'Created' date field in the Admin Details Tab would have an 'Assessing' date field added. The matrix below shows what field/s are displayed, when different Granting Statuses are selected.
*EXPIRED is greyed out, because presently, ACAI Advanced Standing can never have an EXPIRED status. Note: The Granting Status defaults to values defined in Maintain System Advanced Standing Granting Status form (ADVF1180) upon creation of new Advanced Standing records. The Origin Course and Origin Unit records are not related (even though they are created in one form), therefore, when entering data in one, the other does not need to be populated. Advanced Standing Origins are maintained in the form, Maintain Advanced Standing Origin (ADVF1190). Note: Data from the Origin Course Code field in the Origin Course Tab or Origin Unit Code field in the Origin Unit Tab are found in one table, the Advanced Standing Origin Instance Table (ADV_STND_ORIGIN_INSTANCE). The Crs Grouped check box, located under the Admin Details tab, has no system functionality. It is used for local development reports, for example, to determine how many units of a course a student has undertaken. The Unit Code (LOV) located under the ACAI Advanced Standing Unit block, allows for a unit to be 'ACTIVE', 'EXPIRED' or 'INACTIVE'. If an 'INACTIVE' (end-dated) unit version is selected as Advanced Standing, a warning message asks if you want to proceed. Selecting the ‘Yes’ button, returns the user to data entry mode and enables the addition of another unit or saving of the record. Selecting the ‘No’ button will cause the unit to be cleared. If the unit is INACTIVE, Advanced Standing cannot be recorded. The name of the Expired field (located under the 'Status Dates' Tab in the ACAI Advanced Standing Unit block) displays as 'Expired' if current status is expired. Otherwise it displays as 'Expiry'. The Find Precedent icon navigates to the Find Precedent (PRDF1100) form from where you can:
Note: The Find Precedent icon is only displayed if at least one Precedent record exists in the PRECEDENT table in the database. This means that institutions who are not using Precedents will not see this button. The Precedent tab in the 'Unit' and 'Unit Level' overlay blocks (accessed via the Unit Details and Unit Level Details buttons respectively), displays details of the Advanced Standing Precedent (PRDW0400) that was used as the basis for the context Unit or Unit Level advanced standing record(s) inserted via the Find Precedent (PRDF1100) form. This information is read-only. If Precedent details exist in the Precedent tab for an Advanced Standing Unit and/or Unit Level record, the Precedent Details button is available. This button navigates to the Precedent page (PRDW0400) in 'view only' mode in context of the selected Precedent. It is used to view additional details of the context Precedent. |
Granting Status |
Date field values set (The Status Dates Conditions below: 1 and 2 apply over and above this matrix) |
Assessing Date |
Approved Date |
Granted Date |
Cancelled Date |
Expiry/Expired Date |
Revoked Date |
Declined Date |
Not Apprvd Date |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
Derive as per current functionality |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
Sysdate |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
Derive as per current functionality |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
Status Dates Conditions:.
Last Modified on 19 February, 2018 11:28 AM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2087 - Entry Credit | Added new Adv. Stnd Cat field & System Adv. Stnd Recog Type field, and related notes. |, 17.1 | 2023 - Precedents Enhancements | Added notes about the Adv. Standing Source field. |
16.0.3,, 17.0 | 1991 - Monash Entry Precedents | Updated Find Precedent page link to the new form (PRDW1100). |
16 | 1400 - Calipso 37761 | Added new definition for Major Exemption Institution | | 1871 - Precedents Part 2 | Added new Precedent tabs & related information. |
12.1 | 1400 - Calipso 29435 | Merged VET and HE Help pages. | | 1646 - Skills Vic Fee-Help Reporting | Added note about VET fields for VET FEE-HELP reporting. | | 1609 - VU - Advanced Standing Options | Added two new validations, added note about setting up new Advanced Standing Sources in ADVF1140, corrected name of Admin tab to 'Admin Details' tab. | | 1505 - Compliance | Added information for the Major Exemption Institution field, removed field details table. | | 1351 - End-Dated Courses and Units | Add 'INACTIVE' to Advanced Standing Unit block Unit Code (LOV) and Validation as well as two new error message numbers 14111, 14112. | | 1344 - Advanced Standing - Option 2 | New form. |