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GRDJ3100 - Identify and Create Graduands
Purpose |
To create Graduand Records for students eligible or potentially eligible to graduate. |
SubSystem |
Graduation |
Normally Run By | Administration Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | Run periodically during each Ceremony Round Processing Period. | |
Structure | Block | Identify and Create Graduands |
Tab | Parameters | |
Button | Find Course (ADMF1220) |
Update Process The process searches the database for Student Course Attempts where either the nominated or derived Completion Periods match the Completion Period(s) associated with the Ceremony Round(s) under consideration. Nominated Completion Periods are as recorded in ADMF3240 or ENRF3000. When a Student Course Attempt is found, a Graduand Record is created for the student. If the student's course has multiple awards (more than one Course Award recorded against the course version), a separate Graduand Record is created for each award. Within each Graduand Record (refer to GRDF4200):
Note: A Graduand cannot graduate unless Graduand Status = Eligible, Approval Status = Approved and Graduand Type = Attending or Inabsentia.
Note: Where the student is to graduate with an alternative exit from the course, the Graduand Record must be manually changed (in GRDF4200) so that the Award - Course Code becomes the Course Code of the alternative exit, and the Award - Award Code that of the alternative exit's Course Award.
All other information is added later. Run Details Method GRDJ3100 runs only in batch mode, through the Job Control & Scheduling Subsystem. TimingThis job will usually be run at the start of a Ceremony Round Processing Period and will create Graduand Records for the majority of students eligible or potentially eligible to graduate in that round. It should then be run periodically, at the discretion of the institution, to pick up those students (usually very few) whose Completion Year/Period has changed.
This job is accessed from the main menu. Note: The online process of evaluating Potential Graduand's eligibility to graduate is performed in GRDW5300 and GRDW5310. The GRDJ5700 job is run first to identify Potential Graduands and populate GRDW5300 with Potential Graduand records requiring evaluation. This process is equivalent to running GRDJ3100. |
The Identify and Create Graduands block contains: Parameters Tab
Rules/Notes: The following fields are mandatory:
Note: The % symbol indicates that all values relevant to the parameter should be processed. Select the Ceremony Round for which processing is to be performed. Typically, a single Ceremony Round would be targeted. Use of the % symbol causes all Ceremony Rounds, where the job run date falls between their Start and End Date Alias Instances (processing period), to be targeted. Examples:
Further example scenarios are given in Special Topics. All students whose nominated (or, in the future, derived) Course Attempt Completion Period falls within the Ceremony Round Start and End Dates will have a Graduand Record created for them. A Course, Course Location and/or Award can be specified where it is required to create Graduand Records for a limited subset of students. For example, a Course Location could be specified where Graduation management is decentralised (see above example). At least one of the Include Nominated or Include Derived Completion Candidates checkboxes must be selected. Both may be selected. The 'Include Residual Awards (Not Graduated)' checkbox is used to identify students enrolled in a Multiple Award course where one or more awards may have been previously awarded and have a Graduand status of GRADUATED or SURRENDER. Selecting the 'Restrict to Requirements Complete' checkbox means that Graduand Records will only be created for students who have completed course requirements. The Potential and Eligible Graduand Status parameters are used to inform Callista which institution-defined status to record against students who have (eligible), or have not (potential), completed course requirements. Institution-defined statuses are recorded in GRDF1200. The Graduand Approval Status parameter is used to inform Callista which institution-defined status to record against all students for whom a Graduand Record is created when this job is run. Institution-defined statuses are recorded in GRDF1300. The value specified will depend on the institution's procedure for approving Graduation of students. Only a WAITING or APPROVED status may be selected. |
Rules/Notes: This job does not create a Graduand Record where a Graduand Record already exists in the target Ceremony Round for the same Student Course Attempt and Award. If a Student's Course Attempt is for a Course Version where the 'Graduate Students' check box is set to 'No' (in CRSF1210), the Course Attempt is not considered by this job. Similarly, the Course Attempt is not considered if no Course Awards exist for the course version. Graduand records are not created for unconfirmed or discontinued Student Course Attempts but can be created for intermitted Course Attempts. However, Graduand Records may be manually created in GRDF4200 for discontinued Course Attempts. Where a student discontinues their Course Attempt but is eligible for an Award for an alternative exit, the Graduand Record for the Alternative Exit Award must be created manually. The job GRDJ3300 (Clean Up Graduand Records) should be run after each Graduation cycle to remove the records of any Graduands who have not completed their Course Requirements. When creating Graduand Records the Testamur Delivery Timeframe (will default to CEREMONY) and Testamur Delivery Method (if defined in GRDF1700) are populated. The Graduand Name is determined according to the preferred name format recorded against the Graduand’s Person record. |
Last Modified on 31-May-2012 1:16 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document |
15.0 | 1722 - Transform 10g to 11g. | Added note about the online process & GRDW5300 & GRDJ5700. |
11.1 | 1458 - Double-degrees | Added 'Include Residual Awards (Not Graduated)' checkbox. | | 1353 - International Name | Added note about the name format of the Graduand. | | 1298- ECU Graduations | Added, 'When creating Graduand Records the Testamur Delivery Timeframe (will default to CEREMONY) and Testamur Delivery Method are populated.' | | 0937 - Graduations Part 2 | Mandatory fields added in first Rules/Notes |