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ADV4200A - Student Advanced Standing
Advanced Standing Details - ADVF4200
Purpose | To create and maintain Advanced Standing records for individual students. | |
Subsystem | Advanced Standing | |
Normally Run By | Administrator Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Person |
Student Course Attempt Advanced Standing | ||
Buttons | Adm Advanced Standing (ADVF2000) | |
Unit Details (overlay) | ||
Unit Level Details (overlay) | ||
Find Person (ADMF1211) |
file (ADV4200a) is a three part series of files for ADVF4200. This file
explains the first screen (ADV4200a) the user sees, without explaining
the two buttons (Unit Details and Unit Level Details) at the bottom of
the screen. |
It is here that Advanced Standing records can be created, updated and deleted. Advanced Standing details transferred from Create ACAI (Admission Course Application Instance) Advanced Standing Details (ADVF2000) as a result of the pre-enrolment process can also be viewed and maintained here. The user can, if data exists, switch between the two forms (ADVF4200 and ADVF2000) via a navigation button. Lamps indicate if data exists in both forms. In addition, new Advanced Standing Precedent records created in the Precedent pages (PRDW0400) are also are transferred to this form via the Find Precedent (PRDF1100) form (accessed via the Find Precedent icon), or via the 'advStndPrd' Web Service. Person block This is the context block and displays details of the student whose Advanced Standing, Course Attempt details are displayed in the block below. When this form is invoked via the button in another form (for example, Record Enrolments form), the information displayed here is for the same student as selected in that form and no other student's record can be queried. When this form is invoked via a different method, queries can be performed in this block. For example, from the Record Enrolments form (ENRF3000), Advanced Standing details can be recorded or modified for the student selected there by selecting the Adv Standing button and invoking this form. When Advanced Standing is being recorded or checked outside Enrolment processing it is quicker to access this form directly from a menu and query the required students' records here. Student Course Attempt Advanced Standing block Advanced Standing is granted for a student's specific Course Attempt, although the basis for granting Advanced Standing in one Course Attempt may also be applicable to other Course Attempts. This block is used to record and display the Course Attempts for which Advanced Standing has been granted. It also displays summary details of the Advanced Standing. Advanced Standing details for a Student's Course Attempt(s) can be recorded for Specific Units (Advanced Standing Unit), or for Unit Levels (Advanced Standing Unit Level). For example, when Advanced Standing is granted, it is granted for a particular Course Attempt of a student. With the student's details displayed in the Person block, the Course Attempt in which Advanced Standing is granted is displayed or can be recorded in this block. When defining an Advanced Standing the user can select from Granting Statuses (Granting Status) of: APPROVED ASSESSING, CANCELLED, DECLINED, GRANTED, NOT-APPRVD and REVOKED. For further insights on the different Granting Status and Dates, see below. For insights on Advanced Standing see 'Understanding Advanced Standing (ADVINTR3)'. For a glossary of terms, see 'Advanced Standing Glossary (ADVINTR2)'. This form is accessed from Direct Admissions Course (ADMF3240), Record Enrolments (ENRF3000), Create ACAI Advanced Standing Details (ADVF2000) or the main menu. |
The Person block contains:
The Student Course Attempt Advanced Standing block contains:
Tabs Buttons |
Rules/Notes: Adding a Course Attempt record here will permit Unit and/or Unit Level details of the Advanced Standing to be recorded. The Find Person button is only enabled on direct entry from the main menu. The Percentage of Course Requirements Granted is a derived field which cannot be edited. The value in this field is reported as Element 565 in the Higher Ed Student Enrolment file (EN) and the VET Student Enrolment file (VEN). The Major Exemption Institution is a read-only field, it is derived as follows: When the Government Credit Basis is 200 or 300, the Major Exemption Institution, VET Field of Education, VET Level Detail and Government VET Provider must be specified. Closed values for VET Level Detail, VET Field of Education, Government Credit Basis or Government VET Provider Type cannot be selected. The VET Field of Education cannot be set to a value where the Government Field of Education is NULL. When a student has multiple Unit or Unit Level records for multiple VET qualifications or periods of study for a course, the Government VET Provider type specified should be the one that contributed the most credit. The Government Credit Basis Code value should be the Advanced Standing contributing the most towards the Total Credit of the course. When specifying the VET study and the student has more than one VET qualification (or period of study), the VET Level Details should be recorded for whichever qualification or study contributed the most credit. The three buttons at the base of the main screen: ADM Advanced Standing, Unit Details and Unit Level Details have a (+) or (-) sign next to them. If a record exists a (+) sign is displayed. If no record exists a (-) is displayed. In the case of the Adm Advanced Standing button, a (+) is displayed if Advanced Standing exists for any of the context Person's Admission Course Application Instance records. For details of the Unit Details button - Advanced Standing Unit, see ADV4200B. For details of the Unit Level Details button - Advanced Standing Unit Level, see ADV4200C.
SCA Advanced Standing Unit and SCA Advanced Standing Unit Level Blocks (Note: These blocks are accessed via the Unit Details button (explained in ADV4200b) and via the Unit Level Details button (explained in ADV4200C). The Unit Code (LOV) under the SCA Advanced Standing Unit block allows for a unit to be 'ACTIVE', 'EXPIRED' or 'INACTIVE'. If an 'INACTIVE' (end-dated) unit version is selected as Advanced Standing, a warning message asks if you want to proceed. Selecting the ‘Yes’ button, returns the user to data entry mode and enables the addition of another unit or saving of the record. Selecting the ‘No’ button will cause the unit to be cleared. The 'Crs Grouped' check box has no system functionality. It is used for local development reports, for example, to determine how many units of a course a student has undertaken. The Find Precedent icon navigates to the Find Precedent (PRDF1100) form where you can:
Note: The Find Precedent icon is only displayed if at least one Precedent record exists in the PRECEDENT table in the database. This means that institutions that are not using Precedents will not see this button. LAMPS Lamps can appear, depending on the record, to the right of the Student Course Attempt Advanced Standing block title. They are:
Validations include:
Granting Status (Note: This section is explained in ADV4200b.) Depending on what Granting Status is selected, the area after the 'Created' field in the Admin Details Tab dynamically changes. For example, if ASSESSING was selected as a Granting Status, then the area after the 'Created' date field in the Admin Details Tab would have an 'Assessing' date field added. The matrix below shows what field/s are displayed, when different Granting Statuses are selected. The Granting Status defaults to a value defined in the Maintain System Advanced Standing Granting Status (ADVF1180) upon creation of new Advanced Standing records.
The Origin Course and Origin Unit records are not related (even though they are created in one form), therefore, when entering data in one, the other does not need to be populated. Advanced Standing Origins are maintained in the form, Maintain Advanced Standing Origin (ADVF1190). Note: Data from the Origin Course Code field in the Origin Course Tab or Origin Unit Code field in the Origin Unit Tab are found in one table, the Advanced Standing Origin Instance Table (ADV_STND_ORIGIN_INSTANCE). The Status Dates Tab displays dates set in other blocks and tabs of this form. Information displayed cannot be updated in this tab. The name of the Expired field (located under the 'Status Dates' Tab in the ACAI Advanced Standing Unit block) displays as 'Expired' if current status is expired. Otherwise it displays as 'Expiry'. The Comments Tab It is here that an institution can make specific comments on why a student's Advanced Standing is approved or not approved. The comments should be added to the appropriate Unit/Unit Level. |
enquire on the Advanced Standing details of a student other than the one
initially displayed:
Rules/Notes: A query cannot be performed in this block if the form was invoked via the button in the Record Enrolments form. |
record Advanced Standing Course Attempt details for a student using the
Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen:
Rules/Notes: Advanced Standing records can only be added to Student Course Attempts with the Statuses ENROLLED, UNCONFIRM, INACTIVE and INTERMIT. (But not DISCONTIN OR LAPSED.) 'Total Approved CP', 'Advanced Standing Granted CP', 'Duplicate Units CP', 'Total Granted CP' and 'Percentage of Course Requirements Granted' fields contain derived values. (How they are derived is explained in the Subsystem Glossary.) Where no Unit or Unit Level details are recorded for the Advanced Standing record, their values will all be zero. The Major Exemption Institution fields are also derived (see Subsystem Glossary), but where no Unit or Unit Level details are recorded for the Advanced Standing record, the value in these fields is null. VET course details can be entered using the following fields, if required:
To modify Advanced Standing Course Attempt details for a student using the Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen: | Rules/Notes: Records cannot be modified here. Allowable actions are:
run a Fee Assessment for this student:
Rules/Notes: A Fee Type of ADVSTND must exist. A Fee Category must exist for the student. An Advanced Standing Source must be nominated for the Unit, for example, RPL. |
To delete Advanced Standing Course Attempt details for a student using the Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen:
Rules/Notes: Advanced Standing Course Attempt records can only be deleted where no Unit or Unit Level details are associated with them. |
Granting Status |
Date field values set (The Status Dates Conditions below: 1 and 2 apply over and above this matrix) |
Assessing Date |
Approved Date |
Granted Date |
Cancelled Date |
Expiry/Expired Date |
Revoked Date |
Declined Date |
Not Apprvd Date |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
Derive as per current functionality |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
Sysdate |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
Derive as per current functionality |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
No change |
If null set to sysdate – else no change |
Status Dates Conditions:
1. When a record is updated and the Status has not been altered, then no dates will be altered.
2. The Creation Date is only set once when the record is first created – it cannot be updated.
Last Modified on 19 February, 2018 11:20 AM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document |,, 17.0 | 1991 - Monash Entry Precedents | Updated Find Precedent link to new form PRDF1100. |
16 | 1400 - Calipso 37761 | Added new definition for Major Exemption Institution | | 1871 - Precedents Part 2 | Added the new Find Precedent button and related information. | | 1323 - VET-HE Merge | Checked re: VET-HE merge. | | 1646 - Skills VIC FEE-HELP Reporting | Added note about VET fields. | | 1400 - Calypso 29233 | Added more information re the Percentage of Course Requirements Granted field. | | 1609 - VU - Advanced Standing Options | Added two validations, corrected the name of the 'Admin' tab to 'Admin Details' under Granting Status, and changed the format of the bulleted list of fields, tabs etc. | | 1505 - Compliance 2008 | Added information for the Major Exemption Institution field. Incorporated VET Help file. | | 1351 - End-dated Courses and Units | Add 'INACTIVE' to SCA Advanced Standing Unit block Unit Code (LOV) and Validation | | 1344 - Advanced Standing Option 2 | Added information on Advanced Standing and changed VTE to VET | | 1339 - DIISRTE 2007 | Added details - the new fields for HE Courses, i.e. Government Credit Basis, VTE Field of Education, VTE Level Detail and Government VTE Provider. Also added details on Find Person button | | 0954 - Callista 7.1 Verification, Packaging and Release | VET fields added |