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Current Students

Forms and guides

Everything you need to manage your enrolment is found through the CDU Portal in either MyStudentInfo or eForms.


  • Make changes to your enrolment (before the last date to enrol or census date), change your contact details and see your final results.


  • For all other requests that require a form. These include applications for advanced standing, student cards, course transfers, examinations, graduation and more.

Some forms are only available as a PDF and can be found below.

Higher Education forms
CDU TAFE forms
General forms
Student guides
Scholarships guide
Course guides
Higher Education forms
CDU TAFE forms
General forms
Student guides
Scholarships guide
Counselling guide

Forms for international students

Letter of completion

International students who have recently completed their studies may request a letter of completion. This letter is only provided to students whose status has changed to 'completed' on the student system and who are eligible to graduate.

Before submitting a request to obtain a letter of completion, you must log in to CDU eForms and apply for a nomination to graduate.

After you have submitted the nomination to graduate eform, you can then apply for a letter of completion by sending an email.

Confirm my status as a student

In some instances, certain students may require letters confirming their status as students at Charles Darwin University. These letters are often required by governments, institutions and other bodies. These letters include the following:

  • Program of study
  • Date commenced
  • Expected completion.

On special request, fees paid or due for a given semester can be indicated on the letter. You must clearly request this in your email.

In order to request a confirmation letter, please send an email to Student Central, ensuring you include your full name and student number.

When requesting a confirmation letter, please allow three days for this to be processed. The letter will be sent to your CDU email in PDF format. 

CoE extension

A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is a legal document produced by the University for its international students that indicates the full-time study load duration of a course. As an international student, you are expected to complete your course within the course end date specified on your CoE. Your CoE is required to apply for a visa extension.

It is a condition of your student visa that you study a full-time study load and maintain satisfactory academic progress:

  • For Higher Education students, a full-time study load is 80 credit points per academic year (40 credit points each in Semester 1 and Semester 2, which are compulsory semesters of study);
  • For VET students, you must complete the required number of hours successfully, including attending a minimum of 20 contact hours per week.

Standard 8 of the National Code requires the University to monitor the enrolment of all its international students to ensure they complete their courses within the expected duration stated in their CoE. The National Code only permits an extension to a student’s course duration in limited circumstances as follows:

  1. Compassionate or compelling circumstances i.e. circumstances beyond your control. For example, illness, disability, bereavement, or a traumatic experience. You must provide appropriate documentation to support your claims and directly address how your circumstances have affected your course progress.
  2. Implementation of an intervention strategy for students at risk of not meeting satisfactory course progress e.g. a reduced study load for students placed on a Learning Management Plan.
  3. An intermission/deferment or suspension of study approved by the International Student Support team.

Applications for CoE extensions are processed after grade release of Semester 1 and Semester 2. It is your responsibility as an international student to ensure you have a current CoE for the semester and to request for a CoE extension before your visa expires.

If your CoE expires before you receive an outcome to your CoE extension application, this is not a problem if your visa is still active. You will be notified of the outcome of your CoE application before your visa expires.

Apply online: CoE extension

Reduced study load

All international students are required to undertake a full-time study load of 80 credit points per academic year. This is usually done over two compulsory study periods, Semester 1 and Semester 2 (40 credit points per semester) unless otherwise instructed or approved by the International Student Support team.

If you are not able to study the full-time load requirements, you must apply for a Reduced Study Load (RSL) and include relevant documentation to support your claims. Applications for RSL can be submitted one month before the semester starts and until the census date of each semester.

Applications for RSL are assessed as per the National Code requirements and can be approved only in certain circumstances. These are:

  • Academic difficulties e.g. identified as Under Review (UR) or Unsatisfactory Progress (UP)
  • Compassionate and/or compelling circumstances i.e. circumstances beyond your control. For example, illness, disability, bereavement, or a traumatic experience. You must provide appropriate documentation to support your claims and directly address how your circumstances have affected (or will affect) your course progress if you undertake a full-time study load
  • Unexpected changes to the course structure and unit availability
  • Unable to meet prerequisite requirements or program rules
  • Granted advanced standing (credit transfer) AND able to complete by CoE end date
  • Studied extra units during non-compulsory study period AND able to complete by CoE end date.

If you are studying in your last semester, you do not need to obtain permission to reduce your study load. 

If you commence in Summer Semester, you will need to submit a Reduced Study Load application. If you commence in Semester 1 and 2 and Summer Semester study is optional, you do not need permission to reduce your study load for Summer Semester.

Each application for RSL is assessed on a case-by-case basis by International Student Support, and we aim to have an outcome available to you within ten (10) working days.

FAQ about reduced study load

Apply online: Reduced study load

Letter of release

All international students are required to obtain a letter of release from Charles Darwin University if they wish to transfer to another education provider within the first six calendar months of their principal program.

A letter of release will only be granted under compassionate and compelling circumstances relating to the welfare of the student. These are family, medical or ‘well-being’ reasons for supporting a transfer (compassionate reasons), or circumstances that are generally beyond the control of the student which affects their course progress or well-being (compelling reasons).

Apply online: Letter of release

You must also submit the following supporting documentation:

  • An offer letter from another registered provider
  • Other supporting documents (if applicable) such as a medical certificate, a letter of support, etc.

The processing time for letter of release is within ten (10) working days of receiving a request.

Apply for a refund

Refund of tuition fees will be made in accordance with the International Students - Refund of Fees Procedures.

To apply for a refund you will need to fill out an International Student Refund Request form and submit to CDU Global office via email.

Compassionate and compelling circumstances documentation examples

The following are examples of appropriate documentation that will be required when you make an application to be considered within the National Code guidelines of ‘compassionate and compelling’ circumstances.

If you are applying on medical grounds, you must supply up-to-date, detailed medical records and a letter of support that is signed, dated and stamped by a medical doctor that supports your claims. Charles Darwin University has the right to contact the medical centre individually to have documents verified and may also contact you to request more information.

If you are applying on non-medical grounds, you must supply evidence in the form of a counsellor’s letter and if applicable, proof of change of circumstances. If your reasons are bereavement due to the death of a close family member, you will be required to provide a certified death certificate. Statutory declarations are accepted only when provided alongside other forms of evidence.

If your documents are in another language other than English, you will need to have the document officially interpreted and certified before submitting it with your application.

Australia Awards Scholarship student forms

New Australia Awards Scholarship students are advised to complete the Arrival Information and Airport Pick-up form at least four (4) weeks prior to your arrival dates.

For all continuing Australia Awards Scholarship students, you are required to complete and submit the relevant forms to CDU Global if you wish to have access to your scholarship entitlements as listed below.

Completion and reunion travel request 

Supplementary academic support request

Fieldwork request

Scholarship variation request


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