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Current Students

Enrolment and Fee Advice

What is an Enrolment and Fee Advice (EAFA)? 

It is a statement of account showing your enrolment details. After you enrol, you will receive an EAFA showing your enrolment details only, as the fee assessment date for your teaching period may not have occurred yet. 

Once your fees are assessed, or if any changes are made to your enrolment, an updated EAFA will be issued.

EAFA are generated weekly, typically on Tuesdays and are emailed to your student account. 

How do I get an EAFA?

You can access an EAFA yourself through your MyStudentInfo. It is your responsibility to ensure your financial obligations are met by the relevant due dates

I've deferred my fees, why do I still receive an EAFA?

If you've chosen to defer your fees with HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or a SA-HELP loan, you will still receive an Enrolment and Fees Advice each semester. This gives you the opportunity to pay all or part of your fees upfront prior to census date. 

If you've successfully applied for a HELP loan and supplied your Tax File Number (TFN) your eligible fees will automatically be deferred to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) after each census date. 

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