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Outbound (out of Australia)

Study Abroad - Italy

Learning abroad gives you a chance to experience different cultures, meet new people and grow your skills and knowledge.

Whether you're interested in a semester exchange, an internship, placement or a short-term program, studying overseas is an incredible way to enhance your learning journey and see the world.

Oversea study options

Student exchange

Fully immerse yourself in a new culture by spending a semester or two studying overseas at one of CDU's partner universities and earn credit points towards your degree. You'll get to explore a different part of the world, enhance your career goals and broaden your university experience.

During your semester abroad you'll continue to earn full credit points towards your CDU degree and won't need to pay tuition fees to your host university. Instead, you'll continue to pay your normal CDU tuition fees and will have access to great financial support options to help cover the cost of travel and living expenses.

Study abroad

Study abroad for one or two semesters at a university of your choice while earning credit toward your degree. Unlike student exchange, where you pay tuition to your home university, study abroad requires direct payment of tuition to your host university.

Short term programs

Fast track your degree and get a global perspective on your studies when you take part in a short term program overseas.

Short term programs run for 2-4 weeks and are a great opportunity for students who may not be able to take a whole semester off to study abroad.

Types of programs on offer:

  • Summer/Winter Schools: Generally 2-4 weeks at a partner university to earn credit for one unit at CDU. Often, you'll engage with industry experts to work on real-world problems while you learn. You'll also get to study with students from universities all around the world and have the opportunity to build great connections.
  • Faculty Led Programs: Generally 2-4 weeks overseas with a group of CDU students and a staff member.
  • Internships: Varying in length, internships with approved companies may be available to students.

Scholarships and grants

New Colombo Plan Scholarship program

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship program is an Australian Government initiative that aims to strengthen knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia. It encourages people-to-people and institutional relationships through study and work placement.

Valued at approximately $87,000, scholarship recipients must undertake a study program (for at least one semester, but this can be up to two semesters in duration) for which they will receive credit at their home university (CDU).

The program also includes relevant language studies and internship/mentorship components.

To apply, complete an Expression of interest form by Friday 30 May 2025.

New Colombo Plan mobility program

The New Colombo Plan mobility program provides funding to Australian universities to support Australian undergraduate students’ participation in study, language training, internships, mentorships, practicums and research in 40 host locations across the Indo-Pacific region.

Mobility Programs are generally faculty led and differ each year based on funding available. 

Destination Australia Cheung Kong Exchange program

The Destination Australia Cheung Kong Exchange program is a joint funding initiative of the Australian Government and the Cheung Kong Group.

The Program supports Australian universities to offer short-term mobility scholarship opportunities for outbound students from Australia and inbound students select countries in Asia.

The Program supports short-term mobility scholarship opportunities in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia
  • China (including Hong Kong)
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Laos
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Republic of the Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Mobility experiences must be between two weeks and one semester in duration. Types of exchange or mobility opportunities may include:

  • short term study
  • research
  • practicums or clinical placements
  • in-country face-to-face language study

Scholarships up to the value of $8,000 of are currently available. 

To apply, complete an Expression of Interest form by Friday 2 May 2025.

INPEX Scholarship Foundation Exchange Program Scholarship (ISFEPS) (for undergraduate students)

The ISFEPS is a distinguished scholarship program, funded by INPEX Scholarship Foundation (ISF), offering three outstanding Australian undergraduate students at Charles Darwin University (CDU) the chance to embark on a one-semester exchange program at one of the following of CDU's esteemed partner institutions in Japan: 

  • Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. 
  • Kyoto University 
  • Doshisha University

The scholarship, is valued at $10,000 (approx.) includes:

  • Return economy class air tickets between Darwin or Alice Springs and Tokyo
  • Monthly  stipend of $1000AUD (approx.) for up to 7 months
  • Public transportation fare between Tokyo and the host university
  • Overseas student insurance
  • Japanese language lessons prior to departure

View the Terms and Conditions document below to learn more about the eligibility requirements and terms and conditions.

For more information or to discuss your application please contact

Terms and conditions

Applications close Friday 29 August.

Apply Now

INPEX Scholarship Foundation Scholarship (for graduate students)

INPEX Scholarship Foundation Scholarship (for graduate students)

Commencing in 2022, the INPEX Scholarship Foundation has expanded its focus to include Australia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Scholarships will be offered to promising Indonesian, Australian and UAE students who wish to study a Postgraduate university course in Japan. The Foundation is accepting applications for scholarships for 2025 under the following program.

Eligibility guidelines

To be eligible for this scholarship all of the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • Those who have the nationality of the Commonwealth of Australia and are less than 30 years of age at the time of the submission of the application, and have an Undergraduate Degree from an Australian university with at least 16 years of school education and tertiary education, or equivalent academic background.
  • Those who have the aim to study and research a course of Natural Science or Cultural Science or Social Science in a Master’s program at a Japanese university, and were permitted or are expected to be permitted to enter the university.
  • Those who have excellent results of their studies at the university (cumulative GPA of undergraduate: more than 3 on a scale of 4 or more than 5 on a scale of 7).
  • Those who have been permitted to receive the scholarship of the Foundation by their belonging institutes, universities or companies.
  • Those who have interest in the friendly relations between the Commonwealth of Australia and Japan and are prepared to contribute to the promotion of such relations.
  • Those who had not or have not been awarded similar scholarships in Japan for the Program.

For more information visit the INPEX Scholarship Foundation.


OS-HELP is a deferred HELP loan for Australian students who are enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place and wish to study abroad.

In 2025, the maximum you can borrow for a six-month study period is:

  • $9,893 if you study in Asia; plus an extra $1,314 if you do Asian language study in preparation for study in Asia, or;
  • $8,245 if you do not study in Asia.

To apply for an OS-Help Loan or to discuss your application, please complete the forms below and email

Upcoming programs

Jonkoping University - JU Summer School

Experience summer in Sweden - 2 - 27 June

The following courses will be offered during the JU Summer School 2025:

  • Purchasing Logistics with a Global Perspective, 10 ects
  • User-centered Cybersecurity and Privacy 10 ects
  • Project Management and Leadership, 10 ects

JU Summer School Flyer
JU Summer School General Information

Applications close 1 April 2025. Contact to apply.

Engineers Without Borders Australia - Humanitarian Design Summit, Cambodia

22 June - 19 July 2025, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh
Cost: $7,500* 

Transform your university experience through immersion in an award-winning learning program. Join the 28-day Humanitarian Design Summit to Cambodia where you will gain insight into best-practice community development and appreciate the critical role engineering plays in creative positive social change. 

* With a successful NCP grant, the out-of-pocket cost will be $1,500 plus your airfare.

Round 1 Applications close 20 March 2025
Round 2 Applications close 10 April 2025

CIS Australia
CIS Australia

Charles Darwin University partners with CIS Australia providing students with innovative, high quality, short-term overseas study, intern and volunteer experiences for academic credit, while promoting global awareness, inspiring personal growth, and developing engaged world citizens.

Featured Programs:

Apply for a semester abroad


To apply for a semester abroad (one or two semesters) at a partner university, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate students need to have achieved a minimum of 60 CDU credit points before the semester abroad begins
  • Postgraduate students need to have achieved a minimum of 40 CDU credit points before the semester abroad begins
  • Demonstrate a satisfactory academic record
  • You must return to CDU with 10 CDU credit points remaining
  • Study a full-time load (equivalent of minimum 30 CDU credit points) whilst abroad.
Assessing your application

The outcome of your learning abroad application is dependent on:

  • you meeting the eligibility criteria
  • your credit transfer being approved by your faculty
  • availability of places at the host institution.

The final decision on acceptance into an exchange program rests with the host university.

Credit point conversions

Here's a rundown of how credit points at CDU compare to universities in other parts of the world.

40 CDU credit points are equivalent to:
USA = approx. 12-15 Credits
Europe = approx. 30 ECTS
Canada = approx. 15 Credits
Japan = approx. 15 Credits
UK = approx. 60 Credits or 30 ECTS

*Other regions do not have universal credit point systems. Refer to each host university's website to determine the full-time load at that university.

Getting ready to study overseas

The Global Engagement team will help you with all pre-departure requirements and provide ongoing advice and support throughout your study abroad. You'll also be provided with the name and contact details of the Liaison Officer at your host university.

Unit Selection

You can choose from a huge range of units to study overseas, as long as you have your unit choices approved by your CDU course coordinator before departure. This is to make sure that your units will count towards your CDU course.

Some universities specialise in particular areas. We encourage you to research the universities that you are considering to find out which one best suits your area of study. You also need to check whether the units that you're interested in are being taught in English in the semester that you wish to study overseas.

As a guide, it's easier to apply for credit for elective units rather than core or specialist units. If you do wish to take a core or specialist unit, you will need to print out all the documentation and take it to your course coordinator to assess.

Staying enrolled at CDU

If you are applying for a place with one of our partner universities, you need to stay enrolled at CDU. The Global Engagment team will advise on the equivalent CDU units to enrol in. You can do this by submitting a Higher Education Enrolment Form.

When enrolled, you can pay the fees or submit an online HECS-HELP Form as usual through MyStudentInfo.

Travel insurance

Students who travel overseas on official university activities, such as learning abroad programs, are covered by the University's corporate travel insurance policy. This cover is limited to the duration of your University activities and allows two days of cover getting to and from the set destination.

To activate the University's travel insurance, students must submit and have approved a CDU Global Learning Abroad Agreement.

To find out what the University's travel insurance covers and does not cover before departing, and organise additional personal travel insurance if required, please read CDU’s Travel Policy.

Passport and visa

The Australian Passport Office offers advice and information about applying for an Australian passport. If you already have an Australian passport, check that is has a minimum of six months validity.

A visa permits you to enter a country for a particular purpose. As consular rules are always changing, we can't advise on visas. It is your responsibility to check with the appropriate consulate about visa requirements before leaving Australia.


Smartraveller is a great source of information for all travellers and is provided by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Packing checklist
  • Valid passport
  • Current visa
  • Letter of offer/admission from the host university
  • Address and contact details of the host university
  • Insurance documentation
  • At least AUD$1000 or equivalent in cash
  • Other official identification such as your driver’s license
  • Any medical records (particularly of immunisations) and any necessary medical prescriptions
  • Appropriate clothing
  • Personal items such as special medications and copies of prescriptions, camera, personal computer/laptop.
Before you leave home
  • Check the validity of your passport; you must renew your passport if it has less than six months validity remaining
  • Apply for the appropriate visas using the letter of offer/admission issued to you
  • Read and understand the conditions of your visa
  • Obtain a copy of your Prior Travel Approval (PTA) (travel request that provides your travel insurance)
  • Obtain a copy of CDU’s Business Travel Insurance with the emergency contact number
  • Book flights and arrange any additional travel insurance required
  • Subscribe to SmartTraveller to receive travel advice for your destination. 
  • Arrange for immunisations, medications and request copies of any medical records from your doctor (if applicable)
  • Arrange access to sufficient funds and credit card
  • Organise accommodation
  • Provide primary and secondary emergency contact details in Australia
  • Familiarise yourself with CDU’s Code of Conduct - Students.
Jaiden Learning Abroad

A study abroad opportunity was an unforgettable experience

Jaiden has lived in Darwin his entire life but has always been passionate about exploring and learning about the world. His interest stems from his heritage. 

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