Higher Education grades
Assessment grades
During the semester, you'll receive a grade for each assessment task you complete. These results will be available to you in Learnline via the CDU Portal.
Final grades
At the end of each semester, those results will be combined to give you an overall result. This will be given to you as a grade based on the grading system in the table below.
Final grades will be published in MyStudentInfo by 9am on the grade release day. This is typically 2 weeks after the exam period ends, but you can find exact dates by visiting important dates.
To view your final grades, log in to the CDU Portal, select MyStudentInfo and then select Grades.
While you are in MyStudentInfo, we encourage you to add your enrolment for the next semester.
Reviewing grades
Go to your unit information in Learnline to see the grade for each of your assessment tasks.
If you believe that your grade should be reviewed, the first step is to contact your lecturer or unit coordinator to discuss the reconsideration of your grade.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that discussion you may submit a formal complaint by contacting CDU's Complaints Coordinator who will guide you through the appropriate process and provide advice.
To contact the Complaints Management Unit email complaints@cdu.edu.au
Higher Education Grading system
Every country has it's own academic grading system for Higher Education. You can learn about CDU's Grading policy to refer to more specific grading information.
Here's a breakdown of the Australian grading system and what each grade means at university.
Grade | Grade definition | Percentage score |
HD | High Distinction | 85 to 100% |
D | Distinction | 75 to < 85% |
C | Credit | 65 to < 75% |
P | Pass | 50 to < 65% |
PS | Pass Supplementary | 47 to < 50% |
PU | Pass Ungraded | 0 |
F | Fail | 0 - 50% |
FNS | Fail Not Submitted | |
PO | Placement ( Practicum) Ongoing | |
SA | Supplementary Assessment | |
AC | Assessment Continues | |
SPEC | Alternate Examinations Sitting Approved | |
IR | Under Investigation or Review | |
W | Withdrawn without penalty (before census date) | |
WW | Withdrawn without academic penalty (after census date) | |
WF | Withdrawn Fail (after census date) | |
NA | Grade not yet available | |
NE | Not Examinable - Research |
Grade Point Average (GPA)
A GPA is a way of looking at your overall achievement. Each grade is given a numeric value on a 7-point scale.
Your GPA is calculated by dividing the total points by the number of units you have completed.
The GPA for each grade at CDU are:
Grade | Grade definition | GPA Value |
HD | High Distinction | 7 |
D | Distinction | 6 |
C | Credit | 5 |
P | Pass | 4 |
PS | Pass Supplementary | 4 |
PU | Pass Ungraded | NA |
F | Fail | 0 |
FNS | Fail Not Submitted | 0 |
View an example of a GPA calculation.
CDU TAFE grades
If you're a TAFE student, grades work a little differently to Higher Education.
TAFE grades are not merit-based, which means you don't receive a score or a rank for your achievement. Instead, you are simply assessed to have met the requirements of learning.
Your grade will be published when your trainer has confirmed that you have achieved competency in the unit you're enrolled in.
If you have enrolled and studied some or all of your units online, you can view your grades in MyStudentInfo.
You can access this through the CDU Portal. Once you log in:
- select MyStudentInfo, and then
- select Grades.
If you haven't needed to use an online student account, you will be sent a hard copy Memorandum of Grades to your postal address.
CDU TAFE Grading System
Grade | Grade definition |
CA | Competency Achieved |
SP | Success Participation |
CE | Continuing Enrolment |
OWA | Ongoing Workplace Assessment |
NYC | Not Yet Competent |
NS | Never Started |
IP | Insufficient Participation for Assessment |
UP | Unsuccessful Participation |
SW | Special Withdrawal |
W | Withdrawn Without Penalty |
WW | Withdrawn Without Academic Penalty |
NA | Grade Not Available |
- | Indicates results not yet available |
RPL | Recognition of Prior Learning |
RPL-NOT | Recognition of Prior Learning NOT Granted |
If you believe you have completed your course - congratulations! You will be hearing from the Graduation Team shortly.