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Advanced standing

Advanced standing is a way for you to get credits towards your course from previous achievements. This can include previous study you've completed, work experience or other life experience you've gained.

Depending on whether you're a Higher Education or CDU TAFE student, you can apply for different types of advanced standing.

Discover your credit options by using the CDU Fast-track calculator.

If you're an international student, you might have already provided the information for advanced standing when you first applied for your course.

Higher Education

Credit transfer

We recommend you apply for a credit transfer if you've previously completed your study. This can be from a course you've completed at CDU or another institution.

You need to have completed your course within the last 7 years, and it should be relevant to the new course you're studying.

If it's been longer than 7 years since you completed your course, we suggest you apply for a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) instead.

Credit will appear on your Academic Record as either a unit (if the unit you completed directly matches the learning outcomes of a CDU unit) or as several credit points at a certain level. This is called unspecified credit and can be used in place of any general electives in your study plan.

How to apply

To apply for a credit transfer, complete and submit the advanced standing eForm (login to the CDU Portal, select eForms and select advanced standing eForm) with the relevant supporting documents:

  • official Academic record
  • unit outlines - specific to the teaching period in which the unit was undertaken and must include: aims/objectives, learning outcomes, assessment items, resources required and institutional identifiers (web links are not accepted, these must be converted to PDF before submission)
  • Certificates/Diplomas.

Please note: if you're seeking credit for units completed at CDU, you don't need to supply the supporting documents listed above.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is a way for you to get credit towards your course based on prior formal, non-formal or informal learning. Unlike a credit transfer, you don't need to have completed a whole qualification.

Please note: Some HE units cannot allow credit to be granted from RPL based on professional experience. Always refer to the supporting documentation required information listed on the advanced standing eForm.

How to apply

  1. Check your course structure in the Course Catalogue.
  2. Look at the unit content and learning outcomes for each unit to determine if you meet each learning outcome.
  3. Complete the HE Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) form
  4. Complete and submit the advanced standing eForm (login to the CDU Portal, select eForms and select advanced standing eForm) with the relevant supporting documents:
    1. Your completed HE Recognition of Prior Learning Form
    2. Supporting documentation which may include:
      • resume
      • references
      • position descriptions
      • other content as requested by the RPL assessor

Please note: Your course coordinator may request additional evidence after the initial assessment. There are no fees charged for HE RPL applications.

Block credit

As a dual-sector university, some TAFE courses can be a pathway into Higher Education courses at CDU. Block credit is a pre-approved arrangement that exempts you from completing a group of units. Your block credit will be automatically applied when you accept your Higher Education course offer, so you don't need to apply.

Credit point guidelines

Below are the guidelines for advanced standing, detailing the maximum amount of credit points you can be granted towards your new course.


Maximum amount of combined credit (specified, unspecified, block or RPL)

Minimum volume of learning to be completed at CDU

HE Diploma (80 credit points)

50 credit points

30 credit points

Associate Degree (160 credit points)

100 credit points

60 credit points

Bachelor (240 credit points)

160 credit points

80 credit points

Bachelor (320 credit points)

240 credit points

80 credit points

Bachelor Honours (320 credit points)

240 credit points

80 credit points

Honours Year (80 credit points)

50 credit points

30 credit points

Graduate Certificate (40 credit points)

20 credit points

20 credit points

Graduate Diploma (80 credit points)

50 credit points

30 credit points

Masters (80 credit points)

50 credit points

30 credit points

Masters (120 credit points)

80 credit points

40 credit points

Masters (160 credit points)

100 credit points

60 credit points


Credit transfer

If you have completed the previous TAFE study at another Registered Training Organisation (RTO), we recommend applying for a credit transfer. As an RTO, CDU recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and Statement of Attainments issued by any other Australian RTO.

How to apply

To apply for credit transfer, complete and submit a VET110 Application for credit transfer form with the required supporting documents:

  • completed qualification - Certificate of Completion
  • partially completed qualification - Statement of Attainment.

Please note: if you're seeking credit for units completed at CDU, you don't need to supply the supporting documents listed above.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a way for you to get credit towards your course based on prior formal, non-formal or informal learning. Unlike a credit transfer, you don't need to have completed or partially completed another TAFE unit.

RPL can include:

  • previous study (not TAFE study) that might consist of courses at school or college
  • adult education classes or training programs at work
  • work experience (including both work that is paid and unpaid)
  • life experience (for example, leisure pursuits or voluntary work).

If you plan to apply for RPL, it is recommended that you indicate this at the time of your first enrolment.

Learn more about gaining Recognition of Prior Learning at CDU.

Information on the fees charged for RPL can be found on the Fees and payments page.


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