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This information applies to all Higher Education students who are enrolled in units that have a formal, end-of-semester examination as an accredited assessment item.

Exam timetables

Students are required to make themselves available on all days of the central examination period if an exam is listed as an item in their unit outline.

When can I expect my timetable to be published?

The exam timetable will be published on the University Examinations webpage and emailed to students no later than two (2) weeks before the exam period.

All timetables will be set according to Australian Central Standard Time (ACST gmt+9.5).

Every attempt will be made to schedule examinations between the hours of 8.00 am and 8.00 pm ACST from Monday to Friday. If necessary, exams may be scheduled on a Saturday.


A student will fail the examination if they cannot sit the examination on the day and time the examination is scheduled unless their circumstances support an application for an alternate exam sitting or special consideration.


Alternate exam sitting and special consideration

If you are unable to sit for an end-of-semester final examination, you may be eligible to apply for an alternate exam sitting.

How can I apply for alternate exam sitting?

You can submit an application through eForms in your Student Portal. 

You must be able to demonstrate that you are unable to sit your examination/s on the published examination date. If approved, you must sit in the following alternate exam period.  

Please refer to the University's important dates webpage for specific alternate exam sitting periods.

Strict timelines apply for an alternate exam sitting applicationA request for an alternate exam sitting must be submitted within two (2) weeks of the publication of the examination timetable, and be supported by documented evidence. A student who leaves the examination within 30 minutes of commencement due to unforeseen circumstances or the sudden onset of an illness, can also apply for an alternate exam sitting. In this case, you must submit your application no more than five (5) calendar days from the date of the relevant examination/s. You will not be able to apply online after this timeframe.

Students who are unable to attend an examination (online or on-campus) at the scheduled time may request an alternate exam sitting in the following circumstances:

  1. medical or compassionate grounds
  2. work commitments beyond their control 
  3. religious and cultural obligations
  4. sporting or cultural commitment
  5. volunteer community service activity. 


Special consideration

Special consideration is an equity measure that may be applied in recognition that a short-term and/or unforeseen circumstance has impacted on a student’s performance in an examination. 

More information

A student who leaves the examination within 30 minutes of commencement due to unforeseen circumstances or the sudden onset of an illness will not be given special consideration and instead can apply for an Alternate Exam Sitting. 

A student who remains in the examination for more than 30 minutes will have their paper graded and may apply for Special Consideration if one of the following applies:

  • illness of short duration (less than 6 weeks) 
  • accident or injury
  • disability
  • bereavement 
  • compassionate grounds
  • other unforeseen or extenuating circumstances. 

You can submit an application through eForms in your Student Portal within five (5) calendar days after the scheduled examination. Applications must be accompanied by relevant supporting evidence (eg., medical certificate, letter from employer, statutory declaration, copy of an accident report, etc.). 

The Examinations and Timetabling team will assess the application and may ask the student to clarify information or provide additional evidence to support their application. The application will then be referred to the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or delegate for determination. 

Students will generally receive a written response within five (5) working days of their submission, including details of the basis of any decisions. Approval of a request for special consideration is not guaranteed and may result in the following determinations:

  1. No change (final grade including examination marks stands).
  2. The final grade is based only on prior work in the unit (where that work represents more than 50% of the total marks for the unit).
  3. The final examination mark is based on performance in prior work in the unit and the marks for the components of the examination the student was able to finish.
  4. An alternate examination sitting, where no previous alternate examination sitting has been granted for that unit, or if an examination is the only acceptable method of assessment for that unit, as specified in the relevant accreditation documentation.
  5. An alternate assessment task.

A student who undertakes an alternate assessment task or examination will have their new mark applied, which may be lower than the first mark originally achieved.

Respondus exams 

Some of or all your units may include online exams and use Respondus Monitor & Lockdown Browser, often shortened to 'Respondus'. Respondus assists in protecting student academic integrity for online assessments. 

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Getting started

  1. Install Lockdown Browser - view a video guide to install Lockdown Browser.
  2. Starting Respondus in Learnline Ultra.

Helpful information for taking your exam

If you are required to use Respondus for your exam it is important to:

  1. Download Respondus well in advance of your exam date to prevent any potential delays.
  2. Complete the practice exam under conditions similar to the official test to ensure your internet connection, microphone, and webcam are all working appropriately.

You will also be required to:

  • Verify your identity using a photo ID that displays both your name and photo on the same side.
  • Conduct a thorough environment check, moving your camera to reveal all surroundings, including your desk area, front, and behind.
  • Ensure you are in a well-lit area.
  • Refrain from using headphones, earbuds, or any other listening equipment.
  • Avoid communication with any other person through any means.
  • Do not use a phone for any reason.
  • Stay in the room throughout the duration of the exam.





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