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Student services and amenities fees (SSAF)

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

All international and domestic Higher Education students must pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) each semester during their studies at CDU. 

What you need to know

  • This is standard practice for Australian universities. The SSAF helps fund non-academic services and deliver projects and activities to improve your experience as a student.
  • The SSAF is cross-institutional, so you will still need to pay the fee if you study abroad. 
  • SSAF is calculated and charged progressively for each semester, based on your enrolment (study load) within a calendar year.
  • Students who withdraw from a course/unit(s) before the applicable semester census date, and have paid their SSAF upfront, may be eligible for a full/partial refund.
  • You are not eligible for a refund of any amount paid for your SSAF if you withdraw from your course or units of study, after the census date in the applicable semester.
  • If you have elected to defer payment of your SSAF you will incur a SA-HELP debt if you withdraw from your course, or units of study, after the census date in the applicable semester.
2024 SSAF Fee rates - Coursework

The 2024 fee value for domestic and international coursework is $43.00 per 10 credit points and the maximum fee that will be charged will be $344.00. See the table below.

Number of Credit Points (CP)

SSAF Charge





80CP and above$344.00
2023 SSAF Fee rates - Coursework

The 2023 fee value for domestic and international coursework is $40.00 per 10 credit points and the maximum fee that will be charged will be $320. See the table below.

Number of Credit Points (CP)

SSAF Charge





80CP and above$320.00

Student involvement

CDU is committed to involving our students in all of our decision-making, this includes how we utilise our SSAF funds. We have four student representatives on our SSAF Advisory Board Committee. 

  • First Nations Student Representative
  • Postgraduate Student Representative
  • International Student Representative
  • Online Student Representative

In addition to our student representatives, CDU will consult with Student Council for their input and opinions on all upcoming SSAF-funded projects. 

Do you have ideas on how you would like to see CDU spend our SSAF funds? 

Fill out our annual SSAF Survey and let us know! 

Student Services and Amenities Fee Survey

How to get involved

SSAF projects consist of two yearly rounds, students are encouraged to apply for SSAF-funded projects that will benefit the University and their student experience. If you would like to be notified when SSAF applications are open and for all further information, please contact

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay?

Domestic students: There are several different ways to pay your SA-HELP fee. You can choose to pay the fee upfront or if you are eligible, you can defer the payment through to an SA-HELP loan. Log into your MyStudentInfo account to pay your SA-HELP or to complete the SA-HELP loan (step 7) to defer your fees.

Please note that there are two types of loans, the HECS-HELP loan (or Commonwealth Assistance) and SA-HELP loan (Student Amenities Fee Loan). You must complete the relevant loan to be able to defer your payment.

See also:  Am I eligible for a SA-HELP loan?

International students: All fees need to be paid in full by the census date for each teaching period. Please see Compliance and enrolment.

Am I required to pay SSAF even if I don't intend to use any of the services and amenities?

Yes. A provider can charge a student the Student Services and Amenities Fee regardless of whether the student intends to use any of the services and amenities provided.


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