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Understanding HE Statistics
This page provides an overview of the HE Statistics subsystem and its
use for the production of government statistical returns. (For information about VET statistics see Understanding
VET Statistics.)
This is a
highly specialised part of Callista, intended for use by statistics specialists
Reference data is maintained in other subsystems. Refer to the Statistics
Subsystem Table of Contents for details.
The Government Admissions Statistics process is also referred to in this Help page. The activities involved in preparing the Government Admissions Statistics Snapshot are described in more detail in How the Government Admissions Statistics Process Works.
The VET FEE-HELP Reporting process is referred to at the end of this Help page. However, for more detailed information, see Understanding
VET Statistics.
For information about the Revisions process, see Understanding Revisions.
Users of the Statistics Subsystem and Required Knowledge
The production of Government Statistics is a job for a Specialist Statistics Officer. It requires an intimate knowledge of both the requirements of government statistical reporting and the data sources within Callista. They need a broad understanding of system-wide functionality of the operation of the Enrolments and Job Control and Scheduling subsystems.
The Callista Online Help provides necessary information in the System Overview, Enrolments Subsystem and Job Control and Scheduling Subsystem chapters. Help for a specific topic can be found using the Index.
Setting up the Statistics subsystem prior to its first use requires some programmer/analyst activity. This is detailed in Statistics Subsystem Data Pre-Requisites.
Multi-Byte Characters:
Please note that the use of multi-byte characters is designed for and partially supported in specific areas of Callista only (i.e. Proposals (user-defined fields), Communication Templates and Items, and Thesis). Therefore, it is recommended that you use single-byte characters only in the Statistics subsystem, as some
multi-byte characters are equal to more than one byte at the storage level and therefore could be interpreted incorrectly by processes. For more information, see the Character Sets section in System Wide Features.
Maintenance of Statistics Related Data in Callista
The entry of data used by the Statistics Subsystem is distributed throughout other Subsystems. For instance, Course and Unit information originates in the Course Structure and Planning Subsystem and is used in the Enrolments Subsystem where students are enrolled in Course and Unit Offerings. Users entering this data do not require detailed knowledge of the Statistics Subsystem.
For the Statistics Subsystem to function, specific reference data must be created and maintained in other Subsystems (for example, specific Calendar Instances and Date Alias Instances must be created in the Calendar Subsystem). These pre-requisites are detailed below. This data is usually created by a System administrator or by the specialist responsible for the Subsystem concerned.
Government Codes, as specified in the HEIMS manual, are recorded throughout the System. In most cases one or more institution defined codes map to a Government Code and it is the institution defined code which is used by the majority of users. Institution and Government codes are usually created and maintained by a System administrator or by the specialist responsible for the Subsystem concerned.
Pre-Requisites for Government Statistics Processing Setup
Specific data must be created in other subsystems in order for the Statistics subsystem to function correctly. This data is detailed in Statistics Subsystem Data Pre-Requisites and must be established prior to running data 'snapshots'.
Statistics Reference/Control Data The following Reference Data/Control forms related to Statistics Snapshots exist in the Statistics subsystem:
The Government Enrolments Statistics Process
Government reportable data is maintained routinely in Callista. For example, student Addresses and Course and Unit details are maintained as part of the business of the institution. A set of specific codes used for government reporting is also maintained in the system. Examples include, Government Citizenship Codes (STAF1129) and Government Attendance Types.
Enrolment Statistics Snapshots
Preparations for Government Statistics Submissions commences with the creation of an Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. This snapshot is produced as frequently as the institution requires (by running STAJ0100 in the Job Control and Scheduling subsystem) and can be used for pre-submission data checking (by utilising the Government Statistics Process to identify HEPCAT validation errors) or other institution purposes such as enrolment analysis.
The primary purpose of the Enrolments Statistics Snapshot is to identify records that are to be considered for inclusion in the Government Submission Snapshot.
The snapshots record Course and Unit data for all students except those with Unit Attempt Status UNCONFIRM, INVALID or DUPLICATE at the point in time at which the capture process takes place. Each record is broken down to the level of Teaching Responsibility and Discipline Group within a Student Unit Attempt within a Student Course Attempt.
The Snapshot table in Callista (ENR_STATISTICS_SNAPSHOT) contains Course and Unit related data for all students except those with a Student Unit Attempt Status of UNCONFIRM, INVALID or DUPLICATE when the snapshot process takes place.
Records are included where the Teaching Period for a Student Unit Attempt that has a Census Date within the Academic Period specified by the job run parameters. Each record is broken down to the level of Teaching Responsibility and Discipline Group, within a Student Unit Attempt within a Student Course Attempt. For example, a student will have two records for a Unit where Teaching Responsibility is split between two Organisational Units.
The Enrolment Snapshots also derive a Government Reportable check box for each record. This flags 'Y' those records to be considered for inclusion in a Government submission and flags 'N' those records which are not Government reportable. The Government Reportable check box may also be set to 'W' (Warning) for some records. This indicates that manual checking of these records should be performed.
The Reset Government Reportable check box form (STAF1250) is used to view Warning records. Where required, the Statistics Officer can use the same form to set the Government Reportable check box to 'X' (exclude - not Government reportable). It is not necessary to change the check box (for Warnings which are deemed reportable) to 'Y', as records which remain 'W' are reported in the submission by default. The Government Reportable check box for each record is re-evaluated when the Government Submission Snapshot is run, with the exception of those previously changed to 'X'.
The following Callista table lists the data included in the Enrolments Statistics Snapshot, the HEIMS Element to which it is related (where applicable) and the sources of the data. Follow the links for information regarding the Derivation of Derived Values.
Callista Table: ENR_STATISTICS_SNAPSHOT (Enrolments Statistics Snapshot) |
Field in Table | Description | HEIMS Element | Source |
SNAPSHOT_DT_TIME | Date the Snapshot was collected. | - | Set by the System. |
CI_CAL_TYPE | The Load Calendar with which the record is associated. | - | No longer populated. |
PERSON_ID | ID number of the student who is the subject of this record. | 313 | Student Unit Attempt. |
COURSE_CD | The Course Code of the Student's Course Attempt. | 307 | Student Unit Attempt. |
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER | Version of the Course being undertaken. | - | Student Course Attempt. |
UNIT_CD | The Unit Code of the Unit being undertaken by the student. | 354 | Student Unit Attempt. |
UV_VERSION_NUMBER | Version of the Unit being undertaken. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
SUA_CAL_TYPE | The Teaching Period in which the Student Unit Attempt is enrolled. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
TR_ORG_UNIT_CD | The Organisational Unit with Teaching Responsibility for the Unit. | 333 | (Unit Version &/or Offering Option) Teaching Responsibility. More than one Organisational Unit may be responsible for Teaching a Unit, hence for a given Student Unit Attempt there may be more than one record. |
TR_OU_START_DT | - | ||
DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD | The Unit Discipline to which the Unit belongs. | - | Unit (version) discipline. A Unit may be identified with more than one Unit Discipline, hence for a given Student Unit Attempt there may be more than one record. |
GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD | The Government Discipline to which the Unit Discipline (above) is mapped. | 464 | Unit Discipline - Government Discipline Group Mapping. |
CRV_ORG_UNIT_CD | The Organisational Unit with responsibility for the Course. | - | Course Version. |
CRV_OU_START_DT | - | ||
COURSE_TYPE | The institution defined Course of Study Type of the Course. | - | Course Version. |
GOVT_COURSE_TYPE | The Government Course of Study Type to which the institution defined Course Type (above) is mapped. | 310 | Course Type - Government Course Type Mapping. |
COURSE_TYPE_GROUP_CD | The Institution defined Group to which a Course Type belongs. | - | Course Type. |
SCA_LOCATION_CD | The Location (usually a campus) at which a Student Course Attempt is considered to be located. | - | Student Course Attempt. |
ATTENDANCE_MODE | The mode of Attendance (e.g. on campus) of the Student Course Attempt. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE | The Government Attendance Mode to which the Attendance Mode (above) is mapped. | 329 | Attendance Mode - Government Attendance Mode mapping. |
ATTENDANCE_TYPE | The Attendance Type (e.g. part-time) of the student. | - | Derived Value. |
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE | The Government Attendance Type to which the Attendance Type (above) is mapped. | 330 | Attendance Type - Government Attendance Type mapping. |
FUNDING_SOURCE | The Institution defined Funding Source of the Student Course Attempt. | - | Student Course Attempt. |
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE | The Government Funding Source to which the Institution defined Funding Source (above) is mapped. | - | Funding Source - Government Funding Source mapping No longer reported |
MAJOR_COURSE | Indicates whether or not this Course Attempt is the Student's major Course. | - | Derived Value - No longer reported. |
COMMENCING_STUDENT_IND | Indicates whether or not the student is considered a Commencing Student | - | Derived Value - No longer reported. |
SCHOOL_LEAVER | Indicates whether or not the student is considered a School Leaver. | - | Derived using Highest Attainment (493) - No longer reported. |
NEW_TO_HIGHER_EDUCATION | Indicates whether or not the student is attempting Higher Education for the first time. | - | Derived using Highest Attainment (493) - No longer reported. |
SUA_LOCATION_CD | The Location (usually campus) at which the student is attempting the Unit. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
UNIT_CLASS | The Class (e.g. evening on campus, day off campus) in which the student is attempting the Unit. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
UNIT_LEVEL | The year level in which the unit is normally attempted for this Course Type of the Course Attempt. | - | Derived Value. |
ENROLLED_DT | The Date the Student Unit Attempt was Enrolled. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
DISCONTINUED_DT | The Date the Student Unit Attempt was Discontinued. | - | Student Unit Attempt. |
EFTSL | Effective (or equivalent) Full-Time Student Load for this record. | 339 | Calculated Value. |
WEFTSL | Weighted EFTSL. | - | Calculated Value. |
UNIT_INT_COURSE_LEVEL_CD | Attribute assigned (optionally) to the Unit for institutional purposes (typically resource allocation). | - | Unit Version. |
GOVT_REPORTABLE_IND | Indicates whether or not this record should be considered for inclusion in the Government Submission Snapshot. | - | Derived Value. |
COMMENCEMENT_DT | The Commencement Date of the Student's Course Attempt. | 328 | Student Course Attempt. |
UNIT_CENSUS_DATE | Identifies all Teaching Periods with a Census Date within the year and returns all Enrolments for the Teaching Period. | 489 | Unit Offering Option Teaching Calendar. |
An exception report (Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Exception Report STAR0100) is produced from this job. The report contains details of records that cannot be included in a particular Enrolments Statistics Snapshot.
The report identifies records where critical data is missing and reports them as exceptions. The reason for the record’s exclusion from the snapshot is also included, permitting identification and resolution of problems.
Two types of issues may be reported:
Callista provides Validation Checks to ensure that Course and Unit Attempts cannot be recorded with missing data. As a result this report will usually contain no exceptions.
Unwanted Enrolment Snapshots should be deleted using the Delete Enrolment Statistics Snapshots process (STAJ0010) on a regular basis, due to the large amount of storage space they consume.
Government Submission Snapshots
A Government Submission Snapshot (STAJ0110) is the snapshot used to create many of the extract files used in HEPCAT. These snapshots can be created as required and used in HEPCAT to check data at any time prior to the actual submission being produced. (Note: For a particular submission year, number and type, only one Government snapshot is retained in the System. Running the Government snapshot process again, overwrites the existing version.)
The data to be included in a snapshot is determined by the parameters specified in the Maintain Government Snapshot Control form (STAF1350), the parameters specified when job STAJ0110 is run and by database routines which extract and derive data in accordance with the file specifications detailed in the HEIMS manual. The Online Help for STAF1350 provides some general information on data selection, but the HEIMS manual should be referred to for specific detail.
STAJ0110 uses one of the Enrolment Statistics Snapshots (created by STAJ0100) to identify records for inclusion in the Government Submission. The Enrolment Statistics Snapshot used should reflect the institution’s current enrolment situation.
The Enrolment Statistics Snapshot is used as a source for data required in the Government Submission Snapshot. The remaining required data is extracted or derived from other parts of the system. Checks are performed by the system to determine if records should be included in the Government Submission Snapshot.
For all records, except those with an ‘X’, the Government Reportable indicator is re-derived. Only those records from the Enrolments Statistics Snapshot, which now have a Government Reportable indicator of ‘Y’ (Government Reportable), or ‘W’ (Warning), are included in the Government Submission Snapshot.
The process populates the following Callista database tables with data obtained from both the Enrolment Statistics Snapshot and other tables in Callista:
These tables are subsequently used to create some of the extract files for submission.
The data elements recorded in each of the Government Snapshot tables are detailed below. (For a complete list of Data Elements, see the HEIMS Help Internet site.)
Callista Table: GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT (Government Student Enrolment) |
Field in Table | Description | HEIMS Element | Source | Extract File |
SUBMISSION_YR | Year and Submission Number of the current submission. | - | Parameters to the Government Snapshot job (STAJ0110) | HELP Due File. |
SUBMISSION_NUMBER | - | Revisions. | ||
PERSON_ID | ID number of the student. | 313 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Unit of Study Completions (CU), HELP DUE (DU), Enrolment (EN), Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP( OS), Past Course Completions (PS), Commonwealth Learning Scholarship (SS) , Revisions (RF) & Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO). |
COURSE_CD | The Course Code of the Student's Course Attempt. | 307 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Course of Study (CO), HELP DUE (DU), Unit of Study Completions (CU), Enrolment (EN), Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP (OS) , Past Course Completions (PS) & Revisions (RF). |
VERSION_NUMBER | Version of the Course being undertaken. | - | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | |
BIRTH_DT | Date of Birth of the student. | 315 | Student's person record. | HELP DUE (DU), Enrolment (EN), Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO), Past Course Completions (PS) & Revisions (RF). |
SEX | The student's gender. | 314 | Student's person record. | HELP DUE (DU), Enrolment (EN), Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO), Past Course Completions (PS) & Revisions (RF). |
ABORIG_TORRES_CD | The Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander code assigned to the student. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_ABORIG_TORRES_CD | The Government Code to which the Institution defined Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Code (above) is mapped. | 316 | Institution - Government Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Code mapping. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
CITIZENSHIP_CD | The Citizenship Code assigned to the student. | - | Captured in Government Student Load/Liability. | |
GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD | The Government Code to which the Institution defined Citizenship Code (above) is mapped. | 358 | Captured in Government Student Load/Liability. | No longer reported. |
PERM_RESIDENT_CD | The Permanent Residency Code assigned to the student. | - | Derived Value Captured in Government Student Load/Liability. | No longer populated. |
GOVT_PERM_RESIDENT_CD | The Government Code to which the Institution defined Permanent Residency Code (above) is mapped. | 390 | Permanent Residency Code - Government Permanent Residency Code mapping | No longer populated. |
HOME_LOCATION | Whichever is set out of the Student's Home Residence Postcode or Home Residence Country Code. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_HOME_LOCATION | The Government Country Code to which the Home Residence Country Code (above) is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | 320 | Person Statistics or Country Code - Government Country Code mapping. |
Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
TERM_LOCATION | Whichever is set out of the Student's Semester Residence Postcode and Semester Residence Country Code. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_TERM_LOCATION | The Government Country Code to which the Semester Residence Country Code (above) is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | 319 | Person Statistics or Country Code - Government Country Code mapping. |
Student Enrolment File. |
BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD | The Country Code for the Student's Country of Birth. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD | The Government Country Code to which the Institution defined Country of Birth is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | 346 | Country Code - Government Country Code mapping. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
YR_ARRIVAL | The year of arrival in Australia of a student born overseas. | 347 | Person Statistics. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
HOME_LANGUAGE_CD | The code of a language other than English spoken in the Student's home. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_HOME_LANGUAGE_CD | The Government Language Code to which the Institution defined Home Language Code is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | 348 | Language Code - Government Language Code mapping. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS).. |
PRIOR_UG_INST | The code of the Institution from which the student received their last qualification. | - | No longer reported. | No longer populated . |
GOVT_PRIOR_UG_INST | The Government Institution Code to which the Institution defined Institution Code (above) is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | - | No longer reported. | No longer populated. |
PRIOR_OTHER_QUAL | Prior educational qualifications of the student. | - | No longer reported. | No longer populated. |
PRIOR_POST_GRAD | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_DEGREE | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_SUBDEG_NOTAFE | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_SUBDEG_TAFE | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_SECED_TAFE | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_SECED_SCHOOL | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_TAFE_AWARD | - | No longer populated. | ||
PRIOR_STUDIES_EXEMPTION | Percentage of Course from which student has been granted exemption by virtue of approved Advanced Standing. | 565 | If not a Commencing Student or if a Commencing Student or if student commenced prior to 2008, then value is 0000. Otherwise, the value of '% of Course Requirements Granted' in Student's Advanced Standing record. If the value is greater than 9999, this field is set to 9999. | Student Enrolment File. |
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD | The code of the Institution from which most of the Student's Advanced Standing accrued. | 566 | Major exemption institution from Student's Advanced Standing record. | Derived value. |
GOVT_EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD | The Government Institution Code to which the Institution defined Exemption Institution Code (above) is mapped, or if no mapping exists, the Institution value is used (it will be a valid HEIMS value). | 368 | The Government Institution Code to which the Major Exemption Institution from Student's Advanced Standing record is mapped. If a Government Institution Code mapping does not exist then the Institution Code in the Advanced Standing Record is used. |
Student Enrolment File. |
ATTENDANCE_MODE | The Attendance Mode of the Student's Course Attempt | - | This value has been moved to the Load Liability Table. | No longer populated. |
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE | The Government Attendance Mode to which the institution defined Attendance Mode (above) is mapped. | 329 | This value has been moved to the Load Liability Table. | No longer populated. |
ATTENDANCE_TYPE | The Attendance Type (e.g. part-time) of the student. | - | Derived Value. | |
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE | The Government Attendance Type to which the Institution defined Attendance Type (above) is mapped. | 330 | Attendance Type and Government Attendance Type Mapping. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
COMMENCEMENT_DT | The Commencement Date of the Student's Course of Study. | 534 | Enrolment Snapshot. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
MAJOR_COURSE | Indicates whether or not this Course Attempt is the Student's major Course. | - | No longer reported. | No longer populated. |
TERTIARY_ENTRANCE_SCORE | Student's Tertiary Entrance Score. | 369 | Student's Admission Application, Australian Secondary Education Score, or mapping of score to Government Score (in ADMF02W1). | Student Enrolment File. |
BASIS_FOR_ADMISSION_TYPE | The basis for Admission of the student to a Course. | - | Student's Admission Course Application Basis for Admission Type. If none is found, Student Course Attempt Basis for Admission Type. If neither is found, NULL. | |
GOVT_BASIS_FOR_ADMISSION_TYPE | The Government basis for Admission Type to which the institution defined basis for Admission Type (above) is mapped. | 327 | Basis for Admission Type - Government Basis for Admission Type mapping. | Student Enrolment File. |
GOVT_DISABILITY | The Disabilities recorded against a student, coded as per HEIMS specifications. | 386 | Derived Value. | Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
CAMPUS_LOCATION | The code representing an Australian (1) or Overseas (2) Campus Location. | - | Moved to Load Liability Entity. | No longer populated. |
PREV_RTS_EFTSU | EFTSL from Research Training Scheme in previous course. | 460 | Previous RTS EFTSL value in RESF3211. | Student Enrolment (EN) File |
SEPARATION_STATUS_CD | The separation status of a student enrolled in a Higher Degree. | 465 | Candidature. | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
UPDATE_WHO | User running the Government Submission Snapshot job. | - | Username. | |
UPDATE_ON | The Date this record was updated (created). | - | System Date. | |
COMMENCING_LOCATION | Holds the Australian Postcode of the Permanent Home Location of the student in the final year of their secondary education. | 476 | Person Statistics. | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
COMMENCING_GEOGRAPHIC_LOC | Holds the Permanent Home Location of the student in the final year of their secondary study, (i.e. Name of Suburb/Town/Locality). | 486 | Derived Value. | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
S_SUBMISSION_TYPE | Submission Type. | - | Parameters to the Government Snapshot job (STAJ0110). | |
CHESSN | Records the person's CHESSN number where CHESSN status is Active or Provisional with a HEIMS Validation Date. | 488 | Person CHESSN - Must be Active or Provisional with a HEIMS Validation Date. | Commonwealth Learning Scholarship (SS), Unit of Study Completions (CU), Student Enrolment (EN), Student Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP (OS), Revisions (RF), Past Course Completions (PS) & HELP DUE (DU). |
COHORT_YR | The year in which a Student Cohort began their Course of Study. |
522 | Populated with NULL value. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
OVERSEAS_STUDENT_FEE | The actual fee to be charged of an Overseas Student for a course in which a student is enrolled at the Higher Education Provider. | 500 | Fee Assessment. | Student Enrolment (EN). |
SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE | A code which identifies the Scholarship Type Code. | - | Scholarship Type recorded in Person Scholarship Scholarship Code in SCHF1200. If not recorded there, then the system uses the Student Scholarship RESF3500, if recorded there. | |
GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE | The Government defined type of Scholarship associated with the student. | 487 | Govt Scholarship Type selected in (SCHF1200) for Person Scholarship.
Or for Student Scholarships, the Government value mapped to the value in Student Scholarship (RESF3500) - Scholarship types which map to Govt Scholarship types 03, 04, and 05 are reported as 00 (in RESF31A0). - Only scholarship types mapped to Govt Scholarship type with commonwealth_schlrshp_ind = 'N' (in STAF1130) are included for reporting. |
Student Enrolment (EN) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
HIGHEST_ATTAINMENT | Highest educational attainment prior to commencement (HEIMS element renamed 'Highest Participation'). | 493 | Person Statistics. | Student Enrolment File. |
GOVT_VTE_PROVIDER_TYPE | Government-defined Code representing the provider of the prior VET study for which credit was granted. (e.g. University, TAFE college, High school, etc). | 564 | The Government VTE Provider Type recorded in ADMF4200. Equals 00 when no Advanced Standing Exists. |
Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
VTE_LEVEL_DETAIL | Government-defined Code representing the level of the prior VET study for which credit was granted. | 563 | The VTE Level Detail recorded in ADMF4200. Equals 000 when no Advanced Standing Exists |
Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
GOVT_CREDIT_BASIS | Government-defined Credit Basis Code indicating the basis of Advanced Standing credit.(e.g. HE, VET, etc). | 561 | The Government Credit Basis Cd value recorded in ADMF4200. Equals 0000 when no Advanced Standing Exists. |
Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
VTE_FIELD_OF_EDUCATION | Government-defined Code representing the Field of Education of prior VET study for which credit was granted. | 562 | The VTE Field of Education recorded in ADMF4200. Equals 0000 when no Advanced Standing Exists. |
Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
GOVT_CREDIT_USED | Value representing the course EFTSL which has been granted as Advanced Standing. | 560 | Derived by callista using the same logic as Element 367 and as a result will always contain the same value. This field is derived by multiplying the percentage of course requirements granted by Advanced Standing and the defined total EFTSL for the student’s course. e.g. Course total EFTSL is 5 and 4 credit points out of 40 required for student course attempt are granted as Advanced Standing. 5 x .1 = .5 Giving this field a value 0500. If this value is determined to be greater than 9999, then this field is set to 9999. |
Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
YR_LEFT_SCHOOL | The year that the student left school | 572 | Sourced from PERSON_STATISTICS table | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
PRNT_GRDN_1_HEA_CD | Highest Educational attainment of first parent/guardian | - | ||
PRNT_GRDN_2_HEA_CD | Highest Educational attainment of second parent/guardian | - | ||
GOVT_PRNT_GRDN_1_HEA_CD | Govt Highest Educational attainment of first parent/guardian | 573 | Government value defined in STAF112E and mapped to local in ENRF0160 | Student Enrolment (EN) File |
GOVT_PRNT_GRDN_2_HEA_CD | Govt Highest Educational attainment of second parent/guardian | 574 | Government value defined in STAF112E and mapped to local in ENRF0160 | Student Enrolment (EN) File |
REPORTING_YR | The year to which the data relates. Not necessarily the year of submission, for example, it could relate to a previous submission. | 415 | SUBMISSION_YR and SUBMISSION_NUMBER combined, as reported. | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
HDR_END_USER_ENGAGEMENT_CD | Code which indicates the level of end-user engagement | 593 | Derived value. See STAJ0090. | Student Enrolment (EN) File. |
Callista Table: GOVT_STUDENT_LOAD_LIABILITY (Government Student Load Liability) |
Field in Table | Description | HEIMS Element | Source | Extract File |
SUBMISSION_YR | Year and Submission Number of the current Submission. | 415 | Parameters to the Government Snapshot job (STAJ0110). | HELP DUE (DU), Revisions (RF) & Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO). |
S_SUBMISSION_TYPE | Submission Type. | - | Parameters to the Government Snapshot job (STAJ0110). | |
PERSON_ID | ID number of the student. | 313 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Unit of Study Completions (CU), HELP DUE (DU), Enrolment (EN), Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP( OS), Past Course Completions (PS), Commonwealth Learning Scholarship (SS) , Revisions (RF) & Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO). |
COURSE_CD | The Course Code of the Student's Course Attempt. | 307 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Course of Study (CO), HELP DUE (DU), Unit of Study Completions (CU), Enrolment (EN), Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP (OS) , Past Course Completions (PS) & Revisions (RF). |
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER | Version of the Course being undertaken. | - | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | |
UNIT_CD | The Unit Code of the Student's Unit Attempt. | 354 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Unit of Study Completions (CU), Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
UV_VERSION_NUMBER | The Version of the Unit being attempted. | - | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | |
UNIT_CENSUS_DT | A code which indicates the year, month and day which is the Census date of that Unit of Study. | 489 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Unit of Study Completions (CU), Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
TR_ORG_UNIT_CD | The Organisational Unit with Teaching Responsibility for the Unit. | 333 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
TR_ORG_UNIT_START_DT | The Organisational Unit with Teaching Responsibility for the Unit. | - | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | |
COMMENCEMENT_DT | The Commencement Date of the Student's Course Attempt. | 328 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Past Course Completions (PS). |
TOTAL_EFTSL | Total EFTSL for the Unit of Study split by Teaching Organisational Unit. Replaces Total EFTSU. | - | Derived Value. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD | A code which uniquely identifies the discipline to which a unit of study is classified by the Higher Education Provider. | - | Unit Discipline. Enrolment Statistics Snapshot where Discipline is primary. | Student Load/Liability (LL) File. |
GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD | The Government Discipline to which the Unit Discipline (above) is mapped. | 464 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Load/Liability (LL) File. |
ATTENDANCE_MODE | The Commencement Date of the Student's Course Attempt.. | 328 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Past Course Completions (PS). |
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE | The Government Attendance Mode to which the institution defined Attendance Mode (above) is mapped | 329 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
CAMPUS_LOCATION | Postcode or overseas country code location of Higher Education Provider campus | 477 | Enrolment Statistics Snapshot. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Electronic Commonwealth Assistance (PO). |
MAX_STUDENT_CONTRIBUTION_IND | Maximum Student Contribution Indicator. Derived from Student Status and Differential HECS Indicator. | 392 | Derived Value. | Student Load/Liability (LL) File. |
STUDENT_STATUS | HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP Student Status Codes for each area. | - | Derived Value | |
GOVT_STUDENT_STATUS | HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP Student Status Codes for each area. | 490 | Student Status - Government Student Status Mapping. | HELP DUE (DU), Student Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP (OS) & Revisions (RF). |
TOTAL_AMOUNT_CHARGED | Amount charged for the Unit of Study. | 384 | Fee Assessment. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
AMOUNT_PAID_UPFRONT | The amount which has been paid for the Unit of Study. | 381 | Fee Assessment. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Revisions (RF). |
LOAN_FEE | The Loan Fee that is charged for a FEE-HELP undergraduate student or an OS-HELP student. | 529 | Fee Assessment. | Student Load/Liability (LL), OS-HELP (OS) & Revisions (RF). |
INDUSTRIAL_IND | An indicator of whether a unit of study consists wholly of work experience in industry. See (CRSF2210) and 'More' tab. | 337 | Unit Version. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
CITIZENSHIP_CD | The Citizenship Code assigned to the student. | - | Person Statistics. | |
GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD | The Government Code to which the Institution defined Citizenship Code (above) is mapped. | 358 | Citizenship Code - Government Citizenship Code mapping. | Student Load/Liability (LL) & Past Course Completions (PS). |
UPDATE_WHO | User running the Government Submission Snapshot job. | - | Username. | |
UPDATE_ON | The Date this record was updated (created). | - | System Date. | |
PERM_RESIDENT_CD | The Permanent Residency Code assigned to the student. | - | Derived Value Captured in Government Student Load/Liability. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
GOVT_PERM_RESIDENT_CD | The Government Code to which the Institution defined Permanent Residency Code (above) is mapped. | 390 | Permanent Residency Code - Government Permanent Residency Code mapping. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
UNIT_OF_STUDY_HELP_DEBT | The HELP debt amount due for a unit of study. | 558 |
Derived Value. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
SUMMER_WINTER_SCHOOL_IND | A code indicating if a unit of study is a full-fee summer or winter school unit of study. | 551 |
Student Unit Attempt unit offering pattern. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
GOVT_COHORT_YR | The year in which a student cohort commenced their course of study. | 522 | Populated with NULL value. | Student Load/Liability (LL). |
Processing the Government Submission
Production of the HEIMS Submission involves determining that a particular Enrolment Snapshot reflects the enrolment situation at the Census Date. This Enrolment Snapshot may by necessity have been created after the Census Date, to allow for processing of retrospective Enrolment/Discontinuation transactions (by staff with Override Variation Cut-Off Date authority).
The Government Submission Snapshot process (STAJ0110) is run via Job Scheduler. It uses the chosen Enrolment Snapshot to identify which records to consider for reporting in the Government Submission (via the Government Reportable check box), and as a source of some data. The remaining required data is extracted or derived from other parts of the system. Other checks are performed by the system to determine if records should.
Creating the Government Extract Files
Having created the Government Submission Snapshot, the following jobs are run in Job Scheduler (regardless of the submission number and type) to create the extract files required for HEPCAT.
(Note: Not all files are created for each submission. Refer to the documentation for each file and the HEIMS manual - File Specifications, for a list of those files included in each submission.)
The jobs listed below are listed in alpha-numerical order (not in the order in which they are run).
Job Name | Extract File | Details |
STAJ0040 | Create Course of Study File | Details |
STAJ0050 | Create HELP Due File | Details |
STAJ0070 | Create Past Course Completions File | Details |
STAJ0090 | Create Student Enrolment file | Details |
STAJ0130 | Create Commonwealth Learning Scholarship File (see Further Snapshots) | Details |
STAJ0140 | Create Student Load/Liability File | Details |
STAJ0150 | Create Unit of Study Completions File | Details |
STAJ0160 | Create OS-HELP File (see Further Snapshots) | Details |
STAJ0170 | Create eCAF File | Details |
STAJ0180 | Create SA-HELP File (see Further Snapshots) | Details |
After running a snapshot job, the 'Copy Govt. Stats/Centrelink Files from Secure Area' (STAJ0120) job is run to copy the extract files from the secure (KEEP) directory to a directory accessible to users. Files in the 'KEEP' directory cannot be accessed by users. The files can be copied from this secure directory, to a user directory in which they can be accessed, using this job. The user directory is specified by the 'USER' environment variable (refer to your system administrator).
Use of extract files in HEPCAT is covered by 'Steps in Preparing and Sending Returns to HEIMS and the ATO', of the HEIMS manual.
Errors produced in HEPCAT should be fixed by amending data in the 'live' database and repeating the process above.
Note: After any of the Statistics jobs have been run, the Job Run Log should be checked. It will identify both the reasons for a job failing, and missing and incorrect data.
Finalising the Government Submission
The final step in Callista, following the forwarding of a submission to HEIMS is to 'close off update access' to the submission. This is done by setting the Completion Date for the submission in the Government Snapshot Control Form (STAF1350). A logical date to use would be the date the submission was forwarded to HEIMS. If the Completion Date is not set against the Submission, data from this Submission will not be included in any subsequent Revisions Submissions. (See the Revisions Process below.)
The Government Admissions Statistics Process
The Government Admissions Statistics Snapshot is created by running job STAJ0500. This job creates records in the GOVT_ADM_SNAPSHOT_APPL, GOVT_ADM_SNAPSHOT_PREF, and GOVT_ADM_SNAPSHOT_OFFER tables. The Create Government Submission Files (STAJ0510) job is then run to create submission files from the data extracted by the STAJ0500 job.These files are required for reporting Application, Preference and Offer Details data to HEIMS. For an overview of the Govt. Admissions Statistics process, see How the Government Admissions Statistics Process Works.
The broad processes involved in preparing a Government Admissions Statistics Submission are described below
Government Admissions Statistics Snapshot
Preparation for the Government Admissions Statistics submissions commences with the creation of an Admissions Statistics Snapshot. This snapshot is produced as frequently as the institution requires (by running the Create Government Admissions Statistics Snapshot job (STAJ0500). Precise information about the data included in the Admissions Snapshot is contained in How the Government Admissions Statistics Process Works.
Snapshots can be used to check data, to trial data through the Government Admissions submission process for the purpose of ensuring data integrity, and as a source of statistical information if the institution desires.
At an appropriate time, one of the snapshots is selected as being representative of the Admissions situation and is used to produce the Government Admissions submission files (STAJ0150).
Creating the Government Admissions Submission Files
Having run the STAJ0500 job (see above), the Create Government Admissions Submission Files job (STAJ0510) is run to create submission files from the admissions data extracted by the Government Admissions Statistics Snapshot job. Depending on the parameters selected, the following submission files can be created and are used by institutions to report to HEIMS:
The submission files are created in the jobs KEEP directory.
Copying the Government Applications and Offers Files from Secure Area
After running the STAJ0510 job (see above), the Government Applications and Offers Files from Secure Area job (STAJ0520) is run to copy the Admissions submission files from the secure (KEEP) directory to a directory that is accessible by users.
This job is expected to be run when access to the submission files is required. This is typically for:
Copying the Stats/Centrelink Files from Secure Area
The 'Copy Govt. Stats/Centrelink Files from Secure Area' (STAJ0120) job is run to copy extract files from the secure (KEEP) directory to a directory accessible to users. Files in the 'KEEP' directory cannot be accessed by users. The files can be copied from this secure directory to a user directory in which they can be accessed, using this job. The user directory is specified by the 'USER' environment variable (refer to your system administrator).
This job is expected to be run when access to the submission files is required. This is typically for:
Use of extract files in HEPCAT is covered by 'Steps in Preparing and Sending Returns to HEIMS and the ATO', of the HEIMS manual.
Errors produced in HEPCAT should be fixed by amending data in the 'live' database and repeating the process above.
Note: After any of the Statistics jobs have been run, the Job Run Log should be checked. It will identify both the reasons for a job failing, and missing and incorrect data.
GENJ1100 - Generate XML File from System Log
This job allows the user to select a system log file that was created when a job was run and generate an XML file.
This process does not create any new data it just changes the format of the log file derived by the other job. All records in the selected log are included in the XML file. The job can be used in conjunction with other log type jobs to generate an XML file containing the data that was logged by the previously run job.
The user can have the XML delivered as an email attachment using standard Callista Job Scheduler functionality.
The job details definition will allow the system output type to be defined as XML. The file extension is XML.
The Government External Study Loan Snapshot is created by running job STAJ0160. This job creates records in the GOVT_EXTERNAL_STUDY_LOAN_SNAPSHOT table and then goes onto create the OS file for Government Submission.
The Government Scholarship Snapshot is created by running job STAJ0130. This job creates records in the GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_SNAPSHOT table and then goes on to create the SS file for Government submission.
The Government SA-HELP and SA-HELP Revision snapshots are created by running job STAJ0180. This job creates records in the GOVT_SAHELP_LOAN_SNPSHT if run for Submission Type SA-HELP and GOVT_SAHELP_LOAN_REVISION table if run for Submission Type SAHELP_REV.
The VET FEE-HELP Submission Snapshot is created by running job STAJ8050. This job identifies and extracts student records for inclusion in the VET FEE-HELP Government Submission files (STAJ8850) for HEIMS statistics reporting. The snapshot consists of data collected from throughout Callista and is stored in the following three snapshot tables based on whether the data is at a student, course or unit level: GOVT_SNAPSHOT_PE, GOVT_SNAPSHOT_SCA and GOVT_SNAPSHOT_SUA. The Create VET FEE-HELP Govt Submission Files (STAJ8850) job is then run to create the submission files from the data extracted by the STAJ8050 job. The VET FEE-HELP Revision Submission Snapshot (STAJ8055) is run using the same three tables used in STAJ8050 (listed above) to report additions, deletions or changes to previously reported VET FEE-HELP submission records. For more information also see Understanding VET Statistics.
Last Modified on April 6, 2018 History Information
Release Version | Project | Changes to Document | & | 2262 - Compliance HDR Indicator | Added END_USER_ENGAGEMENT_CD column in GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT table |
18.0 | 2094 - Character Sets | Added a note about multi-byte characters. |,,, 15.1 |
1845 - Compliance - SA Fees | Added a note to the 'Creating Govt Extract Files' section re: order of jobs listed in table. |,, and 15.1 |
1845 - Compliance - 2013 Reporting | Updated Table information re: Callista Tables. |,, and 15.1 |
1834 - Service and Amenities Fee | Added information about SA HELP. | | 1323 - Online Help Consolidation | Merged the 'How the Govt Statistics Process Works' file, updated intro. and links. | | 1400 - Calipso 29233 | Changed element 367 to element 565 in GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT. | | 1646 - Skills VIC VET FEE-HELP Reporting | Added new section - Generating XML Files from System Log. Added VET FEE-HELP Reporting information. |,,, 12.1 | 1573 - University Applications and Offer Data Collection | Added new section (The Government Admissions Statistics Process) and related information. |
11.1 | 1505 - Compliance 2008 | Added 566 to table, updated DEST to HEIMS, and added punctuation throughout document. Added YR_LEFT_SCHOOL to GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT table | | cal 24748 | Added STAJ0170 to Government Extract File table | | 1437 - Scholarships Part 2 | Added new details for SCHOLARSHIP TYPE and GOVT SCHOLARSHIP TYPE in GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT |
10.1 | 1340 -HEIMS-2007 Pt2 | Modified details for elements 522 and 483 | | 1339 -HEIMS-2007 | Added/changed details for elements 367, 368, 493, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564 in Govt Student Enrolment table | | C21229 | In the MAX_STUDENT_CONTRIBUTION_IND row under the GOV_STUDENT_LOAD_LIABILITY table, changed 'Derived Value' link. | | 1339 - HEIMS-2007 Pt 1 | Changed Summer School data element (551) to also include Winter School. | | 1230 - HEIMS 2007 | Major changes to 'The Revison Process' and following | | 1084 - SLE-Help Revisions File | Changed Create SLE/HELP Revisions File to Create Revisions File. Added detail and diagrams for original and revision submissions | | 0949 - OS Help | Added staj0160 to table, renamed staj0050 in table |