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ENRF0192 - Maintain Enrolment Category Procedure Detail
Purpose |
To create and maintain Enrolment Category Procedure details and steps. |
SubSystem |
Enrolments |
Normally Run By | Enrolments Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Enrolment Category |
Enrolment Category Procedure Detail | ||
Enrolment Category Procedure Step | ||
Buttons | Default Steps (bottom block) | |
Step Elements ( bottom block) |
Enrolment Category The Enrolment Category block permits the set of existing Enrolment Categories to be queried and the results of a query displayed. Enrolment Categories are used to classify the different methods and procedures involved in enrolling students. The Enrolment Procedures associated with the displayed Enrolment Category will be displayed or may be recorded in the blocks below. Enrolment Categories are recorded and maintained using the Maintain Enrolment Categories form (ENRF0191). For example, when the Enrolment Category INTERNTL (representing the Enrolment processes for international students) is displayed, the set of procedure details for the Enrolment of international students will be displayed or may be recorded in the Enrolment Category Procedure Detail block. Enrolment Category Procedure Detail This block is used to display and record Enrolment Procedure Details for the Enrolment Category displayed in the block above. A procedure detail is the combination of an Enrolment Method Type with a Student Commencement Type. Defining a procedure detail, in turn, permits the steps involved in that procedure to be defined. Enrolment Method Types are defined and maintained using the Maintain Enrolment Method Types form (ENRF01E0). They contribute to the content and layout of Enrolment screens and the specification of Enrolment packages. An Enrolment Method Type of WEB is used to define the Enrolment steps for the self-enrolment application in Callista Connect. Only one Enrolment Method Type can have a System Enrolment Method Type of WEB. Student Commencement Types are system-defined with the values:
For example, an Enrolment Method Type FACE2FACE may have more than one Enrolment Procedure associated with it depending on the type of Student Commencement. For instance, the procedure to enrol a new student may be different to that required to re-enrol a returning student. The two combinations FACE2FACE/NEW and FACE2FACE/RETURN constitute procedure details. For each procedure detail the steps involved in the procedure may be specified in the block below. For further information on Self Enrolment Set-Up information and procedures for ENRF0192, see ENRF0192 in 'Self Enrolment Set-Up Checklist'. Enrolment Category Procedure StepThis block is used to record and display the enrolment steps for the Enrolment Category and Enrolment Procedure Detail displayed in the blocks above. An Enrolment Procedure Step is a database task carried out during the process of recording a student's enrolment. The recording of an Enrolment Procedure involves allocating System defined Step Types to a selected procedure detail and placing the steps in order of execution. Steps are grouped, according to the type of enrolment information being dealt with, into Person, Course or Unit Steps for non-WEB Enrolment Method Types and grouped into Web Steps for Enrolment Method Type WEB and are displayed, in this form, in these groupings. These groups also determine which steps appear as buttons or T-list items in which screens. For instance, Step Types belonging to Step Group PERSON appear as buttons on the Person Enrolment screen. A complete list of available Enrolment Procedure Steps is given at the end of this documentation. Using the above examples for new international students enrolling in person, we have an Enrolment Category INTERNTL, Enrolment Method Type FACE2FACE and Student Commencement Type NEW displayed in the top two blocks. The Enrolment Category Procedure Step block will contain the steps that must be carried out on the System to enrol new international students enrolling in person. The Course Step Type UNIT-SETS can be used for the Enrolment Method Type WEB. This enables the Unit Set Step to be included in the self enrolment process for specific enrolment category/student commencement type combinations. For example:
This form is accessed from the main menu. |
The Enrolment Category block contains:
The Enrolment Category Procedure Detail block contains:
The Enrolment Category Procedure Step block contains:
Rules/Notes: The EFTSL (or Override EFTSL) field in the ‘More’ T-List Item will not be accessible to other forms (for example, ENRF3000), if the ‘OVER-EFTSL’ Step Type is not selected for the Unit Steps process in this form (see the Unit Steps column in the table at the bottom of this page). An Enrolment Method Type cannot have a Student Commencement Type of ALL and a Student Commencement Type of NEW or RETURN.
create a new Enrolment Category Procedure Detail using this form:
Rules/Notes: For the WEB Enrolment Method Type where the Mandatory Step and/or Mandatory Confirm checkbox is selected, the Pre-enrolment process (i.e. ENRJ3100 or ADMF3240) automatically sets the Completed Date to the System date for WEB Enrolment Steps. However, for WEB Enrolment Steps: STUDSTATUS, STUDY-RSN, UNIT-SETS and SUAAO-UPD:
To modify an Enrolment Category Procedure Detail using this form:
Rules/Notes: An Enrolment Category should only be modified where the change is to the Person Add, Course Add, Produce Enrolment Package, and Pre-Enrol Steps check boxes. |
delete an Enrolment Category Procedure Detail using the Maintain Enrolment
Category Procedure Detail form:
Rules/Notes: An Enrolment Category Procedure Detail cannot be deleted if any Enrolment Category Procedure Steps are associated with it. |
create a new set of Enrolment Category Procedure Steps, for a particular
Enrolment Category Procedure Detail, using this form:
Rules/Notes: The set of available Step Types is System defined. Only steps from this set can be used for a procedure. Using the Default Steps button causes all of the available set of procedure steps to be assigned to a procedure detail. This set can then be modified to remove any unwanted steps. For the Enrolment Method Type WEB, the step group is restricted to Web Steps. The web steps group contains only the Step Types required for using the Self-Enrolment application in Callista Connect. When the Default Steps button is selected, the steps are ordered as one group. For example: the Person Steps are numbered 1 to 11, the Course Steps are numbered 12 to 15, the Unit Steps are numbered 16 to 17. The step order can still be altered by selecting the step and then selecting the up or down arrow to move the step or deleting a step that is not required. The Process Type Restriction can only be defined for a Step Type for an Enrolment Method Type WEB. The Process Type Restriction LOV is restricted to Enrolments Process Types - Enrolment and VARIATION. A warning is displayed where the Mandatory Confirm check box is selected and the Mandatory Step check box has not been set. This is not an error as there are circumstances where a step is not mandatory but confirmation that the student has viewed the information is required. For example: Address Details are pre-enrolled for the student. If a student has not moved, they do not need to change the data recorded in the ADDRESS step. However, the institution may require confirmation that the student has viewed their Address Details to ensure they are correct. In this case, the Mandatory Step check box is not necessary but the Mandatory Confirm check box is advantageous. The Step Elements button is only available where Callista Connect has been installed. If Callista Connect has not been installed, the button is disabled (greyed out). |
add a Procedure Step to an existing set of steps, for a particular Enrolment
Category Procedure Detail, using this form:
Rules/Notes: Step Types MUST be unique for an Enrolment Method Type defined in an Enrolment Category.
modify a Procedure Step using this form:
Rules/Notes: Only the Mandatory Step and Mandatory Confirm check boxes and the step order can be modified. |
To delete a Procedure Step using this form:
Last Modified on 05-Jan-2016 9:36 AM
History Information
Release Information | Project | Change to Document | & | 2312 - DU Student Bank Account | Added BANKDETAIL step to Person and Web Steps. |, | 2262 - Compliance VET Student Loans | Added LOANCAPAMT step to list of Course Steps. | | 2225 - VU HESG | Added OVER-HAT (Override Hours Attended) step to the list of Unit Steps. |,,, 15.1 | 1845 - Compliance - 2013 Reporting | Added the JOINT-DEGR Course and Web Steps. |,14.0.2,15.0 | 1834 - Service and Amenity Fee | Added the SA-HELP Course and Web Step |,,, 13.1 | 1408 - PC63 Calipso 19937 | Added note about the setting of the Completed Date for Mandatory steps. Updated the list of Enrolment Procedure Steps, added ACTVTY_TT and deleted CHKUENCUM from Unit Steps list of Procedure Steps. | | 1400 - Calipso 28759 | Updated link to Callista logo in Header | | 1617 - VU - SV Fee-Help | Added new SKILLSRFRM Course Step |
11.1 | 1448 - ESOS | Added the new LOAD-VAR Step Type. | | 1450 - Attend Enhancements | Added P-ACTI, SCA-ACTI and SUA-ACTI | | 1355 - Rules | Added SAVE-INVLD, CHCK-RULES, AUTO-RLCHK, RULE-CTOFF and WV-IND-RL steps | | 1437- Scholarships | Added Scholarships Step | | 1416 - Apprentice Management | Added Training Plan Steps | | 1365 - CVET Statistics via Connect | Added VET Sector Information row at top | | C18233 | Add direction at start of document to ssf_enr_checklist.htm | | 1135 - Self Management of Unit Sets | Table and preceeding paragraph added to introduction |