STAJ0160 - Create OS-HELP File

Purpose To create the OS-HELP file (and if required, the OS-HELP Revisions file) for submission to the Government.
SubSystem Statistics
Normally Run By Statistics Specialist
Anticipated Frequency As required
Structure Block Create OS-HELP File
Tab Parameters


This job creates a snapshot records (GOVT_EXTRNL_STUDY_LOAN_SNPSHT table) and produces an OS-HELP (OS) file or OS-HELP REVISION (RO) file. depending io the Submission Type parameter selected. These files are saved in the KEEP directory specified in the S_JOB_CONTROL table and are reported to the Government .

Typical processing sequence for STAJ0160 OS-HELP submission type:
STAJ0100 > STAJ0110 > STAJ0160(OS-HELP)

Typical processing sequence for STAJ0160 REVISION submission type:
STAJ0100 > STAJ0110 > STAJ0160(OS-HELP) > STAJ1610 > STAJ1620 > STAJ0160 (REVISION).

A student's OS-HELP is recorded in ENRF3900 with a Student Status of 240, 241 or 242.
Students with Student Status 241 are studying in Asian countries. These students can borrow more than students studying in non-Asian countries and also have available to them an additional $1000 supplement in their six-month OS-HELP period if they are required to undertake Asian language studies in preparation for their overseas study in Asia. This language supplement is recorded as OS-HELP with a Student Status of 242. Students with Student Status 240 are studying in non-Asian countries,

Each record in the OS-HELP snapshot, the OS and the RO file represents a single OS-HELP, Asian Studies OS-HELP or OS-HELP Language Supplement loan. Hence some students may have multiple OS-HELP records (with statuses of 241 and 242).

For insights into Statistics, see the 'Understanding HE Statistics' (STAINTR3) Help page.

This job is accessed via the main menu.


The Create OS-HELP File block contains:



  • Submission Year
  • System Submission Type
  • Submission Number
  • Start Date
  • End Date


Submission Type may be OS-HELP or REVISION.
Available parameter values are determined by records created in STAF1350.
Required OS-HELP details include Submission Number, Start Date and End Date
Required REVISION details include Submission Number.

To Create an OS-HELP or OS-HELP REVISION File:

Select the Submission Year, System Submission Type and Submission number, then run the job.


  • The file name of the OS-HELP file is: HHHHXXYYYY.PNNNNN
    • HHHH = Higher Education Provider Code - (Institution Code)
    • XX = File Type abbreviation code - (File Type code is not case sensitive), i.e. OS
    • YYYY = Reporting Year - (must be >=2011)
    • P = Reporting Period - (1 or 2)
    • NNNNN = Submission Number - (00001 – 99999)

    For example, 1234OS2011.100001

  • The file name of the OS-HELP REVISION file is: HHHHXXYYYY.PNNNNN
    • HHHH = Higher Education Provider Code - (Institution Code)
    • XX = File Type abbreviation code - (File Type code is not case sensitive), i.e. RO
    • YYYY = Reporting Year - (always 0000)
    • P = Reporting Period - (always 0)
    • NNNNN = Submission Number - (00001 – 99999)

For example, 1234RO0000.000001

Note: The Submission Number used in the file name is the Submission Number defined in STAF1350 – Government Snapshot Control.


Submission Year, Type and Number combination must exist as a Government Submission Control record with a System Submission Type of OS-HELP or REVISION in STAF1350. In that form there must not be a Completion Date recorded for this record.



OS-HELP (OS) and OS-HELP Revision (RO) File Structure

Element Element No Position Width Type
Student Identification Number 313 2-11 10 Alphanumeric
Course Code 307 12-21 10 Alphanumeric
CHESSN 488 22-31 10 Numeric
OS-HELP Payment Amount 528 32-39 8 Numeric
OS-HELP Study Period Commencement Date 521 40-47 8 Alphanumeric
Loan Fee 529 48-55 8 Numeric
OS-HELP Debt Incurral Date 527 56-63 8 Alphanumeric
Student Status 490 64-66 3 Numeric
OS-HELP Country of Study Code - Primary 553 67-70 4 Alphanumeric
OS-HELP Country of Study Code - Secondary 554 71-74 4 Alphanumeric
Filler 50 spaces N/A 75-123 50 Alphanumeric
OS-HELP Language Code 582 124-127 4 Numeric
OS-HELP Language Study Commencement Date 583 128-135 8 Numeric

Multiple records may be reported for a student course course attempt in an OS-HELP study period, if the student has student statuses of 241 and 242.

For the OS-HELP Language Code element (582):
If Student Status is 242, the OS-HELP Language code will be the govt code corresponding to the language recorded for the student Course Attempt in ENRF3900; otherwise the value is 9999.

For the OS-HELP Language - Study Commencement Date (583):
If Student Status is 242, the OS‑HELP Language study commencement date is that recorded for the Student Course Attempt in ENRF3900 (with the date format YYYYMMDD); otherwise the value is 00000000.

For the OS-HELP Primary Country of study (553):
If Student Status is 242, the primary country of study is 0000; otherwise it is the govt country code corresponding to the country code recorded for the student Course Attempt in ENRF3900.

For the OS-HELP Secondary Country of study (554):
If Student Status is 242 the secondary country of study is 0000; otherwise, if the secondary study code is blank for the Student Course Attempt in ENRF3900 then the secondary country of study is 0001, otherwise it is the govt country code corresponding to the country code recorded for the Student Course Attempt in ENRF3900

Last Modified on 27-Feb-2018 4:04 PM

History Information

Release Version Project Change to Document, & 1999 - Compliance 2014 Added new fields to the file structure and information about how the system handle multiple OS-HELP records. 1708 - Compliance 2011 - Calipso 31933 Updated file naming convention.
11.1 1505 - Compliance Increased the number of filler spaces at the end of the file
10.1 1340 Compliance 2007 Pt 2 Removed redundant parts of file structure