STAJ0050 - Create Commonwealth Assisted Students File

Purpose To create a Commonwealth Assisted Students file for submission to Government.
SubSystem Statistics
Normally Run By As a batch job, by the statistics specialist, as required.
Anticipated Frequency For each government submission.
Structure Block Create Commonwealth Assisted Students File
Tab Parameters


A Commonwealth Assisted Students ('HELP Due') file is provided to Government by Higher Education Providers each time a Student Load Liability file (STAJ0140)is submitted.

This job includes records in the HELP Due (DU) file based on a Course, Student Status and Unit of Study Census Date combination.

Each record in the HELP Due (DU) file is created by aggregating Student/Course records into four Student Status categories:

  • HECS-HELP = Students with Student Status Code of 110, 111, 112, 201, 202, 203 and 204.
  • FEE-HELP = Students with a Student Status Code of 220, 230, 231, 232, and 233.
  • OS-HELP = Students that exist in the GOVT_EXTRNL_STUDY_LOAN_SNPSHT table. This table is populated by the Create OS-HELP File (STAJ0160) job.
  • SA-HELP = Students that exist in the GOVT_SAHELP_LOAN_SNPSHT table. This table is populated by the Create SA-HELP File (STAJ0180) job.

**It is very important that this job is run after the following statistics jobs (which are run in the order listed):

For insights into Statistics, see Understanding HE Statistics (STAINTR3).

This job is accessed via the main menu.


The Create Commonwealth Assisted Students File block contains:



  • Submission Year
  • System Submission Type
  • Submission Number
  • Start Date
  • End Date


All fields are mandatory. 

Submission Year, Submission Number and System Submission Type are sourced from the Government Snapshot Control (STAF1350).

However, if the System Submission Type is SAHELP_REV, then the Submission Year and Submission Number are the same as the corresponding Submission Year and Submission Number when STAJ0180 was run previously for SA-HELP Revisions (SAHELP_REV).

Submission Type is used to control student data that is included in the Help Due file:

  • Commonwealth Assisted students only - (HELP Due file (DU)).
  • Both Commonwealth Assisted and Non–Commonwealth Assisted - (HELP Due file (DU)).
  • Revisions records only - (Revised HELP Due file (RD)).
  • SA HELP Revisions Records only - (SA-HELP Revisions Help Due file (DU)).

To Create a HELP Due File:

1. To create a HELP Due file (DU) for Commonwealth Assisted students only, run the job for a System Submission Type parameter of COM_ASST.

To create a HELP Due file for both Commonwealth and Non-Commonwealth Assisted students, run the job for a System Submission Type parameter of BOTH_COM.

2. The Submission Number used in the file name is the Submission Number defined in STAF1350 – Government Snapshot Control.

The job creates an extract file, containing details about Student Contribution debts which are to be recovered through the Taxation system and personal details for students who have the debt. The file is created in accordance with the Government file specification.

Creation of this file assumes that Address details are set up correctly, in accordance with the requirements specified in Statistics Subsystem Data Pre-requisites.

The Job Scheduler Run Log should be checked for entries resulting from running this job. These entries identify missing or errant Address and Tax File Number details.

The file's header record contains contact details for the 'local' institution, drawn from Institution Addresses (ORGF0122). Course Attempt and Student Contribution due data in each record is drawn from the GOVT_STUDENT_LOAD_LIABILITY table, with Student Name and Address details and Tax File Number details extracted from the database via special routines which manipulate this data into the required format.

These records are stored in the institution-specific DU file (with which statistics specialists will be familiar), in a directory specified by the 'KEEP' environment variable. This is a secure directory which users cannot (and do not need to) access.

The process 'Copy Extract Files From Secure Area' (STAJ0120) allows the DU file to be copied from the 'KEEP' directory to an accessible directory, specified by the 'USER' environment variable (refer to your System Administrator).


Students who have a student status of 240 and are included in the OS-HELP file are also included in this file. Their Tax File Number is retrieved from the OS-HELP record in ENRF3900 in this case, rather than the student status form ENRF3110.

Output is in the Goverment file specification format.

When the System Submission Type is either BOTH_COM or COM_ASST:

The file name of the Commonwealth Assisted Students ('Help Due') file is: HHHHXXYYYY.PNNNNN

  • HHHH = Higher Education Provider Code - (Institution code)
  • XX = File Type abbreviation code - (not case sensitive), i.e. DU
  • YYYY = Reporting Year - (must be >=2011)
  • P = Reporting Period - (1 or 2)
  • NNNNN = Submission Number - (00001 – 99999)

For example, 1234DU2011.100001

Note: The file name format to load into HEPCAT is DU, but the name of the file sent from HEPCAT to HEIMS is 'DE' (identified encrypted TFN field).

To Create a Revised HELP Due File (RD):

1. To create a 'Revised' Commonwealth Assisted Students file (RD), run the job for a System Submission Type parameter of REVISIONS.

2. The Submission Number used in the file name is the Submission Number defined in STAF1350 – Government Snapshot Control.

A 'Revised' Commonwealth Assisted Students file (RD) reports personal details, including names and CHESSNs of Commonwealth assisted students who have NOT been reported for that reporting period. A 'Revised' Commonwealth Assisted Students file (RD) is provided to Government when the following conditions are met:

  • There is a record on the Revised Student Load Liability file, and
  • The Revised Student Load Liability file record has a student/course/half year period not previously reported.

The file name of the Revised Help Due file is HHHHXXYYYY.PNNNNN

  • HHHH = Higher Education Provider Code - (Institution Code)
  • XX = File Type abbreviation code - (not case sensitive), i.e. RD
  • YYYY = Reporting Year - (always 0000)
  • P = Reporting Period - (always 0)
  • NNNNN = Submission Number - (00001 – 99999)

For example, 1234RD0000.000001


To Create a SA-HELP Revisions Help Due (DU) File:

The order of processing for SA-HELP Revisions is:

1. Run a SA-HELP (STAJ0180) submission.

2. Re-run the STAJ0180 job for SA-HELP Revisions.

3. Run this job (STAJ0050) for the same SA-HELP Revisions submission (as per STAJ0180) and a System Submission Type of SAHELP_REV.

The Submission Year is the Revision Snapshot Submission Year that was used when running STAJ0180 for SA-HELP Revisions.

The Submission Number is the Revision Snapshot Submission Number that was used when running STAJ0180 for SA-HELP Revisions.

Students will be retrieved from the GOVT_SAHELP_LOAN_REVISION (Revision Snapshot) table, as per STAJ0180.

The file output name for the SA-HELP Revisions Help Due file (i.e. when the System Submission Type is 'SAHELP_REV') is HHHHDUYYYY.N00001

  • HHHH = the Institution Code
  • DU = hardcoded to DU
  • YYYY = the Submission Year parameter value
  • N =:
    • 1 – if the Submission Start Date (in STAF1350) for the Submission Number parameter value is between 01/01 and 30/06.
    • 2 – if the Submission Start Date (in STAF1350) for the Submission Number parameter value is between 01/07 and 31/12.
  • 00001 is hardcoded to 00001.


Element Element No Width Type
Student Identification Code 313 10 Alphanumeric
Tax File Number 416 11 Numeric
Date of Birth 314 8 Numeric
Gender Code 315 1 Alphanumeric
Course Code 307 10 Alphanumeric
Student Title 405 15 Alphanumeric
Student Surname 402 30 Alphanumeric
Student Given Name – First 403 15 Alphanumeric
Student Given Name – Others 404 30 Alphanumeric
Postal Address - Part 1 406 38 Alphanumeric
Postal Address - Part 2 407 38 Alphanumeric
Postal Address - Suburb/Town 466 27 Alphanumeric
Postal Address – State 467 3 Alphanumeric
Postal Address – Postcode 409 4 Alphanumeric
Postal Address – Country Name 468 20 Alphanumeric
Address of Permanent Home Residence –Part 1 410 38 Alphanumeric
Address of Permanent Home Residence – Part 2 411 38 Alphanumeric
Residential Address - Suburb/Town 469 27 Alphanumeric
Residential Address – State 470 3 Alphanumeric
Address of Permanent Home Residence – Postcode 413 4 Alphanumeric
Residential Address – Country Name  471 20 Alphanumeric
Filler N.A. 9 Alphanumeric
(CHESSN) 488 10 Alphanumeric


Last Modified on February 23, 2018

History Information

Release Version Project Change to Document, & 2173 - Compliance 2016 HEIMS Added 204 to list of student statuses for the HECS-HELP category.,, & 15.1 1845 - Compliance SA FEES Added SAHELP_REV information. Restructured layout into different sections for the different file types.
13, 14. 15, 15.1 1834 - SA-HELP Fees Added SA-HELP file info. 1323 - Online Help Consolidation Updated GOVT LOAD LIABILITY table link. 1708 - Compliance 2011 - Calipso 31933 Updated Government file naming convention.
11.1 1505 - Compliance 2008 Changed scope of Revised Commonwealth Assisted Students file in the third sentence
10.1 1340 - Compliance 2007 Pt 2 Redundant elements removed from file structure 1230 - Compliance 2007 Title changed from 'Create HELP Due File' to 'Create Commonwealth Assisted Students File'. Removal of HELP debt. Rewrite introduction. Addition of Student Status Code of 250 949 - OS HELP Elements 414, 473 and 490 removed. New note about the sourcing of TFN 's for students with External Study Loans.