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2023 First Nations Alumni Award - Special Commendation

Yvonne Cadet-James

Classes of 1985, 1992 and 1993 (Various)
Image of Yvonne Cadet-James
First Nations Alumni Award Special Commendation recipient Professor Yvonne Cadet-James

Professor Yvonne Cadet-James has 45 years’ experience in the fields of health and education with a background as a registered nurse and midwife, followed by her career as an academic. She has a significant tack record as a researcher in public and indigenous health, and played a major role in national indigenous research reform through representation on national committees, including the National Health and Medical Research Council.

With a Diploma of Applied Science, Bachelor of Nursing, and Graduate Diploma of Adult Education, all completed through CDU, Professor James co-led the Family Wellbeing Empowerment Program, now in some 57 sites across the nation with over 4,000 participants. She is a member of the Gugu Badhun nation, and played an instrumental part in establishing the Gugu Badhun Djiman Research centre which collaborates with several universities to undertake research which benefits aboriginal and torres strait islander groups.

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