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Student Code of Conduct

We recognise that students come to the University from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds and we are committed to ensuring that you can achieve your full academic potential.

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students on campus

Student Code of Conduct

To ensure that we engage in a supportive and safe environment, we have developed a set of principles outlining our shared expectations. These principles are intrinsic to how we engage with each other both on campus and online and include:


We are all enriched by diverse contributions from students and staff and encourage the respectful sharing of different perspectives and experiences.


We are committed to creating a culturally safe and inclusive environment. We welcome people of diverse cultural, national and ethnic backgrounds, genders and sexualities, ages, abilities, religious and spiritual beliefs, family structures, and responsibilities.

Ethics and integrity

We value integrity in all activities, expecting students and staff to act honestly and do the right thing for themselves, each other, and the University.


We are committed to excellence, which is central to our mission and valued in all our endeavours: teaching and learning, research, and the provision of professional services.


We value accountability and expect students to take responsibility for their actions in line with University policy.

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