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Faculty of Science and Technology

Network of Indigenous Partnerships

Fuelling up

The Network of Indigenous Partnerships (NIP) aims to enhance support mechanisms for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander members across CDU TAFE and Higher Education (HE). 

Membership is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff, alumni and members of the broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community who collaborate with us to support First Nations Leadership. Key staff members engaging with community and community training can also become members by invitation. 

Our aim is to increase opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander members to succeed in the Faculty, through a number of initiatives as an essential component of our strategic priorities.

Members meet bimonthly to: 

  • provide networking opportunities and support your professional goals
  • offer cultural and strategic advice to the Faculty on programs, policy and initiatives for First Nations students and other stakeholders particularly as it impacts learning, teaching and research activities
  • connect with the First Nations Leadership team to provide consistent and complimentary programs and support  
  • participate, promote or develop initiatives that enhance cultural support and understanding across the Faculty

Whilst the First Nations Leadership team offer student services, resources and engagement, the FST NIP is specifically aligned to FST objectives and disciplines in CDU TAFE and HE.


Students, staff, alumni and members of the broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and key staff members engaging with community and community training are welcome to join.

If you would like to submit your interest in joining the network contact

Tell us your story

We would like to hear your success stories whether it be completing your degree, mentoring students to starting your own business. 

Submissions to

Bachelor of Environmental Science student and Inspired NT STEM ambassador John Dalton tells us about his journey to become an Environmental Scientist in the NT.

John Dalton


 STEM Hero of the year, Rikki Bruce tells us her inspiring story on how she became an Engineer.

Rikki Bruce

Bachelor of Environmental Science student and NIP member Joelene Puntoriero's story of her path to success.


Joelene and Darcy Hertel


Support and Links

FST as a Faculty within CDU provides support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in collaboration with the CDU First Nations Leadership team . Support is available for both staff and students as we work to increase the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in all parts of CDU.

Student resources

The First Nations Leadership team provides student services and resources for students such as tutorial and academic support, away from base funding and research resources.

If you have applied for Tutorial support and cannot find a suitable tutor for your area/discipline; the First Nations Leadership team will work with FST to source a suitable Tutor.


The FST Network of Indigenous Partnerships is working on a mentoring program to support students throughout their studies. More information on this program will be available once established.

Before this is formalised, you can provide us with your ideas on  what this may look like or register your desire to participate through expressing your interest by emailing email

Some of the areas that the mentorship program aims to cover include:

  • engagement in learning
  • build self-confidence
  • set goals
  • learn about common graduate career paths/job options for your discipline/course
  • develop professional networks in your chosen discipline
  • gain work experience or spend a day with your mentor


CareerTrackers connects Indigenous high school and university students with employers who provide paid internships during the holiday breaks that align with your studies. You can gain real world experience in a range of diverse industries including business, engineering, IT, law, arts, sciences, health and more. Plus mentoring support, professional development training and connection to the largest community of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and professionals in the country.


CDU offers specific scholarships for First Nations Australians and are open to all students currently enrolled at CDU and those who have applied for a place at CDU. The Scholarship finder will assist you in identifying scholarships where you may meet the eligibility criteria.

In addition, FST offers a small scholarship to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who have received outstanding results through the GPA score at the end of the calendar year, to encourage you to continue or progress through your studies.

The Faculty also administers an Industry scholarship for the Information Technology discipline.   The Australian Computer Society offers a $5000 annual First Nations Scholarship which is awarded at the Discipline’s main yearly event, the IT CodeFair.

For more information about Faculty scholarships please email

Staff resources

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employees are entitled to paid leave up to a maximum of five (5) working days, and unpaid leave up to an additional ten (10) working days, per calendar for further information view the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement

Key dates and events 2023

20 - 26 March Harmony Week

16 March National Close the Gap Day

26 May National Sorry Day

Please note this list does not contain all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander significant dates. Please feel free to let us know if you have additional dates to add to the list.

First Nations Leadership, Charles Darwin University also host events to celebrate Indigenous academic achievement and commemorating the anniversaries of significant First Nations struggles and victories.

View here for Northern Territory Festivals and Events

Network of Indigenous Partnerships Meeting Schedule 2023

Wednesday 8 March 10 - 11 am
Wednesday 12 April 10 - 11 am
Wednesday 10 May 10 - 11 am
Wednesday 14 June 10 - 11 am

Contact us

T: +61 8 8946 6781

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