Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology, we pride ourselves on the high level of support provided to our Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students throughout their degrees. The comprehensive resources on this page are specific to our Faculty and we hope they will assist you during your candidature.
By now, you would have been in touch with our HDR Coordinator for your induction and commencement as a HDR student in our Faculty, but we encourage you to take advantage of all that the Faculty has to offer, should you require further assistance, please contact the HDR Coordinator at FST-HDR-Coordinator@cdu.edu.au
Email signatures
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) would like for all HDR Students to use the correct signature when corresponding with internal and external parties.
Note: First and foremost, FST HDR Students fall under the Faculty of Science and Technology, any Research Institutes and Research Centres are affiliations.
Induction documents
All Candidates using office space on Campus must complete the General WHS Induction checklist and, if relevant, the Lab Induction checklist. Candidates who access lab space after hours must complete the after-hours lab access request form along with the Hazard and Risk Management form. Supervisors are responsible for going over these checklists with their students. Completed forms are to be submitted to FST-HDR-Coordinator@cdu.edu.au
Finance forms
Refer to the FST HDR Handbook for further information.
Travel and fieldwork forms
Refer to the FST HDR Handbook for further information.
International travel forms
Refer to the FST HDR Handbook for further information.
Student Support
Faculty of Science and Technology HDR Coordinator:
Contact: FST-HDR-Coordinator@cdu.edu.au
Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) - :
Contacts: Research.Degrees@cdu.edu.au (General and Scholarship) / HDRexams@cdu.edu.au (Examination)
HDR Grants
Higher Degree Research candidates in the Faculty of Science and Technology can apply for grants within the two schemes: HDR Travel Grant and Supplementary Funding Grant
The Faculty provides travel and supplementary grant funding to support HDR students in addition to the student allocation. Number of grants given depends on funding available that year.
Grant Rounds
FST HDR Grant rounds will be advertised and open on the FST HDR Current Students webpage and via email to current students and supervisors three times a year. (Every 4 months i.e March, July and November)
Grant Round 1 - 2025
Applications are open from 3rd – 18th March – forms will be available when applications are open.
Application outcomes communicated 2nd April.
All applicants must complete their Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) before applying for the grants. The detailed guidelines and eligibility criteria for the grants are listed below and available in the application forms (Snapforms).
HDR Travel Grants: Max $5,000 in total per candidature (Guidelines below)
-HDR International Conference Travel Grant
-HDR Domestic Conference Travel Grant
-External HDR Travel Grant
HDR Supplementary Funding Grant: Max $3,600 (Guidelines below)
Only available when allocation is used up and in 3rd year or more. Milestones must be up to date.
Selection Process
The Faculty Research Committee will review applications and respond to all applicants within two weeks after the closing date.
- Applicants must have completed their COC
- Milestones must be up to date
- Priority will be given to first-time applicants
- Total travel grants combined only up to $5,000 per candidature
- Supplementary grant total $3,600 per candidature
- Candidates who have submitted their thesis for examination are not eligible to apply for the grants
- Candidate's enrolment status must be current when traveling or attending a conference for compliance purposes
The Faculty Research Committee (FRC) will decide how the individual grant funds will be divided after reviewing all applications.
HDR International Conference Travel Grant
The purpose of the HDR International Conference Travel Grant (CTG) is to provide financial assistance to Higher Degree by Research candidates to attend an international conference and present their work.
HDR Domestic Conference Travel Grant
The purpose of the HDR Domestic Conference Travel Grant (CTG) is to provide financial assistance to Higher Degree by Research candidates to attend a domestic conference and present their work.
Conference Grants Eligibility
The CTG is open to Higher Degree by Research students who satisfy the following criteria:
- Acceptance of a paper or poster presentation for delivery at a conference (Applicants who have been invited to deliver a paper will receive priority)
- Completed confirmation of candidature and milestones up to date
- Candidates must be enrolled in the respective course at the time of the conference
- In the case of joint papers, only one grant will be provided
- Candidates who have submitted their thesis for examination are not eligible to apply for the grants
To apply
Having met the above criteria, the applicant must have approval from their supervisor to attend the Conference.
- Complete the Conference Travel Grant Application form with a justification for how the request will assist you in your candidature
- Upload to form documentation from the Conference organisers indicating the acceptance of an abstract or paper, and proof that the paper is being presented at the Conference
- Include a detailed budget (travel and registration)
- Upload to form details of the Conference (eg: brochure)
- Submit to supervisor for supporting comments with a short explanation of why this travel is important for the progression and development of the candidate's research
- A PTA number must be raised before travelling
External HDR Travel Grant
The Grant is intended to support travel to CDU by external HDR students to consult with their supervisors, and for external supervisors to travel to CDU to consult with their HDR students.
Students intending to apply must be up to date with all milestone requirements and must have completed their Confirmation of Candidature.
Priority will be given to first-time applicants. Candidates who have submitted their thesis for examination are not eligible to apply for the grants
To apply
- Complete the external HDR Candidate Travel Grant Application with a justification of how the request will assist you in your candidature
- Include a detailed budget and any supporting documentation
- Submit to supervisor for supporting comments with a short explanation of why this travel is important for the progression and development of the candidate's research
- A PTA number must be raised before travelling
HDR Supplementary Funding Grant Max $3,600
There are three broad application categories. In the first case, funding may be provided to allow the completion of the candidate’s substantive HDR project. In short, the funding may be provided to cover an unexpected shortfall in funding to complete the project. In the second case, funding is provided to allow for additional activities that will yield significant new research findings not anticipated when the substantive project of the HDR candidate was formulated and thirdly, for funding courses relevant to the HDR project, or discipline-specific analytical tools and/or techniques training not offered at CDU
- Candidates intending to apply must be up to date with all milestone requirements and be in their third year or more PTE
- This grant can only be applied for once you run out of student allocation
- This grant cannot be used for paid publications
- Funding may not be utilised in relation to courses already available either during the HDR Research Enhancement Program or through CDU online courses and conference travel
Candidates are only eligible for one supplementary grant worth $3600 or multiple up to the value of $3600
To apply:
- Complete this HDR Supplementary Funding Grant Application form with a justification of how the request will assist you in your candidature.
- Include a detailed budget and any supporting documentation
- Submit to supervisor for supporting comments with a short explanation of how the funding is important for the progression and development of the candidate's research