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Faculty of Science and Technology

Knowledge management

There is no doubt that the knowledge economy is a reality. Research in the field of Knowledge Management and associated topics are still scarce, with organisations finding it hard to find expertise in the field.

CDU's research on Knowledge Management (KM) focusses on different aspects of Knowledge Management (KM) as a field of study as well as its application in businesses/enterprises/organisations. 

As a research student, you have the opportunity to investigate diverse topics including:

  • Knowledge Management and Organisational Productivity - looking at how the implementation of KM in organisations would improve productivity through the sharing and acquisition of employees’ know-how.
  • Knowledge Management and Positive Psychology (PS) - looking at how the marriage between KM and PS results in improved employees’ performance in the enterprise.
  • Knowledge Management and the supply chain management - looking at how different supply chains (construction, service etc.) can be improved through the use of knowledge management concepts particularly in the capture of lessons learned and expertise.
  • A Knowledge Management system for group interactions. This topic requires developing a software system which facilitates the communication, sharing, exchange of ideas etc. among geographically distributed group members during project development.
  • Knowledge sharing and employees’ compliance with information security. This topic addresses how the sharing of know-how, experiences and expertise among employees could be a drive for increased employee’s compliance with the organisation’s security policies.

Research Coordinator: Jamal El-Den

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