If you are a current student or staff member at CDU, you can use your student or staff card to borrow items from the Library.
You can join the Library as a member of the public, a reciprocal borrower or a senior school student by seeing the staff at the service desk or contacting us. To join the library, we’ll need proof of your residential address, photo ID and a current email address. A card is provided to you by the Library. Find out more about the requirements for specific borrowers below.
Before borrowing
Ensure your contact details are current. To update your contact details:
- students go to My Student Info
- staff go to eCentre
- non-CDU borrowers see staff at the service desk or contact us.
Conditions of borrowing
Responsibility for your card
You are responsible for all items borrowed on your account, make sure no one else uses your card and don't borrow on behalf of someone else. If you lose your card, report it to CDU Security as soon as you can.
Care and return of library items
Please have the items back to the Library on or by the due date. There is an after-hours chute if you can't get here during opening hours. Take care of library items, protect them from damage.
Return items before travelling or be prepared to post them back to us if another borrower places a request.
Returned an item but it's still on your account? Claim Returned Form
Library Fines
Overdue fines accrue daily. You can avoid fines by checking your Library account regularly, checking your emails regularly, returning items on or by the due date and returning items before travelling.
You will be blocked from borrowing if your fines reach $30 or if there is an overdue item on your account.
If you return overdue items, we will remove your fines unless:
- the item is too damaged to be borrowed by others
- the item was recalled from you; that is, we have asked you to return the item, possibly sooner than your original due date, because another client has requested it.
You will be charged for their replacement if you don't return overdue items.
Paying your library fines
You can pay your library fines using the following methods:
- online
- at the Student Central office at your nearest campus:
- Casuarina campus (EFTPOS only, no cash)
- Darwin Waterfront (EFTPOS only, no cash)
- Alice Springs campus
- Palmerston campus
- Katherine Town centre.
Loan lengths, borrowing limits and information for...
CDU students
Your student card is your library card, make sure you have activated your CDU computer account.
Use Your Library Account to check due dates. All library items can be recalled for other clients. If this happens, the initial due date will change. You will be informed by email and the changed due date will be visible in your library account.
Do you live more than 80kms from a CDU Library? You can still borrow library items.
You can also join a library closer to you through the National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme (ULANZ).
Do you need something we don’t have in any of our libraries? You can request resources through us.
Do you have a disability or need some extra support? Register with Access and Inclusion Services.
For further queries, contact us or call us on (08) 8946 7016
CDU staff
CDU Staff
Your staff card is your library card.
Use Your Library Account to check due dates. All library items can be recalled for other clients. If this happens the initial due date will change; you will be informed by email and the changed date will be visible in your library account.
Do you live more than 80kms from a CDU Library? You can still borrow library items.
Do you need something we don’t have in any of our libraries? You can request resources through us.
Do you have a disability or need some extra support? Register with Access and Inclusion Services.
For further queries, email us or call us on (08) 8946 7016
CDU alumni
CDU alumni
If you are a CDU student who has graduated, please contact CDU Alumni Services for information about what Library resources you can access.
CDU Honorary appointees
Honorary appointees
To access the library’s electronic and print resources, you need to activate your CDU computer account through eCentre, contact Honorary appointments staff if you need assistance.
Do you need something we don’t have in any of our libraries? You can request resources through us.
Check Your Library Account regularly to be sure of due dates and to extend your loans.
Please be aware of emails from us regarding loaned items.
CDU partners
See "CDU staff"
North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas (NACOG)
See either "CDU staff" or "CDU students"
Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods (RIEL)
See "CDU staff"
Community members
Community member
All members of the public are welcome to use the library space and access the print collection. Please be aware of the University’s children on campus policy.
To join the library, we’ll need proof of your residential address, photo ID and a current email address.
Please come into a CDU Library service desk to complete an application form and collect your borrower card.
* Without an active CDU computer account, you will not have access to an online library account. If you’d like to extend your loans, contact us. Please be aware of emails about your loan items.
Essington Senior College Students
Library access is included in your enrolment in a CDU unit. You have the same borrowing privileges as CDU students.
Centralian Senior College Students
Library access is included in your enrolment. You have the same borrowing privileges as CDU students.
Studying or working at another university/TAFE/VET institution?
Check that your institution is part of the National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme (ULANZ) which allows staff and students to borrow in person from any other participating university library:
Participating TAFE/VET institutions
To join the library, please provide:
- proof of your NT residential address
- proof of enrollment or employment (including dates)
- photo ID
- your student or staff email address
Please come into a CDU Library service desk to complete an application form and collect your borrower card.
We do not provide access to online materials for clients who are not current CDU students or staff due to strict licence agreements with suppliers. These resources are provided by your institution.
* Without an active CDU computer account, you will not have access to an online library account. If you’d like to extend your loans, contact us. Please be aware of emails about your loan items.