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Distance Library Services

Are you eligible for this service?

If you reside in Australia and you are more than 80kms from a CDU Library, or more than 40kms from CDU Sydney, you are eligible to have books posted to you. Students who are incarcerated or registered with Access and Inclusion are also eligible.

If you are living near another Australian or New Zealand University, reciprocal borrowing is available through agreements we have with other university Libraries.

How do you request items?

Find and request books in Library SearchHome Address may be pre-selected as your pick up location; if not, place a note in the comments field letting us know to post the books to you.

If you just need one chapter of a book and it's not in the Reading List in your Learnline unit, you can request one chapter to be scanned and emailed to you.

Do you need something we don’t have in any of our libraries? You can request resources through us.

How do we get items to you?

It is important for the library to have your correct postal address, please update your details in My Student Info or eCentre.

Books will be posted to you free of charge. If you are an undergraduate student or completing a Masters by coursework, the Student Services Amenities Fee you pay funds the cost of ONE return envelope per parcel of books.

Please note: even though we use express post bags, it is not an overnight service. You need to allow 3-4 working days for the items to get you - something to bear in mind when you are aiming to get those items back to us by the due date!

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