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Faculty of Health


Engage with the public and primary healthcare sector
Nutrition students

Australia needs competent nutrition professionals who understand the impact of nutrition on health and to address the prevention of chronic disease.  This course provides you with advanced knowledge in biological, social and policy related aspects of human nutrition, opening doors to opportunities in health and community services, sport and food industries.

Placements for work-integrated learning (WIL)

Placements for work-integrated learning (WIL) are a key component of the Master of Nutrition curriculum. These projects provide students with the opportunity to integrate nutrition theory and knowledge in a range of settings.

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Career pathways

You can have a rewarding career in areas such as health promotion, nutrition consulting, patient advisor, community health, public health nutrition, research and advising, education facilities, sport and food industries.

Professional recognition

Graduating with a Nutrition qualification from CDU enables you to apply for registration as a Nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia.  You are also eligible for membership with the Public Health Association of Australia and the Australian Health Promotion Association.

Prize giving

The Faculty of Health awards prizes to the highest achieving students in the Master of Nutrition.  We look forward to celebrating with students at our annual prize giving ceremony.

Inherent requirements

The Faculty of Health strongly supports the right of all people to pursue a course in Nutrition to achieve their potential and career objectives. The faculty is committed to making reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning, assessment, practice experiences and other activities to address the impact of students' disabilities so that they are able to participate in their courses.

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Explore Allied Health courses

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