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PRDF1100 - Find Precedent
Purpose |
To find a Precedent (PRDW0400) and attach it to a student's Advanced Standing record (in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200), or to a student's Admission record (in ADMF3240). |
Subsystem |
Admissions and Enrolments | |
Normally Run By | Enrolment/Administration Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Block | Find Person |
This form is used to:
This form is opened via the Find Precedent icon from the following forms, in context of:
Find Precedent block:
----------------------- Precedent block: - (Display only. Queries can be performed in the fields in this block.)
Precedent Relationship block: - (Display only. Queries can be performed in the fields in this block.)
Advanced Standing block: - (Display only. Queries can be performed in the fields in this block.)
Rules/Notes: Find Precedent Block: The Find Precedent block is used to specify a search criteria in one or more fields in this block to find and retrieve Precedents (PRDW0400) via the Retrieve List button. Retrieved records are returned to the Precedent, Precedent Relationship and Advanced Standing blocks. The fields in these blocks are display-only, however, queries can be performed in any of the fields in these blocks using the wild card (%) if required, to refine the list of retrieved records. If no records have been returned you cannot perform a query in the Find Precedent block. Instead use the Retrieve List button to perform the search. The Precedent Category is a mandatory field and consequently only Precedents that match the specified Precedent Category are retrieved. If you select a different Precedent Category from the pop-list, the Results blocks (i.e. the Precedent, Precedent Relationship and Advanced Standing blocks) are automatically refreshed and results from the previous search automatically cleared. A new search must be performed for the specified Precedent Category and search criteria using the Retrieve List button. Search criteria specified in the fields in the Find Precedent block are retained for subsequent searches unless specifically changed or cleared. If this form is opened from ADVF4200 or ADVF2000, then only Precedents that meet the following criteria are returned:
If this form is opened from ADMF3240, then only Precedents that meet the following criteria are returned:
The List of Values for the Precedent Status field contains institution-defined Precedent Statuses mapped to a System Precedent Status of ACTIVE or REVIEW. The Precedent Category field defaults to 'External Course to Internal Course' category. If required, select a different Precedent Category from the pop-list. The Institution and Country fields are disabled if the Precedent Category is 'Internal Course to Internal Course', 'Internal Unit to Internal Unit' or 'Admission Band to Internal Course'. The institution displayed in the 'Institution' field in the Precedent Relationship block is transferred to the institution field in the Unit/Unit Level block in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 for a transferred Unit and/or Unit Level. This becomes the exemption institution once it is transferred. If an institution is specified, then the External Course Code or External Unit Code are filtered based on the selected institution. The External Course Code field is only displayed if the Precedent Category of the Precedent is 'External Course to Internal Course', 'External Course to Course Type Group' or 'External Course to Admission Band'. The External Unit Code field is only displayed if the Precedent Category is 'External Unit to Internal Unit'. The Internal Course Code field is only displayed if the Precedent Category is 'Internal Course to Internal Course' or 'Admission Band to Internal Course'. The Internal Unit Code and Internal Unit Code Title fields are only displayed if the Precedent Category is 'Internal Unit to Internal Unit'. The AQF Level field is only displayed if the Precedent Category is 'Admission Band to Internal Course' or 'External Course to Admission Band'. The Advanced Standing Unit Code and Advanced Standing Unit Level fields are only displayed if this form (PRDF1100) is accessed from the ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 forms. The Retrieve List button (short-cut key <R>) executes a query based on the search criteria specified in the fields in the Find Precedent block. The New Precedent button (short-cut key <N>) navigates to the Precedent page (PRDW0400) from where you can create a new Precedent, if required. ----------------------- Results Blocks: Precedent block: This block displays a list of Precedents that match your search criteria. Returned records listed in the Precedent block are sorted by Precedent ID (descending order). If there are multiple Precedents listed, select the required Precedent. Although fields in this block are display-only, queries can be performed in any of the fields to refine the list of retrieved records. If the Precedent Category is 'External Course to Admission Band', the following fields are not visible:
The Precedent Source field displays the source (PRDW0050) of the Precedent, i.e. the basis on which the Precedent was created; for example, such as an agreement between institutions. Precedent Relationship block: This block displays the Relationships (that were created in the Relationships step of Precedents (PRDW0400)) for a Precedent selected in the Precedent block. Fields in this block are display-only, however, queries can be performed in any of the fields to refine the list of retrieved records, if required. Details listed in the Precedent Relationship block vary depending on the Precedent Category of the Precedent. For example:
Advanced Standing block: This block is displayed only if this form is accessed via ADVF4200 or ADVF2000. It displays Unit and/or Unit Level records for a selected Precedent (in the Precedent block) for either an HE and/or VET course. The Advanced Standing Category field displays the institution-defined type of advanced standing (ADVF1130) that applies to the unit. These values were mapped to a system value (as displayed in the 'System Advanced Standing Recognition Type' field, below.) For more information, see 'Maintain Advanced Standing Category' (ADVF1130). The System Advanced Standing Recognition Type field displays the system value for the type of advanced standing (for example, CREDIT or PRECLUSION) that applies to the Unit. For more information, see 'System Advanced Standing Recognition Type' (ADVF1120). Fields in this block are display-only, however, queries can be performed in any of the fields to refine the list of retrieved records, if required. Multiple Advanced Standing records may exist. Records are inserted into ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 according to the conditions outlined in the Introduction section of this Help page (see above). ----------------------- Validations:
To Find a Precedent and Insert a Precedent Advanced Standing Unit and/or Unit Level into ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 for a Student: 2. Find the required student. If in ADVF2000, select the required course, alternatively, if in ADVF4200, select the student course attempt. 3. Click the Find Precedent icon located at the bottom of the Form, to open the Find Precedent form. 4. If required, enter values in one or more fields in the Find Precedent block to specify a search criteria. (Note: The Precedent Category field is mandatory.) 5. Click the Retrieve List button to initiate the search. Precedent records that match your search criteria for the context course or student course attempt are then displayed in the Precedent, Precedent Relationship and Advanced Standing blocks. 6. Select a Precedent from the list of returned records in the Precedent block to display the Relationship and Advanced Standing details for that Precedent in the Precedent Relationship and Advanced Standing blocks, respectively. Note: If the required Precedent is not in the list of Precedents, you can create the required Precedent (of Type 'Advanced Standing') via the New Precedent button which accesses the Precedent page (PRDW0400). Once the new Precedent has been created, you can perform a new search in the Find Precedent form to retrieve the Precedent record. 7. Click the Select button (or press <S>) to insert the Advanced Standing Unit and/or Unit Level records into the ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 form for the student. The associated Precedent details are inserted into the Precedent tab in the Unit and/or Unit Level blocks. Advanced Standing records for a selected Precedent are inserted into ADVF2000 or ADVF4200 according to the conditions outlined in the Rules/Notes for this section (see opposite) on this Help page. |
Rules/Notes: Search criteria can be either a full field value, or part of the value + a wild card character %. Multiple Precedent Relationships and Advanced Standing records may exist for a selected Precedent. Advanced Standing Unit records for a selected Precedent are inserted into the Advanced Standing Unit block (in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200) according to the following conditions:
Advanced Standing Unit Level records for a selected Precedent are inserted into the Advanced Standing Unit Level block (in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200) according to the following conditions:
Note: If you are adding the Advanced Standing Unit and/or Unit Level to ADVF2000 for a student, it may be transferred to ADVF4200 at the point when the student moves to the Enrolment stage. Note: If attaching a Precedent of type 'Advanced Standing' to a student's advanced standing record in ADVF2000 or ADVF4200, then the Precedent's Advanced Standing Source (if specified for the Precedent (PRDW0400)) is automatically added to the Advanced Standing Source field in the Basis Details tab in ADVF4200 or ADVF2000. |
To Find an Admissions Precedent and attach it to a student's course admission application in ADMF3240: 1. Open ADMF3000 and find the required student. 2. Select the required course admission application then click the Application button to open the course application instance in ADMF3240. 3. Select the 'Admission Basis' T-List item. The Precedent fields are then displayed. These fields are only displayed if the institution is using Precedents functionality and at least one Precedent record exists in PRDW0410. 4. Click the Find Precedent icon to open the Find Precedent form (PRDF1100) and search for and return the required Admissions Precedent to the student's course application in ADMF3240. Note: If the required Precedent is not in the returned list of Precedents, you can create the required Precedent via the New Precedent button - (if you have access to PRDW0410 and the required Advanced Security Function). 6. Click the Select button (or press <S>) to insert the Precedent into the Precedent fields (located under the Admission Basis T-List item) in the ADMF3240 form. |
Rules/Notes: You cannot insert a Precedent if that Precedent already exists for the context Person/ACAI in ADMF3240.
Last Modified on 18 September, 2017 5:01 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2281 - Admissions 2017 | Added that this form can also be accessed from ENRF3000. | | 2087 - Entry Credit | Added the new Advanced Standing Category column to the Unit and Unit Level tabs, & the System Adv. Standing Recognition Type column to the Unit Level tab. Plus related notes. |, 17.1 | 2023 - Precedents | Added note about the Advanced Standing Source being automatically added to ADVF2000 and ADVF4200. |,, 17.0 | 1991 - Monash Entry Precedents | Updated form title to PRDF1100, added new information and steps for ADMF3240 and the new Precedent Categories. |, 16.1 | 1973 - Precedents UI | Updated links to Precedent pages & minor edits re: Precedents. | | 1842 - Calipso 37887 | Added info to the last bullet point for Advanced Standing Unit Level records in the Intro. section. |, | 1871 - Precedents Part 2 | New page |