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ENR3000b - Student Course Attempts (Middle Block of ENRF3000 - Record Enrolments)
Purpose |
To record and maintain Student Course Attempts and to confirm the student's enrolment in those courses. |
Subsystem |
Enrolments |
Normally Run By | Enrolments Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Person |
Student Course Attempt | ||
Buttons | See below |
Person Block The Person block displays the current Student Record from the Record Enrolments - Person Details screen. The displayed records in the Student Course Attempt block are the student's recorded Course Attempts. For example, to record or enquire on the enrolment of a student, the student's record must first be located and displayed in the Record Enrolments form - Person Details screen. Highlighting the required Enrolment Attempt and selecting the Course button on the Student Course Attempts Summary block (lower), navigates directly to the Student Course Attempt screen. This means, either the Course Attempts button in the middle block, or the Course button in the lower block navigates to here. Student Course Attempt Block This block (accessed via the Course Attempts or Course button) is used to display the Course Attempts of a student. All of a student's Course Attempts can be displayed except those which have been deleted. The status of any Course Attempt is identified by the following system-defined Course Attempt statuses:
The status of a Course Attempt is derived dynamically when any relevant enrolment detail is changed. Critical dates can affect the status of a Course Attempt. The job ENRJ5100 is run to update Course Attempt Statuses when critical dates have been reached. The derivation logic by which Course Attempt Statuses are determined is the subject of a Special Topic. Having displayed the courses in which a student is eligible to enrol (UNCONFIRM), enrolment in a particular course can be confirmed by selecting the Confirm check box. This enrols the student in that course. If the student's Course Attempt Summary lists multiple unconfirmed courses and the Confirm check box is selected for a course, the Pre-Enrolment process is initiated. There may be circumstances where an institution needs to add a course to a person using this form (explained below). This can only be done when the selected Enrolment Category/procedure detail has the 'Course Add Allowed' check box selected. However, in most situations, the addition of new courses is handled in the Admissions Subsystem, or by using the transfer process accessed by button from this form. The form is also used to re-enrol continuing students. Instructions below provide detail of the separate re-enrolment circumstances which may be encountered. The Session Details, together with Enrolment Procedure Detail Steps, control the content and layout of the Student Course Attempt screen. A comprehensive list of T-list values and their purpose is provided in T-list Items in the Student Course Attempt Screen. The actual items displayed in the T-list are controlled by the session details/Enrolment Category and the system Enrolment step access. Along the bottom of the block are a series of buttons. Each button invokes a screen where further enrolment information may be queried and/or updated. The actual buttons displayed and their order are determined by the session Details/Enrolment Category. Some of the button labels may be in bold text indicating that entry of this data is mandatory. A list of all possible buttons and their use is provided under Forms Accessed by Buttons in The Record Enrolments Form. Users of this form should be aware of the special graphical and textual features it contains, which are described under Features of the Record Enrolments form. See Session Details (ENR3000a) for an example of dynamically configured Enrolments screens. |
The Person block contains:
The Student Course Attempt block contains:
The T-List displayed depends on the selection criteria. A full list of system-defined criteria can be found in ENRF0192.
Buttons: A button is 'greyed out' if the administrator does not have the appropriate security access level. The Advanced Standing button. The display of the + or - is dependent on the context Student Course Attempt. Displaying ‘Adv Standing (+)’ when there is any unit or unit level advanced standing records for the Student Course Attempt in context and Displaying ‘Adv Standing (-)’ when no advanced standing records exist for the Student Course Attempt. The Joint Degree button navigates to the Maintain Joint Degree form (ENRF4310) in context of the Person and selected course. The button is only displayed for courses in the HE sector. The display of a + or - sign on the button is dependent on whether or not joint degree information has been recorded.
To display a person's current Course Attempts in the Record Enrolments - Student Course Attempts screen:
Rules/Notes: |
add a Course Attempt to a student using the Record Enrolments - Student
Course Attempt screen:
Rules/Notes: A Course Attempt can only be added using this form if the Enrolment Category Procedure Detail, specified by the Enrolment Method and Enrolment Category in the session details, has its Course Add Allowed check box selected. The system will display a message if this action is attempted when course add is not allowed. Course Attempts are only added via this screen when the student is enrolling in the course, therefore the Confirmed check box should be selected. A student is only able to enrol in units offered in Teaching Periods which end after the student's Course Attempt commencement date. A Govt Cohort cannot be recorded when the Start and End date range of the cohort overlaps with the Start and End date range of an existing Contract Fee Assessment Rate. Govt Cohort details should only be filled in if the student belongs to a Cohort approved by the relevant Government Authority. A Course Attempt cannot be confirmed in a Course Version for which the Expiry Date has passed. Users will also be warned for a student course attempt in a Foundation level course (belonging to a course category which has the Foundation indicator selected in CRSF1130), where the student has a Prior Education Level of Diploma or above. This occurs under the following conditions:
enrol a new student in a pre-enrolled course using the Record Enrolments
- Student Course Attempt screen:
Rules/Notes: A student is only able to enrol in units offered in Teaching Periods which end after the student's Course Attempt Commencement Date. For a commencing student introduced via the Admissions Subsystem, much of the data in this form will be defaulted from that Subsystem, including Name, Address and Contact Details and Course Attempt(s).A student may have a pre-existing administrative encumbrance which blocks their enrolment. In this case the Encumbrance lamp will display. If a SCA has a Fee Category defined and/or a Student Status that exists at the current date, then no change is made to the Fee Category value and/or Student Status when the Pre-enrolment process occurs. In these cases, depending on whether the pre-enrolment process occurs via ADMF3240 or ENRJ3100, a warning message is displayed in ADMF3240 or written to the S-LOG-ENTRY for ENRJ3100. To run the Fee Assessment process for a single SCA, click on the Fee Assessment icon button which is located in the More T-list item block. (For more information about the Fee Assessment process, see FINJ3500 and Understanding Student Finance.)
When the Confirm check box is selected to confirm a SCA, the 'First Skills Reform Course after Fee Maintenance' check box (see ENRF3000) is automatically selected if the SCA meets all of the following conditions:
re-enrol a continuing student in an existing Course Attempt using the
Record Enrolments - Student Course Attempt screen:
Where the student Course Attempt (SCA) status is ENROLLED.
Where the SCA status is INTERMIT Most intermissions are set to end on the first day of a new Teaching Period. Students may also seek re-enrolment prior to the end date of a period of intermission.
Where the SCA status is DISCONTIN A discontinued course can be reinstated in the system. Use of this process will depend on the institutions rules regarding discontinuation. The re-instatement process is fully described under Course and Unit Discontinuation.
Where the SCA status is LAPSED SCAs lapse where a student does not re-enrol by a specified date. Institution rules apply Time Limits on the period a Course Attempt can be lapsed before it is discontinued. A lapsed course can be re-instated by the following:
Where the student Course Attempt (SCA) status is COMPLETE Use the Student Unit Attempt screen to record units. Callista allows a student who has already completed course requirements to continue to study further units. The system warns the user that the SCA is already complete, but does not block the enrolment of further units. |
Rules/Notes: If the Census Date for the Teaching Period occurred during the period of intermission, it is not possible to add new units to a student's enrolment in that Teaching Period, even if the intermission's end date has passed. The student's Course Attempt status will already be either ENROLLED, INTERMIT, DISCONTIN or LAPSED. A course can be discontinued while it is lapsed. To re-instate such a course it is necessary to lift both the discontinuation and the lapse.In some cases the ability to enrol a student may be affected by an encumbrance. The student's encumbrance may have to be removed before enrolment is permitted. Callista allows a student who has already completed course requirements to continue to study further units. (Note: Certain groups of students are not permitted to do this by Commonwealth Government regulation.) |
To modify or delete a student's Course Attempt using the Record Enrolments - Student Course Attempt screen:
Rules/Notes: Course Attempts cannot be modified or deleted here. They can have their Confirmed check box (and hence the Course Attempt Status) and the Commencement Date changed. A student's Course Offering option can be changed by using the Change Students Course Offering Option form (ENRF4110), accessed via the Chg Option button (when displayed) in this form. Other processes will affect a student's Course Attempt, including:
If the user attempts to edit the student course attempt of an approved graduand (S_PTNL_GRDND_OUTCOME_STS = ‘APPROVED’), then the message below will be displayed: |
Last Modified on 18 March, 2015 4:01 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document |, & | 2078 - VU -HESG | Included information for Foundation courses in the section about 'Adding a Course'. |, & | 1783 - PC219/PC225 | Added note about confirming course attempts for expired course versions |,,, 15.1 | 1845 - Compliance 2013 Reporting | Added links to related Help pages for Joint Degree button etc. | | 1408 - PC93 Pre-Enrolment Overrides | Added note about updating Fee Category and/or Student Status prior to enrolment process occurring | | 1400 - Calipso 28759 | Updated link to Callista logo in Header |
12.1 | 1455 - Online Eligibility to Graduate | Added warning for changes for approved graduands. | | 1617 - VU - SV Fee-Help - Release 2 | Added note about the First SR Course indicator being automatically checked when a SCA is confirmed. | | n/a | Removed list of T-list items and replaced it with a reference to the page of T-list items. |
11.1 | 1448 - ESOS | Added Load Var button | | 1450 - Attend Enhancements | Added Activities button | | 1416 - Apprentice Management | Added Delivery Grp and Training Plan to Buttons. Removed CHESSN from this list. | | 1344 - Advanced Standing Option 2 | Added information on 'Advanced Standing' button | | 1286 - AVETMISS | 'VET in Schools' check box added to 'More' T-List | | 0954 - Callista 7.1 Verification, Packaging and Release | VET information added |