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FINJ3500 - Fee Assessment
Purpose |
To assess or re-assess fees (and where applicable, tax) due from students or potential students for a particular Fee Period. |
SubSystem |
Finance |
Normally Run By | Fee Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Block | Fee Assessment |
Tab | Parameters | |
Buttons | Calendar Lookup | |
Find Person | ||
Find Course |
IntroductionThis process is the central process in the Student Finance subsystem. It determines the fees applicable to individual students, calculates the relevant amounts (including tax amounts due on taxable fees) and stores this information as a debt for which the student, or his or her sponsor, is liable. If a student's enrolment alters, this routine also handles re-assessment. This function, and all other processes that call the Fee Assessment process (i.e. E-SOA, Outstanding Balance, etc), consider the Service Codes in Maintain Services (ENRF01Y0) related to the Fee Type Calendar Instance (FTCI) in Maintain Fee Types (FINF2100) and the Responses linked with the Fee Assessment Rates (FINF2853). The Fee Assessment routine can be run:
Important: For more information about the Fee Assessment routine, see the 'Assessment and Invoicing' section in Understanding Student Finance. Fee Assessment ProcessUpdate Process: This section gives a brief outline, in sequence, of the main processing involved in Fee Assessment as an aid to reading the Fee Trace Report. It assumes a good understanding both of the general approach taken in the subsystem and of the data structures for Fee Types, Fee Categories and Liabilities, Triggers, Calculation Data and Retention Schedules. (Please refer to Understanding Student Finance and the Specialist Overview.) For commencing students, the System may use a Student’s Course Commencement Date as the Effective Date when processing a Student Course Attempt (SCA). See notes on Commencing Students Only, below. The Fee Assessment Routine:
For each Financial Period specified by parameter, For each Fee Category with a Fee Period valid at the parameter Effective Date (and in the Financial Period, if specified):
Students with a status of DISCONTIN, COMPLETED or INTERMIT may have been enrolled during some part of the Fee Period. The date on which a student discontinued Enrolment is checked to verify this, while a completed Enrolment is Fee Assessable if the Census Date of its Teaching Period falls within the Fee Period. For predictive assessments only, UNCONFIRMed Course Attempts are also considered. For Each ACTIVE Fee Liability in the Category and Fee Period:
For each unit for which load is incurred:
Additionally, for Commonwealth Supported Places, the EFTSL for a unit is split by Discipline Group. (Fee Assessable statuses for student Unit Attempts are ENROLLED, INVALID, DISCONTIN and COMPLETED.)
Or, for Predictive Assessments without Unit Attempts:
For Graduation Fees:
For Each Fee Liability Assessed:
Or, if assessments already exist for the Fee Liability:
After any Fee Liability Assessment, adjustment or retention (including those manually assessed):
Notes: The transaction records created by this process:
VET, VET-TUIT and ADVSTND Fee Types: For fees with a System Fee Type of VET and VET-TUIT with a Management Level of UNIT, the Fee Assessment rate is matched against values defined in the student's enrolment details, as follows:
When a fee with a System Fee Type of ADVSTND is assessed, the new Fee Assessment rate is matched against values defined in the student's enrolment details, as follows:
Fee Capping: Fee capping currently occurs for VET and VET-TUIT Fee Types only. The process is outlined in the Fee Capping Process. Fees are assessed based on Fee Category fee liabilities. The processing of Fee Categories fee liabilities within the Fee Assessment job is not ordered as this has no consequence on the assessed amounts. The trace reporting does order Fee Category fee liabilities. If the job is run with the trace on, trace messages for transactions which cross Fee Category fee liabilities such as institution fees and fee capping, may not appear in the trace in the order in which they were processed and as such may seem out of order. Note: The following individual student Fee Assessment processes also process VET and VET-TUIT fees, and the same capping process is performed at each of these points, where applicable:
Commencing Students OnlyStudents are generally enrolled in units before the start of their course. For these students, fees may need to assessed and collected before the Course Commencement Date. As long as these students are due for assessment in a current Fee Period, the System will substitute the Student’s Course Commencement Date for the Effective Date of the Course Attempt (SCA) if the Effective Date entered by parameter falls before the Commencement Date. This ensures that correct Enrolment details are recorded for these students and used by subsequent finance jobs. In this scenario, the following applies:
Run DetailsMethod: This job can be run immediately, in batch mode through the Job Control and Scheduling subsystem, directly from the Course Attempt screen of the Enrolment form ENRF3000, or from ADMF3660 for predictive Fee Assessments. For information on running in Immediate Mode, see the documentation on Reports. Note that the facility to run the Fee Trace Report directly to file is not currently available, but that running in immediate mode affords the opportunity to print screen output to file (through the Previewer) specifying a postscript printer, and then use third party software to view and distribute it electronically. Dependent Jobs:The job may be set up to run with the Maintain Person Payment Schedules (FINJ6111) as a dependent job. However, note that FINJ6111 sets the dates by which individual students should make payment of fees. It is therefore necessary to produce statements (Statements of Account and Sponsor Summary Statements) in a timely manner after running FINJ6111. Refer to documentation about Creating Person Payment Schedules for more information. Note: It is strongly recommended that extensive testing of the data structures set up by an institution in this subsystem should be undertaken against a comprehensive sampling of student records before committing to a live run. Service CodeWhen an FTCI does not have a Service Code associated with it (see FINF2100 - Service T-List), the Fee Assessment remains unchanged (therefore, follow the Update Process below). Where a FTCI does have an associated Service Code, an additional check determines if the student has a Response to the service question (the student response appears in Maintain Person Services (ENRF30C0). At this point, the student makes this response in Connect - PE-SERVICE, but remember, an administrator can also select this in ENRF30C0 . An effective response is defined as one where the Service Response Start Date (selected in Maintain Services - ENRF30C0) is less then, or equal to, the Fee Assessment Effective Date (selected in this job) and the Service Response End Date (ENRF30C0) is either NULL or greater than, or equal to, the Fee Assessment Effective Date (this job). If an effective response is not found, Fee Assessment will not attempt to find matching rates. Once Fee Assessment has been determined, an effective Response to the Service Question, it then attempts to find a matching rate (FINF2853). The effective response is used to match against the response attribute for each Fee Assessment Rate (FINF2853), associated with the FTCI. If a match is found, providing all the other attributes of the rate match the student (i.e. Location Code, Attendance Mode, etc) the fees are assessed at the defined Charge Rate (selected in Define Fee Assessment Rates - FINF2853). Note: The assumption is that the above process will only work (i.e. a Service Code displayed), when the System Fee Type is 'OTHER' and the System Fee Trigger Category is 'INSTITUTN' in Maintain Fee Types (FINF2100). See a diagram of the above process in FININTR3. |
The Fee Assessment block contains: Parameters Tab
Rules/Notes: Fee Assessment is the central process of the Student Finance subsystem. This is one of two methods of running the Fee Assessment routine. The current job and the job that has as input the Student To Do entries (FINJ3001) are different 'front ends' to the same process. The present job can be run in batch or immediately, allows great flexibility in parameter selection, can provide a detailed 'trace' report of the processing steps and outcomes for each student and fee, and can be run in test mode without updating the database. Validations include:
When processing Advanced Standing it needs to be kept in mind that when a GRANTED SCA Advanced Standing Unit (ASU) or Advanced Standing Unit Level (ASUL) is changed to any other status, fees are reassessed. See Understanding Advanced Standing (ADVINTR3) for further information or Create Advanced Standing Details (ADVF4200). To enable institutions to charge a fee for assessing Advanced Standing requests including Advanced Standing 'not granted', the Fee Assessment process considers the Granting Statuses of GRANTED and NOT-APPRVD as the basis of a Fee Assessment record. If the Granting Status is changed from NOT-APPRVD to any status other than GRANTED, the fee will be reversed. Note: In Release, four new Advanced Standing Sources mapped to the System Advanced Standing Source of RPL needed to be linked to the required Fee Type Calendar Instances using the Maintain FTCI Advanced Standing Source (FINF2840) form. This ensured institutions are able to charge fees for the four new Advanced Standing records. |
Note: Data values that have been closed will not appear in the list of values and cannot be typed in, but will be included where relevant if the 'all' option is selected. ParametersSet an Effective Date, which must be after the Start Date (Date Alias) recorded for the required Fee Period, and normally not later than the Current Date (the default). The Effective Date can only fall within the Start and End Dates for the Fee Period. (See the documentation on Fee Periods for more information on dates, and the notes on the situation for commencing students.) For Predictive Assessment only, the Effective Date can be after the Current Date. It is recommended that it not be set later than the Course Start Date Alias instance recorded for the related Admissions Period. This is so that, if applicants subsequently do not confirm Enrolment in a Course Attempt, their Predictive Assessments for that course can be removed. Optionally:
Rules/Notes: The Fee Assessment routine is the initial process in a Fee Period cycle. All other fee processes are consequent upon it. It may be run with FINJ6111 (the job to create students' individual payment schedules) as a dependent job. To do so, however, has certain ramifications - see Dependent Jobs below. The job FINJ3002 provides the facility to reproduce a full trace for a previous run of the current job, where this has been run with parameters specifying an abridged trace. This job can also be run online from the Course Attempt screen of the Enrolments form ENRF3000, and for predictive assessments directly from the Admissions form ADMF3660. |
The final parameters, which can be used in combination, specify processing requirements:
At least one of the following process indicators must be set for the job to run:
Prevent Fee Assessment After Loan Draw Down check
box is used in those cases when operators wish to closely manage those
students who have had variations in their debt after the census date.
This may happen if a unit has to be added after the census date and after
the loan draw down has occurred. In this example the student's debt must
increase to reflect this new unit attempt. The fee assessment transaction
will occur despite the loan transaction (caused by the loan draw down),
EVEN IF the check box is activated. |
The Fee Trace Report The full version of the Fee Trace report (when the parameter Trace On is set to Y, and Display/Warnings Only to N) gives extensive detail of the data used and decisions taken in arriving at a Fee Assessment or re-assessment for a student. Report length:Important: The full report is at minimum approximately a page for each Fee Liability for each student. It can run to seven pages for a single student with two Fee Liabilities. It is therefore recommended that the full trace be run only for an individual or a small group of students when in batch mode. Layout:Though complex, the trace is fully internally documented and follows this pattern:
Rules/Notes: The following fee cap data for VET and VET-TUIT fees is listed in the Trace Report for a student:
The following fields in the trace appear when Fee Capping applies:
Trace messages for transactions which cross Fee Category fee liabilities, such as Institution fees and Fee Capping, may not appear in the trace in the order in which they were processed and as such may seem out of order. The following Cap-related messages may be listed in the report during the assessment process:
Promotional Discounts This function calculates and records any applicable discount when assessing Fee Types that have the Promotional Discount Avail indicator ticked.
This determines the total applicable discount for the context fee. Any action which calls the Fee Assessment process (e.g. fee assessment via enrolments or automatic fee processing on withdrawal of a unit) to either assess a fee or to cancel out fee assessments, uses the above processing to ensure that discounts are correctly calculated as required, or are completely removed or reversed as required. |
Last Modified on 13 April, 2017 3:47 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | & | 2262 - Compliance - VET Student Loans | Added note about fee assessment being prevented where there are units that have a fee type that is 'loan capped' and also the new 'cap-related mssage'. | & | 2229 - Promotional Discount Tuition Fees | Added Promotional Discount calculation information. |
16.1 | 1971 - Calipso 34627 | Added an additional point to the 'Fee Assessment Routine' section and the 'For each ACTIVE Fee Liability in the Category and Fee Period' paragraph. | | 1323 - Online Help Consolidation | Checked in merged file, applied new colour to vet-related Help text. | | 1400 - Calipso 28759 | Updated link to Callista logo in Header | | 1617 - VU - SV-Fee-Help | Updated the Fee Capping section and related information, and added Trace messages. | | 1609 - VU - Advanced Standing Options | Added Advanced Standing information |
12.0 | 1540 - VU Development - Fees | Added Fee Capping information for VET Fee Types. | | 1344 - Advanced Standing Option 2 | Added Advanced Standing information to first Rules/Notes section | | 1346 - Extended Fee Functionality | Added 'Introduction' paragraph and Validation | | 0976 - DIISRTE Load EFTSU EFTSL | EFTSU changed to EFTSL |