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Schools Engagement

Schools Engagement events

Get involved with our next event
School students attending CDU science experience

We hold events for students at various year levels throughout the year. 

Read more about our events below.

One-on-One sessions

Book in for a one-on-one chat with a member of our Student Recruitment team and we can discuss the course options and pathways available. Sessions are available via Zoom videoconference or telephone.

Register to attend here

CDU Live Webinar Series

Join us for our CDU Live Webinar Series where we will answer your burning questions on upskilling, changing careers, studying online, how to apply and the pathways between our Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and Higher Education (HE) courses. We will be featuring our very own students who will share their experiences and our lecturers will be able to answer your questions too.

For more information please visit the website: CDU Webinar Series

CDU Science Experience

 A three-day science, engineering and technology event where students will explore the fantastic careers, study and employment opportunities offered to them right here in the NT. 

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is one of 34 universities in Australia who host the annual Science Experience. The event program is open to any year 9 student who may be interested in learning more about science, engineering, and information technology, regardless of their academia. CDU is committed to supporting and encouraging participation from students of Indigenous or low socioeconomic status (SES) background, regardless of their current year level. Each year, we secure additional sponsorship to support the travel costs of transport, meals, and accommodation for remote students.

CDU acknowledges that our success relies on sponsorship from our national sponsor, the Science Schools Foundation, NT Government, local and intrastate business, and community organizations. This support ensures all NT students have the opportunity to participate in this event, not just those who have the financial means.

The 2024 event will be held from 4-6 June on our Casuarina Campus. 

Image of CDU science experience student sin lecture theater 2023


T: 08 8946 7749 

Past events

CDU Open Day

CDU Open Day - Saturday 17 August 2024
9 am – 1 pm, Casuarina campus

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is having its first Open Day on August 28 at the Casuarina campus since the COVID pandemic, and there is plenty of activities for visitors.

Join us and explore over 300 courses, find your pathway to university and discover flexible study options. Participate in interactive workshops and displays and talk to our lecturers and students.

For more information please visit the website.

CDU Open Day

Mark Munnich

From high school dropout to law valedictorian

Mark dropped out of high school in year 10. Fast forward a few years: he holds a law degree, is involved in countless legal education and community initiatives, was named NT  Young Achiever of the Year in 2017 and nominated as Indigenous valedictorian of his graduating class at CDU. 

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