At CDU, we recognise the important role career advisers, TAFE coordinators, teachers and schools play in guiding and assisting students in planning the next step in their education pathway. We offer a range of engagement activities to assist you and your students in making informed decisions about their careers and the pathways to get there.
Browse the range of events CDU has on offer for your students! Alternatively, contact us at to discuss your event and how we can support you and your students.
In-school presentations and visits
Our enthusiastic Schools’ Engagement team conducts in-school presentations for students, staff or parents regarding the opportunities available at CDU. Our team presents at career sessions, parent information nights, Pop-up sessions (held during recess or lunch), Personal Learning Plan (PLP) classes and for a number of organisations interested in educational opportunities.
Each presentation is tailored to the target audience, and schools can request the type of presentation they would like.
CDU in Schools
The CDU in Schools program was introduced to be delivered to subject-specific classes, where students can hear directly from CDU's expert academic staff and current students in relevant fields. For example, Engineering academic staff present a class or topic to students studying Physics or Maths. Sessions are aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and each session runs for 30-45mins (approx.) and can be tailored to suit class times.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this program, please contact us at for a program overview and timetable.
Career Advisers' Session
The annual Career Advisers' Session is an opportunity for career advisers, guidance counsellors, teachers and other staff that provide career advice to students to attend Charles Darwin University Casuarina campus. You will meet current lecturers and students and gain valuable information about the courses available for school leavers.
The session includes a guided tour of the Casuarina campus and information about higher education and TAFE courses presented by the lecturers in a university class room environment.
Cassie Knight
Student Recruitment and Events officer
T: 08 8946 6227
M: 0417 240 611
MyCareerMatch matches a student’s strengths and personality with suitable careers and educational pathways. CDU provides this service to all high schools in the Northern Territory.
Students complete an online survey, and both the student and their career practitioner will receive a career report that includes:
- how to choose a career that’s right for them
- a personality analysis and summary of their natural strengths
- a list of over 50 jobs that match who they are and what they’d be good at
- insights into their work-related strengths and ideal work environment
- the qualities they would bring to the job and how they make a difference
- a student workbook
How it works
Each school is set up with their personalised landing page that includes contact details of the Career Adviser and the school's logo. The Career Adviser from each school will be provided with login details.
During a career session with their Career Adviser, students can log in to their CDU School Page and complete their profile. Once they have answered all the questions, a Career Profile will be sent directly to the student and copied to the Career Adviser.
The Career Adviser can then analyse the report with the student and discuss potential career paths and opportunities available to the student.
Each school will also have access to additional accompanying resources including resumes, interviews and parent guides for each personality type as well as a workbook should teachers want to use this service as part of a lesson.
For more information about MyCareerMatch and how your school can get involved, please contact:
Career Communicator
Career Communicator is our newsletter for all career practitioners, TAFE coordinators, principals and teachers. It will keep you up-to-date with our services and what's available at CDU, including upcoming events. A new edition is published every term.
Subscribe to our newsletter below.
CDU Aspire Program
The Aspire Program is a partnership initiative between CDU and NT secondary schools. It aims to help students from a diversity of backgrounds to achieve their best results in secondary school and raise their aspirations to pursue tertiary study.
Recognising that financial hardship is just one barrier that prevents students from educational attainment, the Aspire Program is designed to support students' progression into tertiary study through a range of activities that build students' personal and educational development, grow their leadership potential and nurture in them a sense of social responsibility. This program offers financial support for students in Years 10 to 12 and the first year of uni, should they choose to study at CDU.
The program also offers one-off travel grants to students from regional and remote areas in Years 11 and 12 that will enable them to visit CDU's Casuarina campus to explore course options and to attend academic events such as Open Day.
For more information about this program visit CDU Aspire Program.
Research Project B
The SACE subject, Research Project B provides a vehicle for building academic literacies. The subject is a rich and challenging one that requires students to engage with community issues, think creatively and research, write and reflect on their learning.
Charles Darwin University provides compulsory academic literacy units. All undergraduate students must complete at least one of these units. They are:
CUC100 Academic Literacies through Exploring Sustainability
CUC106 Design and Innovation: Communicating Technology
Students who have completed Research Project B and presented to a panel of CDU moderators are eligible to apply for advanced standing for either of these core units. Those students found to have satisfied the required academic skills learning outcomes will receive the full 10 credit points and will thereby be exempt from studying the unit during their CDU enrolment.
For more information:
Common Units
School of Academic Language and Learning
T: +61 8 89466142
M: 0402 790 425