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CDU Blog


Empowering stories, study tips and more
Studying online

5 questions you must ask a uni before starting an online degree

For many Australians, COVID-19 has uncovered the possibilities of living life online - from shopping and socialising to working and studying. Before you jump into studying an online degree, here are the questions you should be posing to universities you’re considering for your course.

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Student stories

CDU business student Etabez at Waterfront Campus

The business student with big dreams of her own NGO

Etabez is studying a Bachelor of Business at Charles Darwin University. Her two best friends are studying completely different degrees in medicine and law. What binds them together is a pact made in childhood. 

Read more about The business student with big dreams of her own NGO
Psychology grad Jennifer on campus

The power of placements: Meet psych grad Jennifer

As part of her psychology degree at Charles Darwin University, Jennifer had to complete placements where she could put classroom theory in practice. Her experiences and new industry connections helped her build her real-world skills across multiple areas and jump-started her career after graduation. 

Read more about The power of placements: Meet psych grad Jennifer
Social work student Josephine on Casuarina campus

Studying social work was "truly transformative" for Josephine

In the midst of COVID-19 lockdowns in Melbourne, Josephine began contemplating a career change. A passion for social justice and the desire to help others led her to the rewarding and challenging field of social work.

Read more about Studying social work was "truly transformative" for Josephine

Explore 300+ courses

Certificates, diplomas and degrees

Future study

Student studying on laptop

10 top questions about Preparatory Studies

Heard of CDU's new, free Preparatory Studies course but not sure what it entails and who it's designed for? From the way the units work to the length of time it takes to complete the course before the semester starts, here's your informal guide to the FREE course designed to help you thrive at Charles Darwin University. 

Read more about 10 top questions about Preparatory Studies
Law students in moot court

5 true crime careers

From sensationalist newspaper coverage of crime to podcasts, documentaries, novels and films, humans have long been fascinated by the macabre. When it comes to turning your fascination into a career, the options extend far beyond the detectives shown on your favourite series. These five jobs allow you to follow your unique interests at uni while still pursuing a career interwoven with the criminal justice system.

Read more about 5 true crime careers
Students walking together

What else can I do with a law degree?

If you’ve got dreams of becoming a barrister, a judge, or a solicitor at one of the big six law firms, you’re on the right path with a Bachelor of Laws at Charles Darwin University. But what happens if you change your mind after graduation... or even halfway through your career? Here are 5 alternative career paths that put your law degree to good use.

Read more about What else can I do with a law degree?

Student life

Zoe - New Colombo

Study abroad - Student stories

Studying abroad allows students to see the world while gaining experience in their chosen study area. Zoe Bolton jumped at the opportunity to travel abroad, visit the Philippines and connect with her like-minded peers from all corners of Australia.

Read more about Study abroad - Student stories
Aunty Bilawara-lee

Breaking education barriers for First Nations women

With seven out of ten of our students being women, we are proud to connect them to the power of education. Our 100% online, flexible study options empower women to study when and where it suits them, while remaining connected to their lives and communities.

Read more about Breaking education barriers for First Nations women
CDU Staff and Student

Support at every stage of your Australian study journey

CDU offers international students a range of student support services to help you confidently complete your studies.

Read more about Support at every stage of your Australian study journey

After university

CDU engineering grad Mazloum Ahmad smiling at the camera

Engineering graduates help to power the Territory

While Power and Water Corporation provides students with opportunities to gain practical industry experience, CDU ensures Power and Water has a steady pipeline of fresh talent by providing engineering graduates.

Read more about Engineering graduates help to power the Territory
Psychology student at CDU

Your career: How to be a great therapist

If you're finishing your studies in psychology at CDU, now's the time to be thinking about how you'll apply what you've learned to propel your career forward. Here, Dr Simon Moss from CDU, shares his advice on how to be a great therapist.

Read more about Your career: How to be a great therapist
Debra's happy family

Debra's climbing the corporate ladder

When Debra Hutcheson started her career at entry level with the Northern Territory Government, she knew she wanted to achieve more. Studying at CDU was just the thing she needed to make an impression and rise up the ranks. 

Read more about Debra's climbing the corporate ladder

Research impact

Researcher Kade Skelton

How will Top End geckos cope with climate change?

With the increasing frequency and severity of heatwaves, how will some of our scalier friends cope with looming changes to their habitats? Crocodile researcher Kade Skelton has swapped the prehistoric predators for a littler lizard in order to find out.

Read more about How will Top End geckos cope with climate change?
Dr Saki in the laboratory

Healing wounds with native Top End plants

Dr Elnaz Saki has always been interested in natural remedies even when they lack scientific confirmation. Eager to bridge the gap between traditional wisdom and modern science, she's harnessing the power of plants found in Top End parks and gardens.

Read more about Healing wounds with native Top End plants
HDR student Caleb Ojo in the lab

Life in plastic, it's (not so) fantastic

We are currently facing a plastic pollution crisis that impacts the health of humans, wildlife, marine and terrestrial environments, and even Earth’s climate system. Caleb Ojo, a Higher Degree by Research student at CDU, is trying to solve one of the plastic waste problems plaguing our beautiful planet.

Read more about Life in plastic, it's (not so) fantastic
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