At university, you will be asked by your lecturers to complete assignments that demonstrate you have learned the material in your units. A wide range of different assignment types are now used at university, and some might be quite different to those you completed in your previous studies.
In this section, you can learn about some of the more common types of assignment you may do at CDU. Each material includes:
a task to help you understand what you need to learn
an introduction to the assignment for students who just need a quick review
details about organisation and language for students who need more information
useful tips and strategies to help you improve your drafts.
You may not need all the information included in these materials, so use the first task to decide what you should focus on. Use the contents list on the left to find the most useful information for you.
These pages focus on specific assignment types. If you want help with:
general writing skills, visit Reading and Writing
vocabulary or grammar, visit Language.
Follow the links below to learn more about each of the assignments.

What you find in this section
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