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Teaching space equipment instruction

AV room bookings

Teaching space locations

Blue precinct

Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

Common tools for all rooms

Common tools for Blue 1.1.XX rooms

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Blue 1.1.01Auditorium8946 6291

Lecture Theatre  (PDF, 836.52 KB)

Blue 1.1.14Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Blue 1.1.35Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Blue 1.1.42Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Blue 1.1.51Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Blue 2A.1.01Tutorial Room8946 6291

Tutorial Room (PDF, 1.31 MB)

Blue 2.1.01


TV Trolley Controls

8946 6291

Gallery (PDF, 982.04 KB)

TV Trolley Controls (PDF, 238.84 KB)

Blue 2.1.02Small Meeting Room8946 6291

Small Meeting Room (PDF, 520.03 KB)

Blue 2.1.11Ceremonial Area8946 6291

Ceremonial Area (PDF, 1.14 MB)

Blue 2.1.13AMen’s Space8946 6291

Men’s space (PDF, 296.15 KB)

Blue 2.1.20AStudent Lounge8946 6291

Student Lounge (PDF, 244.17 KB)

Blue 2.1.23Small Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial (PDF, 237.03 KB)

Blue 2.1.24Small Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial (PDF, 243.41 KB)

Blue 2.1.25Small Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial (PDF, 243.26 KB)

Blue 2.1.26Small Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial (PDF, 243.57 KB)

Blue 2.1.50/50a

Conference Room

TV Trolley Controls

8946 6291

Conference Room (PDF, 834.12 KB)

TV Trolley Controls (PDF, 238.6 KB)

Blue 2.1.51Conference Room8946 6291

Conference Room (PDF, 1.76 MB)

Blue 2.2.02

Meeting Room

Video Conference

8946 6291

Meeting Room (PDF, 971.24 KB)

Blue 2.2.05

Meeting Room

8946 6291

Meeting Room (PDF, 685.14 KB)

Blue 2.2.20

Meeting Room

8946 6291

Meeting Room (PDF, 598.12 KB)

Blue 2.2.24/24aConference Room8946 6291

Conference Room (PDF, 1.11 MB)

Blue 2.2.25Conference Room
Video Conference
TV Trolley Controls
8946 6291

Conference Room (PDF, 1.75 MB)

TV Trolley Controls (PDF, 238.89 KB)

Blue 3.1.12Small Tutorial Room8946 6291

Small Tutorial (PDF, 146.95 KB)

Blue 5.1.01Auditorium8946 6291

Lecture Theatre (PDF, 836.52 KB)

Orange precinct

Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Orange 1.3.04Training Room8946 6291Projector Instructions (PDF, 128.65 KB)
Orange 1.3.08Information Centre Building - Computer Lab8946 6291Instructions (PDF, 431.78 KB)
Orange 1.3.12Information Centre Building - Computer Lab8946 6291Instructions (PDF, 431.78 KB)
Orange 1.3.15General Purpose PC Lab8946 6291Projector Instructions  (PDF, 245.44 KB)
Orange 12.1.03Council Room8946 6291Instructions (PDF, 749.62 KB)
Orange 12.1.04Community Room8946 6291Instructions (PDF, 334.02 KB)
Red precinct

Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500.

Common tools for all rooms

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Red 6.1.01Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Red 6.1.02Seminar8946 6291

Seminar Room (PDF, 698 KB)

Portable Video Conference Unit (PDF, 940.5 KB)

Red 6.1.03Seminar8946 6291

Seminar Room (PDF, 698 KB)

Red 6.1.04Seminar8946 6291

Seminar Room (PDF, 698 KB)

Portable Video Conference Unit  (PDF, 940.5 KB)

Red 6.1.05Seminar8946 6291

Seminar Room (PDF, 698 KB)

Red 6.1.07Small Tutorial8946 6291

Single Collaborative Room  (PDF, 566.35 KB)

Red 6.1.08Small Tutorial8946 6291

Single Collaborative Room  (PDF, 566.35 KB)

Red 6.1.09Large Tutorial8946 6291

Large Tutorial Room (PDF, 315.09 KB)

Red 6.1.10Large Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)

Red 6.1.11Small Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)

Red 6.1.15/16Large Tutorial8946 6291

Dual Collaborative Room (PDF, 574.68 KB)

Red 6.1.17Large Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)

Red 6.1.18Large Tutorial8946 6291

Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)

Red 6.1.19Collaborate8946 6291

Collaborative Room (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Red 7 Mal Nairn AuditoriumAuditorium8946 6291

Instructions (PDF, 3.14 MB)

Mal Nairn Foyer Controls (PDF, 556.91 KB)

Mal Nairn Tablet (PDF, 179.61 KB)

Yellow precinct

Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

Common tools for all rooms

Common tools

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Yellow 1.1.34Small Tutorial Room8946 6291

Small tutorial  (PDF, 70.03 KB)

Yellow 1.1.39Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborative room (PDF, 70.03 KB)

Yellow 1.1.40Small Tutorial Room8946 6291

Small tutorial room (PDF, 74.76 KB)

Yellow 1.3.48 - Moot CourtCollaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate room (PDF, 1.26 MB)

Pink precinct

Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Pink 7.1.05Meeting Room8946 6291

Projector Instructions (PDF, 128.65 KB)


Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

Common tools for all rooms

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Waterfront 3.04Tutorial Room8946 6291Tutorial Room (PDF, 349.8 KB)
Waterfront 3.05Tutorial Room8946 6291

Tutorial Room (PDF, 349.8 KB)

Waterfront 3.06Computer Lab8946 6291

Computer Lab (PDF, 430.27 KB)

Waterfront 3.08Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.09Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.11Tutorial & Small Meeting Room8946 6291

Tutorial & Small Meeting Room 3.11 (PDF, 142.13 KB)

Waterfront 3.13Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.15Tutorial & Small Meeting Room8946 6291

Tutorial & Small Meeting Room 3.15 (PDF, 142.13 KB)

Waterfront 3.19Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.20Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.21Collaborate Room8946 6291

Collaborate Room (PDF, 463.62 KB)

Waterfront 3.22Tutorial Room8946 6291

Tutorial Room (PDF, 349.8 KB)

Waterfront 4.03Simulated Business Centre8946 6291

Simulated Business Centre 4.03  (PDF, 292.27 KB)

Waterfront 4.04Simulated Business Centre8946 6291

Simulated Business Centre 4.04 (PDF, 324.2 KB)

Waterfront 5.03Lecture Theatre8946 6291

Lecture Theatre (PDF, 818.24 KB)

Waterfront 5.27Boardroom8946 6291

Boardroom (PDF, 678.42 KB)


Room bookings

For all room bookings contact or phone 8946 6500

Common tools for all rooms

RoomDescriptionTechnical SupportInstructions
Palmerston A.2.33Lecture8946 6291Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)
Palmerston A.2.34Lecture8946 6291Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)
Palmerston A.2.35Lecture8946 6291Small Tutorial Room (PDF, 313.61 KB)

All campuses contacts

We are your first point of contact for assistance with computers, the internet, telephones, printers and associated information technology equipment and services.

Service Desk
T:  08 7943 6600
Internal: Ext 6600
+618 7943 6600

Opening hours
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday: 7.30 am - 5.30 pm 


In-person (kiosk)
CDU Library, Red Building 8, Casuarina campus
Casuarina campus map (PDF, 1.02 MB)

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