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Faculty of Arts and Society


"Leading interdisciplinary teaching and research across STEAM education specialisations, with and within the digital environment".


STEAM Lab has a diverse range of expertise in Science, Technology, Arts, Mathematics and integrated STEM which focuses on developing foundation knowledge and skills and promotes creative, critical and analytical thinking. Collaborative activities include the involvement of stakeholders, industry partners, school networks and community groups to create a meaningful outcome and impact in STEM and arts-related areas.

Priority Research Areas

STEM Education In aligning with and National STEM School Education Strategy 2016–2026, this group is focused on developing STEM literacy, Improving the skills and talent of young Australians and enhancing STEM teaching and learning through innovative approaches and state-of-the-art technology.

  • Integrated STEM education
  • Australian curriculum and STEM education
  • Developing STEM relevant communities of practice

21st Century Pedagogies Global interconnectedness has brought many challenges for educators. This special group emphasizes 21st century teaching methods, addressing changing needs of learners, teachers and society by creating a safe, engaging, empathetic, resilient and reflective learning environment.

  • Digital learning environment
  • Skill-based learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Inquiry-based learning

Education for Sustainable Development incorporates the necessary knowledge, skills and values to create a sustainable world that promotes social equity, economic stability, environmental protection and conservation. This research group builds on using Interdisciplinary and holistic approaches and promotes a variety of educational methods to address socio-economic issues.

  • Education in developing countries
  • Gender equity and equality
  • Environmental Education
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