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You can engage with RIEL in many ways – come along to one of our seminars, sign up for our newsletter or social media posts, enrol in postgraduate study or commission some research, we would like to hear from you.

Lecture room with audience and seminar in progress

RIEL seminar series

Every fortnight during the semester we feature a RIEL researcher or visitor. Seminars are followed by networking opportunities.

RIEL seminar series

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Research opportunities

Study with us, partner with us or commission us to research something for you.

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Latest news from around the globe in the RIEL newsroom.

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Keep up to date with the RIEL newsletter

See the latest news from around the globe.

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Volunteer with RIEL

If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact a researcher or our admin office, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at

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Contact a researcher

Looking to collaborate, commission or commence research in a field of interest?

Research groups 


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Contact us

RIEL Operations
T: +61 8 8946 6378

RIEL Communications
T: +61 8 8946 7131

Office: Level 2, Building Yellow 2
Casuarina campus
Charles Darwin University
Brinkin, Northern Territory
Australia 0909

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