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HDR Workshop

NVIVO advanced

For HDR students and supervisors
Presenter Professor Linda Sweet
Contact person
Research Degrees
Location Online
Open to CDU staff and students
NVivo training

NVivo is designed to help you manage and analyse qualitative data. It allows you to keep your data files organised and to easily code text, sound and video files. NVivo can also help you create models to illustrate your findings.

In the NVivo basics workshop you were introduced to the NVivo launch pad, project structure and layout, the ribbons and keyboard functions for common NVivo functions, as well as copying and backing up your project and files. From there, we created and imported compatible text files, annotated them and created memo links.

In the NVivo advanced workshop, students will learn:

  • how to import and work with survey data in NVivo 
  • creating classifications and attributes 
  • working with collections and search folders
  • how to use the find and advanced find toolbar
  • how to conduct advanced queries in NVivo.

    This workshop is a part of the Research Enhancement Program!


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