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Northern Institute

Indigenous Diplomacy Intensive

First Nations Sovereignty and Diplomacy Centre: Language and Culture Study.
Presenter Northern Institute
Contact person
Yasunori Hayashi
T: 08 8948 7468 E:
Location Blue 2, Level 1, Room 51
Open to Public

The overlap between nations is a neutral space. You must create such space before treaty and negotiation. Tribal diplomacy in my Country requires this neutral space.


Dhuwal workshop bukmakku limurruŋ Yolŋuw ga Balandaw. Ga limurr dhu marŋgithirr rrambaŋi dhiyakiyi yäkuw workshop-ku yurru Diplomacy-w. Yolŋu walal ga marrtji beŋur Torres Strait-ŋur, Canberra-ŋur, South Goulburn Island-ŋur, Larrakia-ŋur ga beŋur East Arnhem Land-ŋur. Napurr dhu nhumalaŋgal melkum Yolŋuw dhukarr ga limurr dhu maḻŋ’maram rrambaŋin dhukarrnydja ga melgurrupan märrma’lil world-lil ga rrambaŋi djäma guŋga’yunamirr bawala’mirriŋur. 

This workshop is for everyone, First Nations people and non-Indigenous people. All of us learn together about Diplomacy. First Nations people from the Torres Strait Islands, Canberra, South Goulburn Island, Larrakia, and East Arnhem Land will come to deliver the workshop. We will show you First Nations ways so that we, Yolŋu and Balanda, find ways in which two different worlds - First Nations people and non-Indigenous people - work and help each other in many places.

Elder teaching ceremony

The Program

This 4-day intensive workshop provides participants with opportunities to listen and learn from Indigenous Elders and authorities – Gulumerrdjin (Darwin), Kaurareg (Thursday Island), Ngambri (Canberra), Wiradyuri (Central New South Wales), Mawng (South Goulburn Island, NT), Torres Strait Islands and Yolngu (East Arnhem Land)

This participatory and immersive workshop mode introduces you to the traditions and ongoing life of Indigenous sovereignties in Australia and their distinct ways of making diplomacy in traditional and contemporary platforms.

Participants will be asked to present short reflection notes every three months over a year, so they will be mentored and supported on an ongoing basis by Elders to build knowledge and experience in Indigenous diplomacy.

Price: $2900 per Workshop Participant

This tailored workshop is recommended for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in Indigenous diplomacy. It will be particularly crucial for people working in community development, policy making, organisational management, education and research, and human resources, but not limited to.


For more information and to register, please visit

Registration and payment 

Contact Yasunori Hayashi at for more information. 

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