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RIEL seminar series

'Calling the wind': Blue whales, climate and whale tourism in Timor-Leste

Presenter Professor Karen Edyvane (National University of Timor-Leste)
Contact person E:
Location Savanna Room, Yellow 1 level 2 room 48 at CDU Casuarina Campus
And online via Zoom (see below for Zoom link)
All times are ACST
Open to Public
Rear part of a whale, including its flukes, coming out of the water, with forest-covered hills in the background

Previous studies have identified the major economic potential for whale watching in the developing nation of Timor-Leste. We outline our efforts in developing a whale and dolphin ecotourism industry - working collaboratively with project partners (government, fishing communities, whale tour operators, eco-volunteers) - including annual cetacean monitoring, ‘citizen science’ and public education (ie. school resources, sightings App). We report on our findings (2016-2023) on cetacean diversity from a combination of dedicated aerial surveys and ongoing, boat-based and land-based (and drone-based) monitoring and incidental sightings and also traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) studies. We confirm the region as a global cetacean biodiversity hotspot, with at least 21 species recorded residing in or passing through Timor-Leste's waters. Including baleen whales, toothed whales, killer whales, and large and small dolphin species, including the rare, subspecies, dwarf spinner dolphin; and large, multi-species ‘superpods’ of oceanic dolphins. We confirm annual migrations of migratory large whales and oceanic dolphins (eg. pygmy blue whales, sperm whales, short-finned pilot whales, Risso dolphins). In particular, we confirm a major, annual migration of pygmy blue whales (South-East Indian Ocean population) through the Ombai-Wetar Passage – with migration strongly linked to the prevailing seasonal monsoonal climate, tides and wind- driven, seasonal upwellings and climate drivers (ENSO, IOD, MJO). 

We propose that Timor-Leste arguably provides some of the best and most accessible, whale-watching in the world, particularly for large migratory whales. However, with growing major threats (ie. shipping, illegal fishing, marine pollution) and unregulated, rapidly-growing cetacean tourism, Timor-Leste urgently needs laws/regulations, ongoing research/monitoring and support/training to develop a sustainable whale watching industry – and protect and manage its globally-significant cetacean diversity.  We also highlight the critical need for urgent transboundary conservation, international cooperation and population-level scientific collaboration for migratory species - particularly for pygmy blue whales and sperm whales.

Karen Edyvane (PhD, UAdel) is a marine scientist with extensive experience (>30 years) in coastal science, planning and management. Since her move to Darwin in 2006, her research interests have primarily focused on northern Australia and the Arafura and Timor Seas region - with a focus on coastal and marine ecosystems, sustainability, ecosystem management and environmental governance. For the past 10 years she has been working in Timor-Leste, as a researcher and international development consultant on a range of marine biodiversity, sustainability and livelihood development projects. She is currently a Visiting Professor at the National University of Timor-Leste, an Honorary Research Fellow with Charles Darwin University and an Associate Professor with the Australian National University.

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