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Research and Innovation

Completion Masterclass

For HDR Students
Presenter Maria Gardiner
Contact person
Office of Research & Innovation
Location Online
Open to HDR candidates

Are you losing momentum and enthusiasm as you approach the final stages of your thesis? Perhaps you are in the “writing up” phase or maybe you haven’t started writing at all and are daunted by the size of the task ahead. Or maybe you just need some motivation and support to keep going.

This workshop is designed to assist research students who are close to completion to focus their efforts, deal with specific obstacles, increase writing productivity and maintain momentum. It will also assist students to prioritise and plan their final months.

The workshop has limited places to allow for individualised coaching. This workshop will cover:
• identifying the next steps
• strategies for overcoming blockages
• getting words on paper
• ensuring you get feedback
• developing a completion plan


About the speaker:

Hugh Kearns is recognised internationally as a public speaker, educator and researcher. He regularly lectures at universities across the world and has recently returned from lecture tours of the UK and the US which included lectures at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Berkeley and Stanford. 

His areas of expertise include self-management, positive psychology, work-life balance, learning and creativity. He draws on over twenty-five years of experience as a leading training and development professional within the corporate, financial, education and health sectors in Ireland, Scotland, North America, New Zealand and Australia. He has coached individuals, teams and executives in a wide range of organisations in the public and private sectors. 

Hugh lectures and researches at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. He is widely recognised for his ability to take the latest research in psychology and education and apply it to high-performing people and groups. As a co-author with Maria Gardiner, he has published ten books which are in high demand both in Australia and internationally. 

This is a part of the Research Enhancement Program.

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