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Inherent requirements

Information technology

Inherent requirements for information technology


These inherent requirements apply to the following suite of Information Technology courses of Charles Darwin University:

  • Diploma of Network Engineering, Diploma of Information Technology
  • Associate Degree of Information and Communication Technology
  • Associate Degree of Network Engineering
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours
  • Bachelor of Computer Science/Master of Information Technology
  • Graduate Certificate of Data Science
  • Graduate Certificate of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
  • Master of Data Science
  • Master of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
  • Master of Information Technology (Information Systems and Data Science)
  • Master of Information Technology (Software Engineering).

Prospective and current students who are concerned about their capacities in relation to  inherent requirements are strongly encouraged to contact the CDU Access and Inclusion team to discuss possible adjustments or alternative courses.


How to read the inherent requirements

These inherent requirements should be read in conjunction with other course information and related material such as Australian Computer Society Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals described in the ACS Accreditation of Higher Education.
There are eight domains of inherent requirements for the Information Technology suite of courses.

Each domain has five levels: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Description
  3. Justification
  4. Adjustments
  5. Exemplars 

Inherent requirement domains and statements

Ethical behaviour

Acting in ways consistent with the recognised values of society and avoiding activities that do harm.
In the context of inherent requirements, students undertaking a course of study may be governed by practice standards and codes of ethics.

  1. Introduction
    Information Technology courses and professions are governed by Essential Core ICT Knowledge and General ICT Knowledge as identified by the Australian Computer Society where information technology students are both accountable and responsible for ensuring professional behaviour in all contexts.  This includes the primacy of the public interest, the enhancement of quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development, and professionalism. In a situation of conflict between the values, The Primacy of the Public Interest takes precedence over the other values.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates knowledge of, and engages in, ethical behaviour in practice.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Compliance with the codes, guidelines and policies facilitates safe, competent interactions and relationships for students and/or the people with whom they engage. This ensures that the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the individual is not placed at risk.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must not compromise codes and standards or result in unethical behaviour.
  5. Exemplars
    • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies.
    • Demonstrating appropriate behaviour in lectures, tutorials, laboratories and in group settings.
Behavioural stability

The maintenance of conduct that is acceptable and appropriate, according to the recognised norms of society over a given period.

  1. Introduction
    Behavioural stability is required to function and adapt effectively and sensitively in academic and Information Technology practice settings.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates behavioural stability to work constructively in diverse and changing academic and Information Technology practice settings.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Behavioural stability is required to work individually and in teams in changing and unpredictable environments. Information Technology students will be exposed to demanding situations and community responsibilities and will be required to have behavioural stability to manage these events objectively and professionally.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must support stable, effective, and professional behaviour in both academic and Information Technology practice settings.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Being receptive and responding appropriately to constructive feedback
    • Coping with own emotions and behaviour effectively when dealing with individuals or teams in Information Technology practice settings.

Related to the law. In the context of inherent requirements, this refers to the legal requirements of professional bodies relevant to specific courses of study.

  1. Introduction
    Information Technology practice is mandated by specific legislation to enable the safe delivery of projects and services.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates knowledge and compliance with the Australian Law, professional regulations, and scope of practice.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Knowledge, understanding, and compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements are necessary prerequisites to information technology practice to reduce the risk of harm, to self, the environment, and others. Compliance with these professional regulations and the Australian Law ensures that students are both responsible and accountable for their practice.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must be consistent with legislative and regulatory requirements.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Responding to the requirements for registration with Australian Computer Society
    • Complying with relevant codes of practice for design, construction, and maintenance of Information Technology systems.

Written communication: Communication by written symbols including electronic means, print or handwriting.

  1. Introduction
    Effective written communication, in English, is an information technology responsibility with professional and legal ramifications.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates:
    • Capacity to construct coherent written communication appropriate to the circumstances
    • The capacity to use a range of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to complete academic assessment requirements.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Construction of written text-based assessment tasks to reflect the required academic standards are necessary to convey knowledge and understanding of relevant subject matter for professional practice. Accurate written communication, including record keeping, is vital to provide consistent and professional projects and service delivery.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must meet necessary standards of clarity, accuracy, accessibility, transferability, and portability to ensure effective recording and transmission of information in both academic and information technology practice settings.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Constructing an assignment to academic standards
    • Constructing an information technology report in a timely manner that meets professional standards.

The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through one's thoughts, experience, and senses.

Knowledge and cognitive skills: Acquired skills that reflect an individual's ability to think. Cognitive skills include verbal and spatial abilities, concentration, memory, perception, reasoning, planning and organisation, flexible thinking, and problem solving.

  1. Introduction
    Consistent and effective knowledge and cognitive skills must be demonstrated to provide safe and accurate information technology services.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates:
    • The capacity to locate appropriate and relevant information
    • The ability to process information relevant to practice
    • The ability to integrate and implement knowledge in practice.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Completion of academic assessment tasks and the safe and effective delivery of projects and services is based on comprehensive knowledge that must be sourced, understood, and applied appropriately.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must ensure that a clear demonstration of knowledge and cognitive skills is not compromised or impeded.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Ability to conceptualise and use appropriate knowledge in response to academic assessment items
    • Appropriately applying knowledge of policy and procedures in information technology settings.

Literacy (language): This relates to the ability to acquire, understand, and apply information in a scholarly manner.

  1. Introduction
    Competent literacy skills, in English, are essential to provide safe and effective delivery of information technology projects and services.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates:
    • The ability to accurately acquire information and accurately convey appropriate, effective messages
    • The ability to read and comprehend a range of literature and information
    • The capacity to understand and implement academic conventions to construct written text in a scholarly manner.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    The ability to acquire information and to accurately convey messages is fundamental to ensure safe and effective delivery of information technology projects and services. The ability to read, decode, interpret, and comprehend multiple sources of information is fundamental for safe and effective delivery of information technology projects and services.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments to address literacy issues must demonstrate a capacity to effectively acquire, comprehend, apply, and communicate accurate information.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Conveying a written or spoken message accurately and effectively in information technology settings
    • Paraphrasing, summarising, and referencing in accordance with appropriate academic conventions in written assignments
    • Producing accurate, concise, and clear documentation which meets technical requirements.

Numeracy: This relates to the ability to understand and work with numbers.

  1. Introduction
    Competent and accurate numeracy skills are essential for safe and effective delivery of information technology projects and services.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student interprets and correctly applies data, measurements, and numerical criteria.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Competent application of numeracy skills is essential in information technology to facilitate the safe and effective delivery of projects and services.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must demonstrate a capacity to interpret and apply concepts and processes appropriately in a timely, accurate and effective manner.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Performing accurate calculations that represent an information technology system
    • Demonstrate accurate interpretation of information technology systems and data.
Relational skills

Personal skills required to interact appropriately with others with the aim of building and maintaining healthy, productive relationships. Skills include empathy, trustworthiness, patience, active listening, approachability, and reliability.

  1. Introduction
    Information technology requires the ability to make and maintain strong relationships with a wide range of individuals, groups, and communities.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates:
    • The ability to establish and maintain rapport with peers, academic staff, and work integrated learning supervisors
    • Ability to engage and relate appropriately to others in individual and group tasks
    • The ability to work effectively, sensitively, and confidentially with a diverse range of people and in a diverse range of contexts.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Highly developed relational skills contribute to effective relationships in academic and learning environments.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must not compromise the student's ability to demonstrate an acceptable level of effective relational skills.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Participating in a respectful manner in academic discussions and group assignments
    • Collaborating, modifying, and reflecting on one’s own interactions and behaviour in academic settings.
Strength and mobility

Fine motor skills: The ability to undertake precise coordinated movements of the hands for activities such as writing and manipulating small objects.

  1. Introduction
    Information technology activities may require manual dexterity and the ability to utilise fine motor skills when providing information technology services.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates the ability to use fine motor skills to complete various information technology tasks.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Sufficient fine motor skills are necessary to complete certain information technology tasks. Tasks that include fine motor skills include being able to grasp, press, push, turn, squeeze, and manipulate computer equipment.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments should facilitate functional effectiveness and a capacity to provide safe information technology services.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Manipulating computer hardware and accessories.
Sustainable performance

The ability to undertake a task/s over a pre-determined length of time. This could include physical performance such as standing for a length of time, or cognitive (mental) performance such as concentrating for a particular length of time.

  1. Introduction
    Information technology practice requires both physical and mental performance at a consistent and sustained level to meet project needs over time.
  2. Description of inherent requirement
    Student demonstrates:
    • Consistent and sustained level of physical and/or mental energy to complete a specific task in a timely manner and over time
    • The ability to perform repetitive activities with a level of concentration that ensures a capacity to focus on the activity until it is completed appropriately
    • The capacity to maintain consistency and quality of performance throughout the designated information technology assessment tasks.
  3. Justification of inherent requirement
    Sufficient physical and mental endurance is an essential requirement needed to perform multiple tasks in an assigned period to provide safe and appropriate Information Technology services.
  4. Adjustments
    Adjustments must ensure that performance is consistent and sustained over a period of time that does not compromise the academic integrity of the assessment.
  5. Exemplars:
    • Participating in tutorials, lectures, and laboratories throughout the day
    • Providing consistent Information Technology practices over a negotiated time frame.

Glossary - key terms

Access/placement plan

An Access and/or Placement Plan documents the agreed reasonable adjustments that are to be implemented for an individual student.  Access/Placement plans are developed by the Access and Inclusion team.

The plans outline the reasonable adjustments and indicate the responsibilities of both the student and relevant University staff for implementation of the plan. Depending on circumstances relating to the student’s disability, the plans can be altered or amended to reflect changes in the student’s disability or condition.


Is defined by the University in line with the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and refers to a carer or assistant, in relation to a person with a disability, who provides assistance or services to the person because of the disability.


Is defined by the University in line with the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and includes students with:

  • Any physical, sensory, neurological, intellectual, learning disability, psychological or psychiatric condition, and includes physical disfigurement, the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms and total or partial loss of part of the body or a bodily function
  • A temporary, permanent, current, past or future disability, and chronic health conditions which may or may not commonly be considered disabilities.
Fitness to practice

Means a student’s demonstrated ability to meet the expected standards of conduct, compliance, knowledge, performance, and capacity required by the relevant profession and legislation governing the profession.

Reasonable adjustment

Refers to adjustments that can be made to allow a student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as students without a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it successfully balances the interests of all parties affected and does not compromise the academic standards or inherent requirements of a subject or course.

Universal design

Refers to the design of products and environments to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or of specialised design. In education, this means developing course content, teaching materials and delivery methods to be accessible to and usable by students across the broadest diversity ranges.

(Attribution Western Sydney University)

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Inherent Requirements
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